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Regroup And A Bang.


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I entered in to research room shotgun up and ready I shot every scientist before they fled as I went through all files I knew... Our time will come in to the end if we stay in our warframes and let this data live to be seen by corpus commanders I always carry this baby with me. Believe I had no choice for my own team and for my own best or I believed so it is a nuclear bomb what I started to arm after I set a correct time when alarm went up.

I saw my team with Valkyr warframe with them and this was the one who was carrying the prototype of this new invention I knew that I have to stop this lady before my team is dead she was carrying heavy caliber weaponry and a rocket launcher I armed bomb to explode in 5 hours. I hid the bomb somewhere where the crewmen wouldn't look when dust off to my team's location after 3 hours I managed to find their doing on the floors and walls.

I am Allen. You maybe know me from mercenary team containing some of my fellow members. Darul, Dalagan, etc. Welp I got myself to situation at jupiter where I found some. Well... Extremely disturbing knowledge and researches of warframes. Our enemy is starting to know too much. I had to do something about it something what brings the ghost town in the greatest cities even in earth. A bang from past what you will never forget.

As I rushed through corridors and hallways I heard more gun fire from level above me when I finally arrived behind my team far away I saw that Is'Gol got my message what I send to him at the research room Valkyr raised up the Ogris charged it I rushed forward and tackled her to the arena with me Ogris blasted the enterance down behind us I punched two times to Valkyr's face took a handgun and shot few times on her arm to take the ogris off.

She punched me away from her I putted my handgun on the pocket and pulled out the shotgun I started firing same time. Strafing, jumping, dashing and wall jumping. When she finally entered to hysteria I reloaded my shotgun and attempted to avoid her she pulled me to her took aim and shoot but nothing she raised me from ground and started to punch again stabbed me with the blades.

I: I 'M READY! HOW ABOUT YOU?! *I shouted and pulled out my knife stabbed it once on the module on her back what was controlling her and once on the left shoulder she let me go hysteria was gone*

I dropped on the floor and watched as my team mates rushed in to me and Valkyr.

Baije: Allen! *as she kneeled before me and screamed.
I: It is alright... *I started to cough blood* Get her... Out of here... I managed to destroy the control module on her armor. Leave me here to die like everybody else on my kindred. With a bang to send me up there. In to heaven.
Baije: What you said? With a bang?!
I: I had armed about 4 hours ago a nuclear bomb to research rooms in this facility they contains too much knowledge about warframes. GO! I deserve to die already! I am tired... I just want to end my fears and despair
Baije: You are coming with us *she screamed*
I: She has caused way too much damage... Unable to be cured. Go! Or you die in the blast with me! You have team to live with! Get out of here this place explodes in 55 minutes!
Is'Gol: You are still one of us brother we ain't going to leave you here!
I: *look over everybodies shoulders and see Zanuka sneaking closer* Behind you!

I pull out a HE grenade and a handgun as Is'Gol and others turns around I pull the pin from the grenade threw it towards Zanuka and raised the handgun as Zanuka launched itself blindly towards us I shot the grenade causing an explosion sending Zanuka through several walls and a grenade shard impaling warframe armor and got stuck on my body I shouted from pain and everything started to turn black.

As we watched the Zanuka blasted away from us and hearing Allen screaming from pain maybe last time I checked him but I didn't find any marks that he would be alive Valendine start to woke up and Argon took her on her shoulders as I raised Allen's numb body after Ridan attached a life tracker and we dust off to first way out of the facility we had 50 minutes time left we gathered things up when finally we was out and dusting off and looking behind the jupiter. Bomb has detonated.

