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Warframe, What I Hope For Next.


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.1  Rhino Prime: Easily my favourite frame, but seeing as there are millions of players with favourite frames still to be primed, I won't hold my breath....sit down Vauban, Nova, Nekros and you other newbies... I guess the short answer here is rather...Work on the outstanding primes first, before throwing in more frames to enlargen the pool, thus making the wait longer.


.2  Formas: Switching polarities are all fun and good, but I would really enjoy it if re-leveling a frame/weapon after forma would again generate Mastery points. maybe it increases the amount of mastery points after each forma...ie unforma'd frame MP = 200 p/l as to a 3 *** frame MP = 350 p/l that rewards you with much needed Mastery points, whilst building on your frame and in turn you dont just nuke through frame/weapon levels to get to 30 and then sell it off.


.3  Dojo player rooms: Do not be afraid of using features that other games have used and had great success with. I would enjoy a room of my own in the dojo...it gets allocated to the player by the clan warlord and the player has to put up the resources to get it built. It is basically a weapons cache and achievements hangar. Think of the gun rack in the "Hitman" series...When I reach level 30 with a weapon, instead of just selling the item, I can take it to my hanger and put it on display. This opens inventory space which a lot of us needs and i don't loose a weapon I catalised. It stays in the hanger untill i need it again, or just as a display for others...only I can access the hanger of course, other players can peep through the window. Same with frames, how about a stand for the frames you leveled to 30...put them on display like the bobble head stand for "Fallout 3" if i want to replay a frame, swap out the bobble head and play with the old frame.


.4  Lotus terminus:  A hidden tenno spaceport where the Lotus has facilities for players not part of a clan, but way more than just that. It should have a open market where you can browse for tradeable goods, and alerts are done with sirens and space docks where you can view player specs before forming a team and setting of together from the port like an away team...or lone warrior....something dramatic. The terminus should be on a fixed server as per region, so that when you form a group you know the latency would be stable for the region you are in.


.5 "Thrown weapon slot"  The codex scanner has showed us the items can be equipped in the gear slot that become useable in-game...u can decide if you want to carry grenades (frag, flash bang, shield disrupt) or equip thrown weapons like kunai, despair or hikou? This free's up a weapon slot for another secondary weapon and gives you that stealthy or destructive option in a mission...some people will hate this, but with an added resource for thrown weapons that drops, throw specific mods that can be created, it will add to the experience rather than take away from it.


.6 Grand Master Mastery rank:  With the reforma Mastery points problem getting solved...see .2 it would be more possible to reach GMM rank. What is the reward for getting there...at this point a achievement...and a extra resource drone..../sigh. Here's an idea, once you reach GMM, you have the option to go through a trial by fire...yes it should be difficult, but i think we can pull it off. The reward....PRIME...a frame unlike any other. You have a choice of a male or female body type. Like stalker, Prime has a weapon set unique to him/her(u can equip other weapons just for clearance sake), but...Prime has no abilities. WTH...you might ask. Well, after hundreds of hours playing Warframe, finally reaching GMM I think any player knows how abilities work...plus we all have our favourite ones. Prime is unique in that once you have found a ability mod of any frame, you are able to equip it as an ability. But you may only equip 1 ability from each of the 4 ability tiers...no 4x ultimates. This frame will literraly be that legendary weapon everyone always wants, because it can do what only a Prime can do...EVERYTHING. get the min maxers scratching their heads on the perfect builds now....Plus it solves the male/female issue people are always complaining about. How would you do this...each frame has a unique symbol that represents that frame, at each rank 30 you can polarize your basic ability mod slot with a frame polarity...ie: say i want to equip fireball, it works exactly like it would work for ember, but by adding a ember polarity to that same slot, it increases the base stats for that skill, it becomes more powerfull, now say you can stack that ability with X-times ember slots, how strong can that ability become....this applies to all abilities in the game. But that is not all, each frame has a specific aspect ie: Ember has passive flame protection, Saryn has poison resist...small but its there, so formaing that frames polarity would give Prime a buff on his/her base stats depending on the amount of frame polarities you place on him/her. 


