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So I Accidentally Sold All Of My Mods....


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43 pages consisting entirely of level 30 green/blue mods, numbering at around 1.3m credits.

I wanted to see the total value, so I selected all of them and clicked sell, because that's the only way to see the value of multiple mods without individually adding together.

After I saw the value, i pressed ESCAPE, because that should get me out of the prompt, right? Yup, and that's what happened, only it sold all of my mods in the process.

So now I have 1.3m in credits that I don't need (i already had 4.7m before I sold them ffs) and the haunting memory of that beep meaning I sold them.

I sent a ticket already, but since it's the weekend, I doubt it'll be noticed before next week.

I made this thread so you can all mock me for my stupidity to not click on cancel instead of pressing escape, so who's up first?

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Strange, that should cancel instead of sell.

On the bright side, you'll be able to generate an accurate feedback on new 'mod' system.

That was what I thought, too. Escape gets me out of other push notifs also.

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43 pages consisting entirely of level 30 green/blue mods, numbering at around 1.3m credits.

I wanted to see the total value, so I selected all of them and clicked sell, because that's the only way to see the value of multiple mods without individually adding together.

After I saw the value, i pressed ESCAPE, because that should get me out of the prompt, right? Yup, and that's what happened, only it sold all of my mods in the process.

So now I have 1.3m in credits that I don't need (i already had 4.7m before I sold them ffs) and the haunting memory of that beep meaning I sold them.

I sent a ticket already, but since it's the weekend, I doubt it'll be noticed before next week.

I made this thread so you can all mock me for my stupidity to not click on cancel instead of pressing escape, so who's up first?

That definitely a bug.

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Just tried it. It just returned me back to the menu without selling anything.

O_o just did it again with some mods I farmed from Xini and they got sold. Must be a bug then :|

EDIT: ok tried it again for a 3rd time and it dropped me back to the inventory screen. ಠ_ಠ

Edited by rCaliberGX
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O_o just did it again with some mods I farmed from Xini and they got sold. Must be a bug then :|

EDIT: ok tried it again for a 3rd time and it dropped me back to the inventory screen. ಠ_ಠ

I only did it with one mod, maybe it has something to do with the select all button

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Strange, that should cancel instead of sell.

On the bright side, you'll be able to generate an accurate feedback on new 'mod' system.

Having mods instead of none would be better for accurate feedback of the system. You use the mods to fuse to the artifacts/cards and make them more powerful.

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Having mods instead of none would be better for accurate feedback of the system. You use the mods to fuse to the artifacts/cards and make them more powerful.

Nah, it's probably better if you don't have anything. Testing drop rate among other things.

On the other hand, fusing for powerful mod is also a good way to test how good will the performance be.

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It may be related to where your mouse was when you hit Escape. It's just a guess that I'm not inclined to test, but I have noticed that when skipping cutscenes by mashing Space on the keyboard, it will hit Cancel instead of Skip if your mouse is on the right side of the screen. Maybe it's the same thing -- that is, that it will hit Sell if your mouse is on one side, and Cancel if your mouse is on the other?

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that happen to me in my dream i log on and it was 20 minutes before update 7 and they said something cool about keeping your mod and i was checking value and it glitched and sold them all

then the update happen and all my friend got super mod cards and i had nothing ....

then i screamed and woke up (i scream cause i look away from the pc and a bear attack me)

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Where was your mouse cursor when you pressed "Escape"? Because when I was trying to skip the intro cutscene, it never worked if my mouse cursor was over the [No] button, so it might be applicable here too.

Or maybe a certain German kid stole your Escape button.

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