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New Boss: Wraith And Vandal


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These are some boss ideas I had for awhile so here they are:


Planet: Eris



Appearance: A blue/black corpus crewman with a orange visor. Tall and has a six pack, male and has very primal animations.

Weapons: Prova Vandal and snipertron Vandal.

Tactics: Is very fast, both in fire rate and sprint. Will usually run away and snipe you or melee you.


1) Vandalized: Makes your fire arms unusable , making you resort to melee.  

2)  Graffiti: Makes your screen blocked by a bluish matter / substance.


Phase one: He will mostly use his prova often to stun you to whip out his snipertron to get some shots in. Not to hard, but not easy enough to be taken lightly.

Phase two: At 50% Hp ( Out of 800 Hp and 1000 shields) He grows in size and appears like a Dark blue trial hologram.

He does double damage with both weapons, but its very slow.





Appearance : A Red/ Black lancer with red eyes. Is Tall and is a male.

Weapons: Strun and machete wraith.

Tactics: Generally slow, both in fire rate and sprint but does lots of damage. Is a very tanky kind of grineer.

Stats: 800 Hp with 100 armor


1) Vengance: Shocks the target doing both, Viral and electric damage.

2) Hatred: Makes all surrounding grineer slightly stronger and more durable.


Phase one: He will mainly machete you and will rarely use his strun but will summon grineer sometimes like vor.

Phase two: He grows in size and appears like a Dark red trial hologram. He is fast will his Dps cut in half in trade for speed and fire rate.


Vandal drops: Prova and snipertron vandal parts and BP.

Wraith drops: Strun wraith and mutagen masses/ detonite injectors.


I was thinking they could be introduced in some sort of event. I can let you come up for it as long as I get 50% credit.



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Was gonna take the time to go back through your numerous amount of posts and find that one "No." I keep quoting. Got tired and realized it wasn't worth the effort. So...




Edit: Those boss stats are terribly low. Don't ask for credit either.

Edited by Nitresco
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Just like I say to almost all of your ideas.... No. Think up something better, or better yet.... don't think.


Praise be to Booben, at least until the kids come and overuse him to the point of not being funny. Like Derf.


But yeah. Nothing personal, but I'm on the same train as TheStag.

Edited by Nitresco
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Still too low.


Rewards too farmable, and cuts into DE's profits due to spud BPs.


Booben is a new fad created by somebody referring to Vauban as "Booben", likely due to awkward interlanguage translation. Right now, it's currently not overused to the point of no longer being entertaining. Now that you know about it, it'll likely start being overused to the point of forehead-gripping annoyance.

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