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Water Themed Warframe - Pelaginn, Lotus Syandana...


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I have been working on him for a while, and had made a previous post on him, but since then I have improved on him and added some new detailing as well as developed a new Syandana.




I felt like there should be a sort of male version of trinity and that is where i got the idea for Pelaginn however I felt like he should have some edge to his powers so while he does heal and provide energy to his allies, it is generally at the expense of the enemies life force. When it came to powers it was pretty hard trying to find some different powers that were not too similar to other Warframes. At the same time I kept thinking of tons of powers, so I eventually created two sets of powers for him. His originally envisioned support/damage powers, and then his caster powers, they have mentioned in the Past of maybe giving Warframes alternate power, so he is prepared lol.


His name comes from the word Pelagic for Open Ocean.



 I sort of developed a story for him in which he is discovered in a Submerged Orokin Ruins of some sort by the corpus, in which they build a series of top secret underwater facilities that encompass these ruins. So Secret that no one knows about them for the while, where the corpus work on researching the various Orokin technology and Pelaginn himself for replication and of course Profit. Eventually the Lead Corpus manages to actually develop a Corpus Warframe, who ends up being the Boss.


I figured the corpus are a very smart society and they probably know Orokin and Warframe technology better than anyone aside from the Tenno, with a little careful work and the analyzing of blueprints and available tech they could probably overcome many of the barriers and flat out make a Warframe as their Ultimate Proxy. I plan to do a mock up of this Corpus Warframe, but figured I would show off Pelaginn for now.


Support Powers
Power 1 - (Thirst) Pelaginn Marks an Ally or himself with an insatiable thirst 
that draws from nearby enemies damaging them to restore 
the ally’s or his own health. 
Power 2 - (Submerge) Pelaginn's envelops the group in water recovering their shields 
and temporarily increasing shield values. 
Power 3 -  (Reflections) Pelaginn envelops his fellow Tenno and himself in 
aquatic armour reducing incoming damage and reflecting a 
portion back to the enemy.
Power 4 - (Hydration)  Pelaginn absorbs the moisture from nearby enemies damaging 
them and redirects it to his ally’s restoring their health and energy.
(limited range)
Caster Powers
Power 1 - (High Tide) Pelaginn Releases several waves of water in front of him damaging 
and knocking down enemies.  (Duration Affects number of waves)
Power 2 - (Melt)  Pelaginn sheds his solid form for that of water allowing him to move upon 
any surface undetected however he cannot interact with most object or 
attack in this state. 
(possibly Toggle ability with persistent energy use)
Power 3 -(Current) Pelaginn creates a strong wall of water around his body that prevent 
enemies from getting into melee range of him, enemies that get too 
close are damaged and knocked down.
Power 4 - (Abyss) Pelaginn summons an aquatic trench  at his feet that consumes and damages
enemies around him until the water subsided.






I also did some alternative helmet for him with inspiration from general Cephlapods primarily an octopus, Another is based from the Goblin Shark, and the Last is based off a Helicoprion Shark.







Here is Pelaginn wear my Syandana Design, which i have currently dubbed the Lotus Syandana. It is more or less made to fit on any Warframe and features this Draped cloth look a Lotus like Broach piece to hold the main back and then lots of little Lotus Dangly bits.


Also for fun I did Pelaginn and the Syandana in my Personal Colour Scheme in Warframe.




Edited by Cacharoes
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i would just change 1 skill, no matter which one, to be either a CC or a damaging skill to give a bit of variation to the frame's uses


I am open to any ideas. I have been staring at his powers and thinking over them constantly. At times I think they are perfect and then a few hours later I am like ugh These two are too similar or this is too much like that warframes power, or it does not fit the role that well.


Well out of his Support Powers all but one damage the enemies. My idea was Aggressive support, so he damages enemies not quite as much as the full damage warframe perhaps but he is also aiding his allies.


A crowd control would be useful I thought of several forms of it in many of my power ideas. Some of my power ideas later became other powers or i took an aspect out of them. The Alt power Abyss for example came from wanting to play off the Deep Sea idea so I figured a bottomless pit would like pull the enemies into the ground preventing them from attacking for a while and if they are weaker enemies killing them. 


I thought about a power that you deploy on the spot that creates a spinning torrent of water tat slows enemies and causes them to get stunned or loose accuracy. 


The idea for Reflections changed so many times throughout the designing of him, it was originally some mass cloning ability like decoy, then I thought maybe it makes you and your allies look like the enemy reflecting the enemies image back to them, causing them not to attack your or become confused. In those two previous iteration I felt that the first was too much like decoy or it was worthless, and the second while cool seemed too much like nyx's chaos in terms of it confusing the enemy as a possibility. 


I am currently at a loss for a crowd control ability that is not too close to other warframes being held in place is like bastille, being confused by being attacked by tenno in disguise is like chaos. I suppose that is why in the end I just ended up going with increasing survive-ability. The alt ability Current is probably the closest I came to negating damage. As it reduces incoming range damage, but also prevents melee damage from occurring I was going for an alternative for Snowglobe on that one.


I tell you Steve's job is definitely not easy when it comes to making the right powers and getting them to work just right. How he manages to do it for all the Frames and keep doing it in time for all the updates is beyond me.

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