These are some of the things i hope for, all of them doable in my opinion, maybe you agree, maybe you don't.

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1) possible but not likely in U12. iirc, the devs mentioned during livestream #20 no new frame/prime was planned for the next update.


2) i'd rather not see this... adding forma should be optional and not be a requirement for the Mastery ranks.


3) hmm... having your own room? yes. clearing space by putting weapons on display? no. sorry, but DE needs to make money somehow...


4) Yes, all of my Yes!


5) yes? no? maybe? i rather not see existing weapons as consumables though, most weapons aren't too expensive, now that Titan Extractors do the work for us while we're gone.


6) a Prime that adapts too the existing skillsets?

so one skill of the first set, one of the #2's, ect...?

Edited by Magmahunter
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pretty nice, but the Prime Warframe sounds kinda OP, still a cool feature. Like Ditto is in Pokemon, we had our own REAL Allrounder.


3. is something i'd really like to see, since, personally, i dont know what to add to my dojo anymore. The only problem i see, what do you mean with showing the Weapons and achievements? Having every single weapon hanging at the wall? would be more like a giant hallway then a room this way.

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1. primes will come in time. I'm assuming that DE will eventually prime almost all the frames they've made to date, definitely the earlier ones (possibly not valkyr and nekros. oberon would be a pretty cool prime, though) like rhino, volt, loki, trinity. at least hopefully. maybe rhino for the next one (though many speculate that it'll be loki), or I'd like him to be the third from now, if not (since DE alternates white/gold then black/gold for the prime color schemes. and I think rhino would look cool as white with gold trim. enough people run around in all-black rhinos already)


2. no, as much as I'd like that, and it would be an extra incentive to forma random things and actually use all the forma I've amassed through void missions, that's not how mastery works. DE put in place a system where mastery is gained when you rank up each weapon to 30, and that's all you get for a weapon. even if you sell it, craft another, and relevel it, you don't gain any more. mastery is not meant to be something you can farm, it is limited by how many weapons and frames there are in the game. they added starchart mastery and sentinel mastery, but other than that, it should just be a set amount for each weapon. further discussion below


3. definitely a cool idea if DE can implement it. but it would have to be a unique room that basically only you can access, as big clans couldn't have quarters for each and every clan member. maybe it could be unrelated to the dojo, and you could just have a customizable room that you can hang up weapons you've ranked to 30, and frames with your different color schemes and such. but what would be the point if you can't show it off? idk, I didn't really think this through, its not a big concern to me, next..


4. this would be awesome. maybe if we ever get some more lore on the lotus and warframe in general, this hub would fit into the storyline. if would give it a very MMO-type feel, and Idk if that's the best thing for warframe. but I would like to have more camaraderie with my fellow tenno outside of a dojo setting, just a big general space port or interstellar market (having a market would be a big improvement over the arbitrary trading we have now, without set prices or good guidelines on what price mods sell for). latency testing would be nice, and maybe it could have its own recruitment channel, so that the people you recruit  will actually have a good connection (not always the case). or it could have an area where you can join up with other tenno in your region using keys, not through the recruitment channel. just so you don't have to recruit to have some teammates on a void run, or so you can see if people you join will actually have a good connection


5. interesting idea, but DE has already stated that tenno don't have grenades and other things typical of many other third person shooters. our abilities are our "grenades." then again, we also have the penta, and I can understand why DE didn't want us to have grenades, that thing is immensely powerful. but with the customization of our tools (weapons and frames and such), equipping a weapon in the gear menu would be pretty limiting. maybe tactical stuff, like a temporary enemy radar, but not stuff that deals damage


6. again, referring back to 2, mastery is not meant to be something that we grind out. and the grand master mastery rank is not meant to be achievable yet. I can understand that some people really want steam achievements (ok, not really), but these were put in place as an upper limit so that DE can expand content as they please. other than that, I've seen suggestions of a frame that uses ability mods from other frames many times over. a cool idea that I do like, but it would be OP to the extreme. even grand masters of mastery don't deserve that power

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To the OP, agreed to all but the .2. I see the mastery in ths way: You lvl up something to 30, you have mastered that thing, mastered=no more things to know about it, no more things to know about it=no reason to gain more mastery if you lvlup the item again.

