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The Infested Warframe


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TOXY is the infested WARFRAME. With low shields and low armor would think TOXY a fragile and weak man, however what TOXY in defense he more than makes up for in pure power and high health.




POISON FLESH: TOXY throws and EMBOLIST flesh piece towards enemies and it then a poison gas cloud where it is.


PRIMAL BLOOD: TOXY sacrifices half of his shields and health to upgrade his allies health and power.


SWARM OF FANGS: TOXY's fingers extend into SCOLIACS and TOXY lashes out lashes out to the closest enemies tearing them to shreds.


ANCIENT CIRCLE: The hardest skill to acquire in TOXY's arsenal. This skill uses up most of TOXY's energy even when his energy is maxed. This skill summons three ANCIENTS. A Healer Ancient, Toxic Ancient, and a Regular Ancient. These Ancients will fight for him until they are killed or until their minute of life is up.




One day the LOTUS had sent a group of four WARFRAMES to destroy J-3 Golem forever. This team included a BANSHEE, FROST, NOVA, and a LOKI. This team had gotten through the minions of J-3 Golem with little struggle. Then they meet the Golem. During the battle the TENNO wearing the LOKI had his armor chipped revealing his flesh. J-3 Golem saw this and took advantage of it by shooting an infested spike into the crack. The others saw this and were mortified at what happened next.

The group agreed to retreat to save their friend. NOVA warped them out of the chamber so they could help their friend. Poor LOKI's armor had popped off as the infested flesh began consuming the TENNO beneath the armor. FROST agreed to freeze their friend to save him. They took their friend to LOTUS begging her to help their friend. LOTUS agreed and told the TENNO to leave. LOTUS defrosted the TENNO and began incubating the flesh with a steady stream of OROKIN ENERGY. This treatment allowed the TENNO to keep his mind, but not his Memory. LOTUS gave him the new name of TOXY and a new power was added to the TENNO's arsenal.



TOXY cannot be equipped with weapons as SYNAPSE, EMBOLIST, AND MIRE are already embedded to his flesh


TOXY's blueprint is found in the BIO LAB of the Clan's dojo.


Every piece of TOXY's blueprint can be obtained by J-3 GOLEM


Every piece of the blueprint will require MUTAGEN MASSES to build.


Sadly the treatment could not fully tame the infested flesh. If the player wishes to remove TOXY must go to every infested boss to collect samples from each. Once these are obtained you can use them in a final serum made by the LOTUS to tame the flesh to the TENNO's wishes.




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This doesn't really look thought out...

It seems like you watched some sort of cheap Syfy channel knockoff movie then scribbled down incessant amounts of capital letters


and those weapons coming pre-equipped is just ridiculous.

Edited by FissionStorm
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No. :P


You seem to misunderstand how the infested works so here you go.


The infested organisms are symbiotic nanite's that latch onto the users skin (Or insides) and twists around body parts/organs to make a form. In no way is the infested mutating anything on the host, it's simply taking control of the host body and crudely making them into something else. And the host is still alive during the process with full consciousness, but over time the hosts mind gives in and joins the collective hive mind (much like the borg).


But the infested can mutate the host only through absorbing other living organisms to add mass. And when they have enough mass the infested usually either get bigger and stronger or have enough mass to make exact coppies of the original form.

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Okay guys the reason I'm using caps so much is because that is how its spelled everywhere but the forums. You don't see it spelled Nova you see it spelled NOVA. So please be quiet on that one. Also this is just a starting idea I sent it to one of the gms who liked the idea. Also how is it like Saryn? It has one poison skill because of its Embolist abilities. People saying that its a bad idea because of the fact it comes pre-equipped sorry but I tried to add as many downsizes as possible to make up for its summoning skill. And the one saying that I don't understand how the infested work I do understand and I'm saying that in this back story J-3 Golem has evolved beyond the basics of that story. In my version the nanites lost control of J-3 Golem causing his cells to take over and continue the process making him the most advanced infested. This is how in my story he is able to shoot something into the Tenno to take over him. If you guys don't like it then too bad, besides it's just a starting idea.

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Okay guys the reason I'm using caps so much is because that is how its spelled everywhere but the forums. You don't see it spelled Nova you see it spelled NOVA. So please be quiet on that one. Also this is just a starting idea I sent it to one of the gms who liked the idea. Also how is it like Saryn? It has one poison skill because of its Embolist abilities. People saying that its a bad idea because of the fact it comes pre-equipped sorry but I tried to add as many downsizes as possible to make up for its summoning skill. And the one saying that I don't understand how the infested work I do understand and I'm saying that in this back story J-3 Golem has evolved beyond the basics of that story. In my version the nanites lost control of J-3 Golem causing his cells to take over and continue the process making him the most advanced infested. This is how in my story he is able to shoot something into the Tenno to take over him. If you guys don't like it then too bad, besides it's just a starting idea.

I think what RustyNaps wants to say is that whatever the infestation infects will look like the original infected or the original infected in a bigger form. In your story Loki would have been transformed to a J-3 Golem or a bigger form of it. And even if Lotus saved Loki from turning into another J-3 Golem he would have the exact abilities like the J3-Golem because the infested cells may have stopped reduplicating but they, or better their DNA, are the cause for the abilities. In order to get your Toxy the infestation would have to create an entire new virus-strain and then infect Loki. Unfortunately for you, it is impossible because of the lore DE has given us. He would be killed by his allies or the infestation would twist his mind until he would aid the infestation and not the Tennos.


Saryn was originally, and I think still is, a poison frame. She does not use infestation but poison. She was bio-engineered to be able to release poison out of here body. The only similarity is that there toxic infested units.


And you sound a lot like Okamibanshu88.

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And you sound a lot like Okamibanshu88.

