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An Idea For A New Concept Quantum, Or Projectile Control Warframe


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So I was playing around with Touhou 6, and 8, and came to a conclusion. It be neat to have a Warframe that can manipulate enemy projectiles, and friendly alike (even though in Touhou Reisen, and Sakuya manipulate their own projectiles through out the battle).


Ability 1- 25 energy- Would be a basic reflect ability identical to Hayden from Dark Sector. projectiles hit it, and it could reflect in random directions, or in the direction the player's crosshair is aiming at. Which could do damage to the player if its explosive and the target is nearby, but will definitely always harm enemies if it is reflected.


Ability 2- 50 energy- Cause enemy projectiles to cause friendly fire. so a bombard missile, a Naplam fire, or even poison gas (Toxic Ancient, Lephantis) will cause harm to friendlies, and themselves.


Ability 3- 75 energy- Bullet storm will multiply bullets fired basically. However the ability only works on mid flight, slow moving projectiles such as Penta, Stug, Ogris, Supra. For example you shot abunch of stug blobs on an enemy. Activate ability and the number of stug blobs doubles, or based on the level of the ability could triple it, quadruple it even. Just cover the enemy in a super swarm. This ability also works on allies. So if you see an ally shooing an Ogris missile timed just right you can double, triple, or quadruple the missiles flying through the air. Friend using a supra, and has hundreds of bullets in the air? Activate the ability and the number of bullets is quadrupled in mid air. Also at the courteous of less bullets being used. Could even turn a ground covered in Penta grenades into a super death trap waiting to be activated as double, triple, or even quadruple the number of regular penta grenades go off at the same time.


Ability 4- 100 energy- Multiplier the ultimate ability of this frame. Identical to the Bullet storm ability except this time it doubles, triples, or quadruples ability projectiles. For example. Shoot off a anti matter drop. Charge it with damage, and then use the multiplier to make 4 of them all charged up and ready for maximum damage. Tesla field? Vortex field? maybe even a Oberon smite projectiles are flying about? Use multiplier to make more of them. Basically if its a projectile type ability consider it multiplied!


Yeah this is what happens when I sit down dodging hundreds of bullets in Touhou... I begin wishing for warframes that can make tons of projectiles, or enemies who could just cover the screen in death and force players to dodge, dodge, dodge for survival to even a point you wouldn't need an invincible stage just because all the projectiles make it impossible to aim, or shoot back at all till an opening shows up.


What do you all think, and if you have no idea what Touhou is maybe you should look it up on youtube lol...

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I think this is a nice idea, but it would completely rely on communication between teammates. Unless the team knows exactly when and what the "touhou" (i'll just refer to your frame as the touhou frame) is going to use. Ability 4 i think causes the most problems. Have you ever seen a Vauban with 70% efficiency flow and 80% duration? It's insane. The amount of Tesla bombs flying everywhere lags the game, and if you quadruple that..........good bye graphics card. Ability three wouldn't really work unless it is a duration ability. If it only works for the instant the ability is used, then it will require PERFECT timing for the user. Not only that, but if the ability has a cast time, then it's pretty much useless (unless it's a duration ability) because the ogris, paris, penta, supra .... will probably have hit by the time the ability has been cast. Ability number 2 would be VERY interesting. Problem is, the enemies almost always have a line of sight with you, so they can shoot you without hitting friendlies. Not only that, but the amount of life and armor is completely different for enemies and Tenno. So the ability will be useless. Ability one would just be plain fun. Pluto defence. wave 10. A billion supras firing at you. Max duration mod. ABILITY 1. Personal minigun.

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I think this is a nice idea, but it would completely rely on communication between teammates. Unless the team knows exactly when and what the "touhou" (i'll just refer to your frame as the touhou frame) is going to use. Ability 4 i think causes the most problems. Have you ever seen a Vauban with 70% efficiency flow and 80% duration? It's insane. The amount of Tesla bombs flying everywhere lags the game, and if you quadruple that..........good bye graphics card. Ability three wouldn't really work unless it is a duration ability. If it only works for the instant the ability is used, then it will require PERFECT timing for the user. Not only that, but if the ability has a cast time, then it's pretty much useless (unless it's a duration ability) because the ogris, paris, penta, supra .... will probably have hit by the time the ability has been cast. Ability number 2 would be VERY interesting. Problem is, the enemies almost always have a line of sight with you, so they can shoot you without hitting friendlies. Not only that, but the amount of life and armor is completely different for enemies and Tenno. So the ability will be useless. Ability one would just be plain fun. Pluto defence. wave 10. A billion supras firing at you. Max duration mod. ABILITY 1. Personal minigun.