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.2  Formas: Switching polarities are all fun and good, but I would really enjoy it if re-leveling a frame/weapon after forma would again generate Mastery points. maybe it increases the amount of mastery points after each forma...ie unforma'd frame MP = 200 p/l as to a 3 *** frame MP = 350 p/l that rewards you with much needed Mastery points, whilst building on your frame and in turn you dont just nuke through frame/weapon levels to get to 30 and then sell it off.




The whole game community is obsessed with stats and numbers. The only reason anyone is aware there's more than four or five top tier guns is because they're forced to level them to get mastery and they just happen to find some more that they like.

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1) possible but not likely in U12. iirc, the devs mentioned during livestream #20 no new frame/prime was planned for the next update.


2) i'd rather not see this... adding forma should be optional and not be a requirement for the Mastery ranks.


3) hmm... having your own room? yes. clearing space by putting weapons on display? no. sorry, but DE needs to make money somehow...


4) Yes, all of my Yes!


5) yes? no? maybe? i rather not see existing weapons as consumables though, most weapons aren't too expensive, now that Titan Extractors do the work for us while we're gone.


6) a Prime that adapts too the existing skillsets?

so one skill of the first set, one of the #2's, ect...?


They can sell the shelves for platinum, the rooms for platinum, and the entry passes to your personal rooms for more platinum. Want to go in again? Need another platinum entry pass :D


As for my take, I like all the ideas. There are times I don't want to be patient also. I think that is what #2 is all about with the want to get to grand master asap. However, i think the current release schedule for the game is pretty decent. Maybe after 100 weapons of each type (shotgun, sniper rifle, assault rifle, combat rifle) then we'll have enough mastery rank to get there. We will also truly be grand masters of warframe then.

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As with all ideas, they could be used constructively, be they positive or negative. i've always thought gaming at its core should always be fun, regardless of idea or gimmick. Warframe has been fun from the first moment i tried it and keeps me entertained 400+ hours later.


This title has the possibility to truly become epic, for many it probably already has. I think the reason I put some emphasis on Mastery points, is that as a player i feel cheated when i finally find a frame i like aesthetically, its skills, and over all presence, the more time i spend with that frame, the better I learn that frames potential and abilities. That only gets unlocked with a reactor and subsequently by formaing. If DE wants to keep Mastery points to 30 lvls of points per frame, then why am i nerfed back to unranked after finally getting to 30? yes, there are ways to level faster, but that just justifies my point further, we are just using multiple frames to rank up to 30 and then discarding them, like my Excalibur, Ash, Ember, Nova, Valkery and now i'm busy with Oberon and Trinity, Nyx and Nekros are lying in wait to be used and discarded. Most get reactored and then sold off, a resource now lost.


I still have my Rhino, and he is a 3 star build, looking to forma again, but not to the reslog back to 30...again. Why, because i get nothing but a polarity change. Why then if i have 4 forma's lying around waiting can't i just forma all of them at once and be done with it. It's not like he gets new skills or attributes, only increases in mod levels and mod point distributions. At least if we got some MP for the relevel, it would make some sort of sense to do it...seeing as you are actually mastering the new prospects of points to you.


I am currently a lvl 7 disciple...almost silver. Previously this meant I had 3 lvls to go to max rank 10...now i'm  not even halfway there, with mastery to each new rank growing exponentially larger. Completion of stellar map only gives a x amount of MP not even enough to dent a rank at lvl 8+...Now you need to scan everything, fun yes but 10's, 20's and 75's stealth scans are far from the 53k MP i will need to get from lvl 8 - 9, or is it 35 k...whichever, it is a lot. The current MP acuiring method turns you into a jack of all trades...master of none. It could at least be looked at.