Ridan: Is'Gol. Allen has fallen. I have no any signs of internal movement
I: *let out extremely big gasp* We will start the ceremony tomorrow. The day of his burial on near of our home's ground
Nida: Sad day to all of us
Darul: Damn... He didn't deserve it. He was a great soldier
Dalagan: Well he was all the time on the move and he stopped for a moment... Now look at him... Dead...
Baije: I feel extremely quilty... I always called him insane
Stalker: I know what you mean my friend. Now he rests in the place where he had deserve to be
Nekon: From ground you came to ground you become Allen. Rest in peace

At tomorrow morning when yesterday we had moved Allen's body to the coffin and buried it left our memories and tears inside our helmets to be dropped. They said that adult man never cries... I cried today and a lot. Loosing a member from our team is a huge hit... And may mark us weak. Allen's death teached me that warframes... Are not the answer to eternal life like we thought I pulled off Allen's picture and removed his name from out logs I want to forget him even if it is not my fault that he died.

I still feel quilty... Tomorrow is another day but I came down on realizing that Ridan has not slept well so I went to mission with one of the stugan soldiers and left her to HQ to guard it from command center. I don't know what she is doing but maybe death of Allen has touched more deeply than anybody else in this team. After the mission Ridan called me and said that she had found a new member to Stugan soldiers.

As I arrived to meet this new soldier he had helmet on and visor enough dark to cover the face. I decided not to care voice was somewhat familiar but remembering Allen hurts psycologically so much. That I decided to ignore the fact that our new soldier's voice nearly matched our fallen's own. I took this Rookie with me, Darul, Nida and Baije to mission in Exta he was much more than I thought him to be. Skilled on using shotgun, handgun, grenades and other explosives. Like Allen I found it calming me up.

That we will have a new man to replace our fallen one. He tend to also stay on move a lot one day when we went to mission in Mars to kill Nef Anyo I was paralyzed to ground with Baije, Nida and Darul. This Rookie was a one big hell fire to tame and Nef Anyo was burn in to death. It was sight what I saw when I first time met Allen.

Rookie: Sir are you okay?

I: You know what boy? You really remind me about one of my fallen comrades
Rookie: No need to be worried about him. Come on let's get everybody up and get out of here
Baije: Yeah... Wait who is coming from over there *as pointed to northern entrance*
Darul: No way... No @(*()$ way... Raptor with Alad V and Zanuka *I heard Rookie reloading something*
Rookie: *Hey fly! Let's have some fun. Alad and Zanuka let's tame that dog with my way*
I: Boy! NO! *as I saw Rookie bolting to action running through fire and plasma he took down Alad after blowing up Zanuka*

Raptor started firing but Rookie was dashing, running, jumping and using jet pack just like Allen to dodge incoming firing he left a grenade on Alad's pocket and mouth as I saw Alad V blowing up. A rocket hit a Raptor right in the camera I saw Rookie jumping on the Raptor tapped twice on this back leaving a bomb inside of the thing Raptor close up Rookie jumped off pulled out a detonator pulled the trigger. Now that firework really was unique one parts everywhere.

Rookie: Come on I am getting bored here *as he reloaded rocket launcher*
I: Come on... Get up everybody. We need to leave

When finally we got to extraction point and jumped on the space ship.

I: Boy you really remind me about Allen so strongly that I can nearly call you Allen
Rookie: Sir. Memories never die. Specially from somebody who you really care *as he lift the visor*
I: BUT... BUT... BUT... How?!
Allen: You thought that I died? Well let me tell you even if it does sound extremely crazy

Allen told everything Baije hugged him tightly after it and Nida too.

Allen: Woe ladies I know if you were missing me but this pressure feels much more painful that getting run over by a car
Baije: I am sorry Allen that I tend to flame you a madman
Allen: Aa... Don't worry I really don't care. I forgive you on that. Ridan can tell more about me and what she was doing. Man it feels so good to be without warframe armor. No more body suit huggin' the skin on much more free movement
Nida: Good old Allen back in the business

When we finally arrived to HQ and everybody heard about what Ridan managed to do to Allen. He was back in the war again much more faster striking and much more brutal to become.