That is the plan... a Warframe that requires perfect team work... So a lot of people will hate it with a passion outside of ability 1, but when it comes to abilties2-4 I guess to a degree some abilities should be excluded from the insanity, but if players work really hard together the abilities as a whole could be the ultimate weapon.

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Soooooo, This would be a clan type weapon, Useful only in personal circles of friends and or clans? Even with good communication between cell members, the sheer timing that would be required to use many of these skills would make it so that only people with good reflexes would be able to use the frame. Excluding abilities 1 and 2

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Soooooo, This would be a clan type weapon, Useful only in personal circles of friends and or clans? Even with good communication between cell members, the sheer timing that would be required to use many of these skills would make it so that only people with good reflexes would be able to use the frame. Excluding abilities 1 and 2

That is a good idea... Maybe it should be a clan tech warframe, but let me explain on extension. This warframe was inspired by a little dream I had which I modified with day dreaming...


It was born from the idea of a boss Tenno that could drop parts of itself.


Let me pull out the exact context that covers this particular warframe type as a boss.







Third Boss


With inspiration from my Quantum, projectile Warframe.



Comes a very devastating femme fatale. She is unlike the others, and doesn't give a damn what the Grand Master says, or the data collected. She never read any of it. She is just itching for a fight, plus she has the Grand Master on mute. She has a carefree, eccentric, attitude when it comes to fighting, and can be quite lazy when she isn't.


The Mirror warframe, and Lotus will guide you through 5 levels, and then finally the boss level. The Quantum frame is guarded by Excalibur Primes, and thus will spam Radial Javelin... A lot... Throughout of course she will also make communications with you as a side guide to Mirror, and Lotus mentioning how bored she is, and how you should hurry up, or make bizarre insults that are more Tenno in manner. Like your so slow you make Rhino look like the King of Speed, or when your shooting and your accuracy is low in a mission she will bring up your poor aim. She will constantly insult you through out.


Finally as you reach her she will have her Excalibur primes aid her. This makes the fight painful. As the Excalibur Primes use Radial Javelin she will use her multiplier ability to quadruple the number of javelins being shot through the air. However these Excalibur's are limited and once they are eliminated will never spawn again.


This leads to the next phase of the fight since she has no more projectiles to multiply her 4th ability will not be see again. She will switch between a primary that fires a slow moving homing missile that moves slow at first, but than has a sudden burst of speed after a certain period of time giving her time to use her 3rd ability to multiply it before it comes homing in on you in which you should take cover. Her secondary weapon will be a special kunai she designed herself for her own use. As they kunai are thrown they stay frozen in mid air. Till the aim button is hit then they will all launch at once when used by a player, and entire lines of these can be set up across rooms before she activates them all to be sent off, but of course she will use the 3rd ability to multiply them all before sending them off.


she will also use a spectacular melee weapon. One that shows Tenno supremacy at its finest. A large two ended blade with 6 handles on it. One on each side beginning point of each blade near the center, and one on both sides of the center allowing the Tenno to inter change between handles while swinging it around like a Orthos, and than being able to manipulate it with their hands for the best throwing to lob it through the air like a giant deadly shuriken cutting through foes before returning. She will throw this deadly weapon at you a lot in-between using her primary, and secondary.


After a lot of hard work of fighting her, and watching her bounce of walls, and swarm the room in bullets she will fall in battle... not dying, but not accepting defeat either... she will not join you, but expects you to return and fight her again so she can get her revenge.




The reaction time wouldn't have to be that fast. As I said its mainly for the slow moving abilities (like Anti-matter drop), and weapons such as Supra (it moves slow enough to multiply in mid-air.)

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