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Avatar Nyx (Moving Absorb)


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I was in a game with a Nyx earlier, and watched an absolutely fantastic bug at work.

Now, while I'm sure most know about it, naming the bug isn't actually the point of the thread. Rather, it's what I'm suggesting because of that bug which is the point.


Let me explain for those who don't know.


If a Nyx uses Absorb at the very moment they get 'knocked down', they are capable of moving while using Absorb.

It is actually quite a surreal thing to watch, and reminds me very much of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Especially during some of Aang's avatar moments.


The thing is, it wasn't actually that bizarre to watch. Which made me wonder:
Why isn't this how Absorb works?


As it is, the Nyx is keeping themselves psionically above ground in a meditative pose. But, why can't they float about like that too?

Being able to reposition themselves during Absorb would help to gather damage, especially when team mates kill the group she's using to absorb.


Sitting the Nyx in one place can be useful, but sometimes the fight is over and the ability is completely wasted. It's worse if they've been sitting there for a while, only for a team mate to slaughter everything. That doesn't feel very useful, for the Nyx, and often seems quite frustrating if the intention at the time isn't to just sponge damage for allies.


As is, I've been using a Valkyr to help reposition the Nyx by using Ripline, but them being able to move, even if at a reduced speed, would be quite useful for both the Nyx and her team.


Iono. What do you guys think?

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