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Vehicles In 2014?


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Hi all and a happy New Year!

I have been pondering the possibility for DE to introduce vehicles.

The question is if the Engine han handle it, but we allready see some vehicles present, the landing ship for Corpus,

The supplylines in Grineer mines.

So I was thinking mobile vehicle defence.

You know the Tenno must defend the convoy against attackers, every once in a while the convoy stops,

possibly allowing for a submission.

Like the Pod, the convoy has health and a set minimum must make it to the transport or base.

All factions are viable.

Infested planet evac.

Corpus invasion of allied colony.

Grineer assault of freedom fighters.

Tenno secret base evac.

The other scenario is Convoy Assault.

This is a raid or assassination of a moving vehicle.

The goal can vary, but it would for the first time bring Snipers to the spotlight.

Mission segments.

Sniping of Vip. Ambush. Raid. Escape to evac.

Could be that when the vip is dead or the data is captured,

A extraction timer starts. The race to the ship is filled with mines, troops from dropships,

fire from hunting craft above.


A boss in vehicle, ship or mech.

Destroy it in sections in a dynamic map with natural hazards and levels.

Thoughts on this?

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I like the idea, but I'm not sure the engine can handle making an area big enough for a real convoy. I mean, you could have it go in a loop (which kind of defeats the point), or you could have it on a relatively short path, but then it's just a really short linear mission. I may be completely underestimating what the engine is capable of, but I just don't see that working. having a boss in a mech/ship, though? Hell yes. Multi-tiered boss fights are best boss fights.

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I would be wondering when this game engine can't handle this before many years ago played with some games which has lower "older" engines and that handle this well. Other idea for this  moving convoy this could be like in SoF - Soldier of Fortune "train mission", Older players maybe can remember that scene. To our enemies the vehicles would be fun but i am not sure would be good for us but then equal. "Mounts attack"

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I like it as long as it's purely environmental, like you stand on a ship controlled by the level and you shoot from it or repel boarders. I don't want to see Warframe branch out into a flight sim or space shooter any time soon.

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This. This needs to be a thing. Why isn't it a thing already?

And to get something like this to work wouldn't be terribly hard within the bounds of the current system. Coding into each tile a path for the convoy to follow should be possible, allowing for the usual random map generation to occur.

Though of course some new tiles would be needed so that we Tenno aren't simply running behind it trying to catch up all the time. So perhaps some tiles with a secondary path for us to run along side the convoy, or perhaps to prepare ambushes. The only example I can think of right now would be from the first Red Faction where you were on a walkway overlooking a natural bridge, from which you could blow up the bridge so as to impede a convoy of enemy reinforcements that you'd have to contend with if you didn't manage to stop up their transports.

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This is pretty similar to the "mobile defence truly "moving""- or train-maps that has been suggested before.

While DE said in a livestream long go that they would probably not introduce vehicles into warframe, something long the line of "using the base mechanics" already in game and fleshing them out a bit should be possible. As you said there are models for trams and ships, there are elevators and railway-platforms. If we could use those things and just make them better that would be a nice addition in my opinion.


Perhaps we could enter a vessel/astroid/base then have the objective be to highjack the train to get us to the location we needed to go to. Along the wy there could be various things like:


These "stations" could perhaps be created in the same manner as the "rooms" that are used in the evolution engine now? They would have to be farely large, but still.

I can't find the old threads about it but I could probably describe it further another time.

The point was that you'd have a small tram to start with - like the one you see on mobile defence when the cryopod is rolled in - then you'd use it to progress down the tracks. If rng made one of those yellow or blue tiles you could add to the tram and make it a small train, everything would be dynamic and you'd have to defend the cryopod/extra loot in the comming stations. Perhaps every other station could take you to an exit aswell?

Edited by Barda1
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This is pretty similar to the "mobile defence truly "moving""- or train-maps that has been suggested before.

While DE said in a livestream long go that they would probably not introduce vehicles into warframe, something long the line of "using the base mechanics" already in game and fleshing them out a bit should be possible. As you said there are models for trams and ships, there are elevators and railway-platforms. If we could use those things and just make them better that would be a nice addition in my opinion.


Perhaps we could enter a vessel/astroid/base then have the objective be to highjack the train to get us to the location we needed to go to. Along the wy there could be various things like:


These "stations" could perhaps be created in the same manner as the "rooms" that are used in the evolution engine now? They would have to be farely large, but still.

I can't find the old threads about it but I could probably describe it further another time.

The point was that you'd have a small tram to start with - like the one you see on mobile defence when the cryopod is rolled in - then you'd use it to progress down the tracks. If rng made one of those yellow or blue tiles you could add to the tram and make it a small train, everything would be dynamic and you'd have to defend the cryopod/extra loot in the comming stations. Perhaps every other station could take you to an exit aswell?[/


Really like the setup and thought process behind this.

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DE already said that warframe wont have vehicles because they arent the part of game they want to create....

To use a tired phrase.

"It's a Beta!"

I mean, things change. I am not talking about speederbikes, rather big npcs.

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I like the idea, but I'm not sure the engine can handle making an area big enough for a real convoy. I mean, you could have it go in a loop (which kind of defeats the point), or you could have it on a relatively short path, but then it's just a really short linear mission. I may be completely underestimating what the engine is capable of, but I just don't see that working. having a boss in a mech/ship, though? Hell yes. Multi-tiered boss fights are best boss fights.

it could be a really slow convoy, and dude, some of the tileset generators makes really freaking massive maps.

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Consider the Grineer asteroid. The rails are there, the trams are there. Hell one map even has a switch to make the train move!

Then consider elevators and doors, maby even flying platforms.

Lets take the simplest of examples only requiring a path way.

Sabotage the mining equipment, but make it movable.

Its like a Capture, only the model is replaced by a vehicle, perhaps turrets and cockpit.

Would be fun :D

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To use a tired phrase.

"It's a Beta!"

I mean, things change. I am not talking about speederbikes, rather big npcs.



Even in beta you dont change your football game into an ego shooter or racing game.

DE talked this out with the community in one of the livestreams.

A level where you hijack a grineer train is all i ever see. But tenno on vehicles? never....

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Like npc units. That also would be good if we have more npc in game and not only the mobs what we can kill. More variations of rescure missions and types of rescure targets and units in dojo.  Yes this game is Beta but long times ago beta and still they just add frames and weapons and tilesets which is not bad things but something really miss from this game. I don't like also that idea that have some other game we would use mounts, but not teribble idea but also we have now sentinels which is nearly mounts. 

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