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You Shall Read This, Lads! (New Boss Idea)


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I had a dream, the other night, low lands, low lands awaaay, me john...

just a joke! :D


Well, I have had a great idea about a new, more powerful, extremely dangerous boss!

Forget about the slippery worm at the ODA.

Forget what you ever experienced due your farming fests.


This one will be better (if the physics, AI logic, path finding, etc. are fitting)!


Imagine a decent room, everywhere some candelier, a room fancy pancy decorated, like a King would call his own.

But also illustrate some dark corners, windows with tattered hangings, which are spoiled with dirt and parts of sliced infested enemies. Some tattered banners. It has a quite dark atmosphere, this room.

The boss would look like a regular corpus engineer, but with a difference of:

He can actually cast wind storms, like a snow globe of frost, but you cannot see the end of this globe!

The windows will break under this thrust, and start freezing the area, covering some areas with snow and ice. Your shield is going to drain by half, as well you will lose every 5 sec 1-3 health point(s). You can get up to the candelier to get your warmth up again, regaining temporary your full value of shields back.

It should be an enemy besides of the 51+ rank cap. Since most players are overpowered, so no mercy for them, even they will die!


I am just getting some action triggers, what if-when-else etc. situations. The boss should fit in any case of character. Decreasing the heal amount of Trinity's ulti. Immune against slow of Nova's ulti. No stomp action. No weaknesses!



What you think about this concept?

Just push your "wouldn't work, game isn't ready for that, no engine for that, no AI for that, no mechanics for that, etc." aside. Just show your thoughts about the enemy!


Have a nice day!

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