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Melee Design Contest Should Be Judged By Whole Community


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There is enough Masters/Grand Masters to give us a fairly balanced demographic imo.

Exactly. People who think it would go differently haven't heard of statistics. Almost 2000 people have voted already, that's a massive sample size and the winning weapons are doing so by a fairly wide margin.

Adding more votes is going to be almost the same distribution and nothing would change.

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Relax all ye haters. You're in good hands. We got this. Expect to see some cool stuff. And No, I don't agree with you just because of what what RoboDog said. 





Get your whole clan of 1000 man ( if you are in one ) behind you, and voila you win.


If anything, people have proven they're willing to cheat/exploit at just about anything. See Gradivus hax, and Cicero exploits. I'm not saying everyone's guilty or that it even matters for this poll, but the track record speaks for itself. So yeah, leave it as a perk of the Design Council. 

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I don't think Nekros is a disaster. I love it when a random does Nekros' skill where he waves his hands wildly and nothing happens. And while he waves his hand like a lunatic, there are HVTs punching a hole in his pikata.

At least, he help my frame gain XP from constant reviving.

There are two skills where this happens. Desecrate spawns new items, most commonly health orbs, from every corpse around Nekros. That's amazing for survival and looting. Shadows of the Dead has an admittedly long cast time even though it's not that good, but it at least creates a bunch of meatbags.

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I have never seen that anywhere so I would like to see where you got this from. Also all the melee concepts being voted on are fan made and regardless DE has last say on the creation of these weapons, just like they would if the nova's design was fan made. This threads more about letting the community vote on community made things rather then just the design counsel, which would be nice.

Thank you, you said what was in my brain! 

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I don't trust design council to vote for interesting weapon concepts. I hope you enjoy katanas and other long swords.

There is no katana in the running. 


edit: the amount of up votes something got had nothing to do with the devs choice or else the kusarigama, katana, and kettle would've made the running for sure. The Devs are the ones who picked the top 7 winners on weapon concepts, so its not really what the design council wanted, we just vote on which interesting weapons the Devs already liked more.

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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