If i am not mistaken, smoke bombs and flash bangs are as much part of ninja lore as ninja stars and slices of pizza. Yes, they are our skills, but that limits you to a frame and reduces that frame to a one skill pony trick later in-game ie: Rhino's roar, Vortex, Blessing etc. There are so many skills that just don't cut it and so many great frames that gets pushed aside because they just dont fit into the mould of the perfect group setup. Things like player equipped throwables could bring a nice new dimension. And as has been stated...we have the penta, the corpus chuck shield disrupters at us, so the mechanic is in the game, throw a flash bang...like excaliburs flash, or a smokescreen like ash...with the damage boost. Sure it's his skill, but now anyone can do it regardless if you have a ash in your team. Does it make a Ash less valuable as a player...no...if you have a Ash in your group, you take another form of grenade...hell, i'd settle for a elixer that grants 15 secs of added power...like roar, but Roar does it for everyone, the elixer is per person. Just because it is not a wanted feature around the developement table, doesn't make it a bad idea.


The gunrack in the dojo...man that would still be epic. If it meant you needed a hallway for them all...just build a new section, you can expand, expand, expand...like that scene in the matrix where the weapon rows slide in...rows upon rows, although they just took a couple away with them....ah the nostalga.


Prime is actually something i would have started off with as a lvl 0 player...but that is just my own stupid form of logic that makes sence to me. What does not make sense to me is wearing a suit that turns me into dude and then a larger dude and then a lady depending on which suit i take from the closet. It is never revealed how the frames actually work...am i the player a tenno that wears a suit, or am i the player just amasing different tennos for my personal gain and then selling them off like slaves never to be seen again...remember, when i rebuild a frame it starts of unranked...which means it is a different one of the same type. How do i as a player become attached to this slave before i sell it of for its replacement...and so on and so forth.


GMM is something we grind out, how else do you get the status....by buying it? That does not make any sense, how would that make it an achievement, compared to the guy who grinded a couple of 1000 hours to eventually get there. And if that then gives me a frame unlike any other then as a player you would deserve it. Sure, DE could build a nice fence around can do's and can not do's, that would be acceptible, but with a weapon like galatine doing 1000 dps charge at lvl 1, just because some guy wanted a greatsword in the game, where exactly in the game is the limit of OP drawn in the sand? And we all know there are many such examples. Prime is what you call an endgame carrot....that impossible dream, that will have you spend months trying to get, but at least you could work your butt of to get it, instead of just buying it...which should not be possible. Why else would you ever want to climb in mastery rank...highest level needed is 8 and that is for embolist.


I would conclude that Grand Masters of Mastery do deserve that power....but should they wield it?


.7  A freakin Dai-Katana...like Sephiroths

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I'd say 3,4,5,and 6 are good ideas, but...

3. your personal room should be more of a display place for your accomplishments and gear than a storage area. I would like to see the ability to change your gear from the room though.

4. I see no problem with this except possibly to many players at the terminus.

5. how about making the throw able weapons part of your main equipment like your primary and secondary and just give them low ammo I think that would work.

6. let's tone the prime down a bit. Like the prime doesn't get the buffs the other frames get but can use any of their abilities. he should also have two polarity slots that work with any mod polarity. and his base stats should be all around slightly above average.

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I had a similar idea as #6 but different. Actually, if I were to design WF, I'd make it so that when you build(or in this case, research) a new frame, you unlock her unique abilities and the skin. Then you can mix and match all you want. Have an Ember raise the dead, or a Rhino go invisible. This way we get rid of balancing and sex change problems. Done.


Of course, the frames are themed, but with so little lore in the game, the themes matter little too.


Yeah, I had this idea because I really hate how Loki looks but just love stealth-melee. So don't take it too seriously.

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