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Ideas From Clothes To New Zones


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how about they do a special traditional ninjas clothes like retro remix or something...

and how about to see earth been invaded by the infected, and have to do missions by kiiling every infected on earth,


and how about a tenno base or tower fully infected but whit tennos infected, it would be nice to see a bunch of rhynos infected and lockys, ands ash and such..


but ash really needs better helmets lol heck clothes too, same whit loky,


eehh rhyno needs a wepon that goes whit his size... hes too big and the rifles and guns well are tiny, for him...


heck every tanno needs a new look,


the prizes of wepons eeehh are overated... have to buy 104 coins for 1 wepon... that might be crappy or broken lol


how about a mission where you get kidnaped and you have to be rescued, and you only get a handgun to escape lol whit the helps of others..


but please do a clothes system... changing colors its so so..

how about to be like monster hunter... can make new looks and armors whit the stuff that enemies drop.. that way wont get tired of same looks lol like the death tenno... he needed to be like the death whit the robe and everything,

just ideas =)

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I'm not sure Tenno can be Infested, and I'm also not sure Warframes can actually be removed.


Robes and stuff equipped in the Sydana slot could work, though.


Not sure how you would pull off a "breakout" mission; asymmetrical multiplayer is kinda tricky to pull off.

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Ow. Please work on your English spelling and grammar, it's nearly impossible to read.

I think you want Ninja clothes and infested Tenno. I wouldn't mind clothes over the Warframe, but not until they get their cloth physics fixed up a bit.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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