Ridan: Facinating yes. It seems like that grenade shard stopped the source of the bleed but blacking him out totally like a coma. As you other left the coffin I stayed a while and got signal that he is still alive. I heard him speaking about other mercenaries who are successful like us before we became Tenno. We had forgotten them after removing warframe armor what was totally damaged to point of unable to be repaired I removed it piece by piece then made a surgery to take of the metal shard.

Then all was left to do was getting back on his feet and heart race even faster. Instead of new warframe. He said that. He doesn't want one. They are boring then I gave him Stugan soldier armor what he found much more durable and more dependable on soldier how this uses it. He took it and decided to have a faceless meeting with Is'Gol. That why I was so sleepy two days ago
Stalker: Damn, you come from the grave like walking dead of infestation. Instead of not heart pounding you are alive as we are
Allen: Hey there is still much to live for I am not going to stay in the darkness and let it pass on my blind spot
Dalagan: Good to have you back mate. Now Ridan spoke about other mercenaries who were successful like us. Who are they?
Allen: If I remember correctly without coma corrupting my memory. Erial who is using ember, Neyda who uses Nyx and Mira who uses Mag
Darul: So more ladies on our crew?
Allen: Maybe
I: Do you have any tracks about these two Darul?
Darul: Nope but I know that Nekon and Nida might know well
Nida: Well... What I heard about Erial and Mira. Is that they might be somewhere still cryo sleeping on the Grineer territory
Nekon: What I heard about Neyda was that she was last seen on a Grineer vessel
Allen: *got disturbed by something* Hey I got a signal from all three ladies. I have their coordinates up. Should we go?
I: How about if Darul, Dalagan and Valendine goes to this one with you?
Allen: What? Are you trying to avoid to go for another run?
I: Nearly. Just being astonished how you can surprise me this much
Allen: Aa... Don't worry dude. I am on the way

Allen, Dalagan, Darul and Valendine was sent to mission at the Phobos guns blazing as team assaulted deeper in to outpost towards the last known coordinate where the signal came from as they continued deeper...

Valendine: How did you know about the module what was controlling my warframe?
Allen: I had stormed inside the facility much more earlier I found some files about experiment on warframes and results where shocking. Enough to arm a bomb
Valendine: What kind of bomb was it?
Allen: Last human kind made nuclear bomb my friend. That thing blows up leaving nothing else than unliveable land for next two hundred years. And why because anybody of us doesn't really know how to protect ourselves from it anymore. Also I was quite bored because I haven't blown up S#&€ for a damn twenty years
Dalagan: Okay they should be behind this door
Allen: Let me do this one
Darul: Allen... You don't say...

Allen attached a high explosive bomb armed it to blow up on few seconds.

Allen: Okay boys and girl.... You not trusting me? Well let the man do his job


verybody backed of more further from the safe distance as Allen was still standing in front of the explosive.

Allen: Are you three that coward?
Dalagan: If we are speaking about you. We can't be too careful

Valendine: After hearing what you did of course
Allen: That makes me sad a bit

Allen overloads the shield with shield overload module blows up the explosive with detonator and everything what was next seen is gun fire and Grineer panic shouts mixed in with death screams.

Allen: Clear! Move in everybody! Neyda, Mira! Are you alright can you move? *as Dalagan, Darul and Valendine moved in Dalagan left a decoy to door*

Mira: Allen! Is that you?!
Allen: It is me and that explosion was mine
Neyda: Do you know how much damage you would have had caused to us?
Allen: I took that risk well my lady. Look at what saved you *Allen pointed at reinforced walls inside the room what where bend wide open*
Mira: Whatever get us out of here
Valendine: How many times you have breached a room?
Allen: Enough that I can pull out a matrix sideways jump and kill everything while in mid air
Valendine: A bit long time
Allen: Yeap. Anyway I grab Neyda with me and Darul get Mira up
Darul: Come on Mira we are getting out of here
Allen: You two already know what to do. Give suppressing fire as we make a pass between covers
Dalagan: This will be nice

Team fought through the Grineer assaults and broke through barrier after barrier of enemy lines when they finally arrived to extraction point where Baije was waiting with the space fighter.