This. And that's not a good thing.


Infested frames have been proposed repeatedly and I have yet to see one that would be good or make sense.


Other issues:

-Ultimate is yet another copy of Shadows of the Dead. I have no idea why everyone does this.

-Rather than respond positively to any feedback, you've instead basically told everyone "deal with it". Not the way to win over others to your idea.

Edited by Vargras
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Okay I'm sorry people. This is only an idea. I think much of it could be edited. I thought it would be cool to see a warframe from each faction. This was just my idea for the Infested warframe. Yes I am taking all of your guy's feedback, so thank you all, but please be a little less harsh. It is kind of hard to be kind when I all get are people pointing out everything wrong. At least point out good ideas as well.

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No. :P


You seem to misunderstand how the infested works so here you go.


The infested organisms are symbiotic nanite's that latch onto the users skin (Or insides) and twists around body parts/organs to make a form. In no way is the infested mutating anything on the host, it's simply taking control of the host body and crudely making them into something else. And the host is still alive during the process with full consciousness, but over time the hosts mind gives in and joins the collective hive mind (much like the borg).


But the infested can mutate the host only through absorbing other living organisms to add mass. And when they have enough mass the infested usually either get bigger and stronger or have enough mass to make exact coppies of the original form.

It is an interesting idea though, especially when you explain it like that. What if the warframe was built using prototype infested oriented equipment, like Valkyr. Its a more than an experimental suit, alpha stage. Tenno scientist extracted the best parts of the infested sybiote, but weren't able to remove its needs of a hive-mind. They were however, able to replace the infested hive-mind need with the control of the Lotus. These warframes more than the others feel a deeper connection and have a stronger will to protect her and their fellow tenno more than the rest. The scientists weren't able to augment the infested too much, but rather just used its natural strengths in the creation of the new frame. It would be good if this frame was most adept at hand to hand combat and being in the mix, as infested will charge full force with no thought of their own safety.


Powers: Not in number order! Random.


Parasite: steal the strengths of your attacker and throw it back at them. The warframe will take the attributes of its attacker/s and adds it to itself. Level/mods increase the number of attacker's powers that can be taken/stacked in a single encounter (up to a max of five or so different/same enemy types). 


Horde Mentality: warframe uses his infested likeness to join and command the enemy. Lower tiered infested (chargers, leapers, etc) will see the warframe as a friendly, high ranking horde member and will not attack. Not only will they not attack, they will fight alongside the warframe and its teammates for a certain duration. During this time the converted enemies will not be able to take damage from the warframe and its teammates. Once the timing is up,  any infested left will revert back and will attack the warframe and its team once again. Could be modded/leveled to include more and higher ranking infested (ancients) succumbing to the warframe's control.


Leaper Frog: The warframe mimics his infested counterpart, (the leaper) bridging the gap between himself and his target with a careless leap from his current position and body slamming into the target causing high impact damage and knocking down the target. Level and mods increase distance and number of targets/leaps (my true idea is to have this work like checkers. It might be too laggy, though. The warframe would do multiple leaps to single enemies dealing damage and knocking them down in succession and can explode with each landing, if modded correctly, or just at the end. King me!)  A new mod card could be made to add an explosive finisher like the runners do when they get close enough.


Sporened: (instead of scorned) the infested flesh of the warframe opens up and releases armies of tiny living creatures that envelope the caster (looks like its covered in thousands/millions of ants). Any damage from enemies heals the warframe (little creatures meld into each other and the warframe's infested skin like a super bactrin ointment, infested style, instantly healing any new wound) and damages the attacker (the nano creatures infect the target/attacker and cause necrosis, DoT corrosive damage, at an incredible rate. Enemies will disintegrate/ rot off from the point of infection). Healing/Necrosis rate and power duration are increased through mods/leveling. If the power is used when the warframe is down on health, it will heal the damage (how much damage, TBD).


Just a rough idea taken from the things said in this thread. That's all for now. Enjoy! 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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This is actually a very good idea. I'm not a big fan of the first skill I think instead of that it could be replaced with a skill that causes the warframe to send out nanobots from his body that go and boost allies armor and shields for a short duration. This would make him a support frame but also an attack frame.

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This is actually a very good idea. I'm not a big fan of the first skill I think instead of that it could be replaced with a skill that causes the warframe to send out nanobots from his body that go and boost allies armor and shields for a short duration. This would make him a support frame but also an attack frame.

I see your point, but I don't think it fits in with the lore behind the Infested (as the dude above explained). The concept behind it, I kinda stole from the new Superior Spiderman, Carnage and the coming Superior Venom comics that are popular now. In them the government scientists were able to able to keep the venom symbiote under thumb somehow, but there was always the threat that the bearer would lose control due to the binding process. They basically just focused the venom symbiote's viciousness. The warfame would literally be infested but in a controlled manor and thats how the suit would look as well.


Anyway, it is my least thought out idea amongst the concept and I wanted it to be a vicious single attack with its hands (hands are held like they are spear tips and the strike impales and sucks out the insides of the enemy and then adds it to the mass of the warframe and it is visually represented in the infested flesh parts of the suit growing larger/hardening. This can be done up to five times and it increases the melee attack power by a small amount (each time) until it is fully released in a barrage of violent primate-like attacks ending in a ground slam. At its powered up peak, the warframe would look almost guerrilla like with longer, huge arms and an egor like back and be slightly more hunched over with each tier of power added. Each tier also takes away the use of a weapon until they are all gone and the last tier (4-5) must be completed through fisticuffs.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Oh I see. That makes much more sense. Here are some more skill names: for the leaping attack it could be called Primal Charge. Sporened could be called Infesting Swarm. Horde Mentality could be Viral Takeover. Parasite is fine how it is.

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