Allen gave Neyda to Valendine to carry inside while he went to set something before leaving. He hurried inside sit down on chairs as the transport room door closed and left a window to see outside. Allen quickly tapped on Dalagan's and Neyda's shoulders.

Dalagan: What? *as Allen pointed outside and counted down from four to zero. The extraction point behind them exploded*

Allen: You will not see this S#&$ every day don't you?
Darul: Now that is how its done
Neyda: You do know how comfort the ladies after tough situation Allen
Allen: Not really. Have had been loving this demolition job
Mira: What about Erial? Do you know where she is?
Allen: Was she with you two?
Neyda: Yeah... We got separated on an ambush
Allen: Baije open up the transport room door I will need to go get Erial out of there
Baije: She is still there?!
Allen: Yes!

Transport room door opened and Allen jumped off jet pack towards the grineer ship. Allen ascend deeper to ship while Grineer was looking for possible threats but they find none while Allen knife and suppressed gun fire used to get Erial's location after he got new signal. Just when process of opening the warframe was beginning observed by Vor and Sargas Ruk.

Allen: Hey lesbian's *@##$es open the door!
Vor: Grineer cursing and went towards the door weapons ready.

Vor stepped in front of the door looked to both sides nothing.

Allen: Adios sucker! *As landed on ground landing a charged punch depleting shields and sending Vor on the warframe opener machine control desk*
Vor: Gar mutas!
Allen: How about you two suck some of these?! *as pulled out two C4 bombs and throw them towards Krill and Vor blasting them away from Erial*

Allen went to free Erial who was nearly tortured to point of fainting.

Allen: Erial! Wake up!
Erial: Allen... *slowly and barely able to be heard*
Allen: HQ we have marine extremely badly injured and needs medical attention soon as possible. Meet me at extraction point Fafner, Twister 2
Baije: This is Baije I have delivered first package bringing Argon, Ridan, Esran, Vendel and Nekon to you get yourself out of there captain
Allen: Roger that how long does your trip take to here? *as raised Erial on his shoulders and started to run*
Baije: One minute time. It is nearly a life time to you in there soon
Allen: Now you are talking. Captain Allen out
I: Allen. I think that Captain will not be anymore worthful title for you. Let us say Lt. Colonel 5th class Allen
Allen: Roger that

At the generator room of Grineer ship where Allen was placing explosives and had hid Erial behind a large trashcan.

Baije: Allen I don't see you!
Allen: Look to six o clock *and blew up the generator opening up the ceiling of ship too shot a flare through the hole*
Baije: I see your flare! Hovering! *Allen raised Erial from ground and flied towards the hole where Baije had hovered the ship*

Transport room opened up and Allen landed on this floor with Erial putted this slowly on ground to let Ridan do the check.

Allen: Hit the door *and door closed leaving a window to see outside*
Baije: Dust off to HQ. You really escape with style Allen
Allen: Just like I said. I just love this demolition job
Erial: Allen... Do...
Ridan: Don't worry Erial. Mira and Neyda are safe too and recovering from their wounds
Erial: I was... Going to ask... Where is your warframe... Allen?
Allen: That is a long story I will tell it to your trio when you are up to go
Erial: Is... Anybody else who you... I mean... We... Know okay?
Allen: Everybody who you know are alright. Now focus on staying calm and let Ridan do her job
Erial: Right

After a day when Erial, Mira and Neyda where finally back on their feet. Allen had a huge story to tell.

Allen: And that is how I moved on to this armor. Man I have to say that I love to have armor what is not huggin' the skin all the time
Erial: But it hasn't changed at all what you are *as hugged Allen*
I: So ladies have you three anything to tell us? About enemy movement or their current objectives
Neyda:What I know that they are still hunting cryopods. Good thing that when they found us we were half way woken up. We managed to escape... Or nearly. Pretty much fall back until we got in to dead end
Nida: It is so good to see you three still alive. It was getting odd to be short on ladies on this group but... Hey where is Sandia?
I: She should be arriving right... Now *pointed on meeting room as Sandia using Saryn came in*
Sandia: Oh... All the ladies are here
Neyda: Sandia. Where have you been?
Sandia: Well Darvo was needing a bit backup so I was sent on the mission
Nekon: Just like me when I first met Valendine
Valendine: So Is'Gol have you planned anything for us
I: I know exactly what we are going to do as next. Now then assignments are complete and none of them are not coming
Allen: Holiday season?
I: Exactly for some randomness mixed in. I have putted names up on few papers then mixed the names on these two frozen bowls. Everybody picks one. In this one are males and on this one females. Let's see what kind of surprise lady luck has packed us today. Btw. My name will not be on this one because I have things to tend with Oberon. So who picks first and don't say the name
Allen: *looks quickly on Erial and Mira* Hmm... Let's say that Nekon shall start this show
Nekon: Allen!
Allen: *mean smile* Come on dude...

Nekon picks a paper from female bowl looks what name is inside of it and shoulders went deep and showed middle finger to Allen. Next was Ridan picked a paper from male bowl looked inside of it and nearly said the name she started to giggle a bit. Next was Dalagan he picked a paper looked what name it holds he whistled and looked at clock. Next was Valendine she picked a paper and looked at the name she started to giggle too. Everybody picked a paper when teamed up with their pairs.

Dalagan with Valendine, Allen with Erial, Ridan with Nekon, Vendel with Mira, Sandia with Darul, Argon with Neyda and Nida with Esran.

I: Okay looks like we have pairs now. You have twenty minutes to pack your stuff. Dismissed
Valendine: Dalagan because you are fast I think you could pack for me. Don't you?
Dalagan: Hmm... If you let me plan at least one thing for our holiday. Then yes
Valendine: Deal *as hand out left hand but saw Dalagan gone* HUH!
Allen: Believe me Valendine. Nobody of us hasn't changed but I hope Dalagan's small pranks has changed
Dalagan: Don't worry Allen. We will have a loooooooooong holiday!
Erial and Allen: Oh my ******* god are you kidding us?
Dalagan: I would be a universe class liar if I was joking!
Erial: Well at least I am not his pair. Good luck Valendine
Dalagan: I hear what you mean Erial. You will not be safe from me either as anybody of us on this group.
Erial: Oh COME ON!
I: Hah... Good old Dalagan

Every pair head to Earth with packages of various things with them but looks like Dalagan had packed few surprises as they arrived to hotel near of sea. I think we should go through pair by pair. Dalagan and Valendine.

Dalagan: So what have you planned for a first day? *as was unpacking stuff*
Valendine: I know exactly what I have planned trust me *while opened a luggage and sees a snake* EEEEEEEEEE!
Dalagan: Giggle
Valendine: DALAGAN! *ripline on Dalagan's back*
Dalagan: What? *gets pulled to Valendine and this starts to scold hard Dalagan's head with fist*
Valendine: I will do this punishment with brother style. Does it hurt?!
Dalagan: ow ow ow ow!
Valendine: Do that again and I will do this again. Got it? *as released Dalagan*
Dalagan: Okay... So what is your plan? *as Valendine threw the rubber snake to Dalagan*
Valendine: We should get on our holiday clothes than using warframes?
Dalagan: Hmm... You want so?
Valendine: *takes off the helmet* Have to say. Allen was right on the feeling that no more armor hugging the skin.
Dalagan: *whistle* That face is beautiful *takes off helmet* Finally fresh air to breath. No more filtered air to breath.
Valendine: You look better without helmet you know
Dalagan: Well... Thanks and we should do rest without eye contacts or even in same room
Valendine: Yeah...

Dalagan and Valendine went to change their clothes then came to bedroom.

Dalagan: Have to say for loosing all the thrill of using warframe armor. It is worth it to take a break
Valendine: You are so correct on that
Dalagan: So what have you planned for arrival day?
Valendine: Let's go have a meal first... *stomach mourn* I am hungry
Dalagan: *much more louder stomach mourn* I would like to cry... Ah... It is painful

Valendine and Dalagan went to have a dinner both ate a lot of different and delicous food.

Dalagan: Man... It has had been really long time when I filled up my stomach like this *burb*Valendine: Some good behaving on table young man *burb accidentally* Never mind
Dalagan: Yeap... So do I make next day things to do to us or do you handle it?
Valendine: I will handle it. You do after that day
Dalagan: Good to hear that you keep your promise. Deal

Valendine and Dalagan spent rest of the evening walking on the beach while talking about things. Let's look at what Allen and Erial are doing. On the high way. Two motorcycles on high speed dodges cars on the legal side of the road when they finally arrived to same hotel where everybody is spending nights.

Erial: Damn... That was awesome!
Allen: Yeah... Nothing beats high speed drive on a motorcycles. Now we should go unpack our stuff
Erial: Which room?
Allen: Room 521
Erial: First person there decides what we do tomorrow! *as run towards the staircase*
Allen: Hey! *said it quickly and run after Erial*

At the fifth floor Erial was looking for the room just like Allen. Both found it same time.


Erial: So?... Can I plan the morning?

Allen: Hmm... I will take evening then. Let's go eat when we have unpacked shall we?

Erial: Sure!


Allen opened the door and both went to unpack the stuff while having conversation about warframes and how they has served until this day.


Allen: I can't really say that warframe is best armor for our kind warfare. Weaponry is totally something different to warframe armor standards. Also that armor is just so annoying time to time because of fact that it is nearly part of your skin.

Erial: You are right but today enemies has weaponry or infection causing atmosphere so there will be needed well filtered air.

Allen: Does some military armor grant anything like that?

Erial: They does but they are seriously risky.

Allen: Enough to me.

Erial: Have you seen any prime typed warframe carrying Tenno?

Allen: Extremely rarely. I think they are mostly used on the void.

Erial: Have had been thinking to change this normal in to that.

Allen: You sure about that? We haven't done any researches about effects of neuro sentry towards human Tenno.

Erial: The warframe armor grants that protection.

Allen: Well let's think about that later. We have a holiday to spent.


When both was done on unpacking and Erial had switched Ember warframe to holiday clothes. What about Ridan and Nekon. We can see that they just hopped off from buss and being stared a lot because of wearing the warframes.


Nekon: *gasp* I still can't believe how I got you to be my pair.

Ridan: Come on Nekon it is holiday let's have some fun before Is'Gol calls us back to front line.

Nekon: *sigh* You are right. We have room 491 at the hotel. Have you planned us anything?

Ridan: Not really I am all in for improvising now.

Nekon: *facepalm*

Ridan: Come on it can not be that bad. I bet that you would be in here more than being with Is'Gol and Oberon.

Nekon: You make something sound like boring good and something good sound boring. Great work...


Next Episode. Prime it up and Brotherly shipped blood.

Edited by Revel72
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I summon Tulzscha!


The thread's mover.


You did not use the correct summoning rite (use the report function), and as such my cultists will make your suffering extra spicy. :)


So where this time will this thread travel? :L


Fanfics go in the Fan Art section, moving there now.

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You did not use the correct summoning rite (use the report function), and as such my cultists will make your suffering extra spicy. :)



Fanfics go in the Fan Art section, moving there now.


Oh lord not in here Fan Art. Wait... Are you trying to point out that my writings are art? ._. I somewhat admit by using as an example this thread on another game forums: http://forums.eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=456805&highlight=cyro What I wrote. [Warning extremely off topic]


There is yes times and books or texts what can be classified as art but something like this or on the thread what I wrote long time ago I wouldn't maybe consider to be art but well... Done what is done I have just swallow it and continue writing when I do so.

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