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Tenno Drama, Season 1


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So lotus and vauban hook up after she woke him from his cryogenic freezing, as she was appealed by his charms and knowledge of the past. and a while after they hook up they give birth to a beautiful baby girl, Nova
Nova meets her older sister Mag who was at the same age as her when she went into cryogenic freezing hundreds of years ago with her father, mag's father is vauban and her mother is an unknown woman from the orokin.
meanwhile vauban's younger brother Rhino Breaks up with Ember as he caught her cheating on him with volt,
and he was so heart broken nova feels bad for him and spends more time with him on missions and try to make her poor sad uncle forget about his heart break and they got quite close to each other and grew into an amazing team, only to be faced by the stalker one time who quickly over powers both of them and knocks rhino out and corners nova into a wall and shockingly reveals his true identity.. as her father !
''Hello,.. Daughter.'' stalker said, shocked and unbelieving nova says "is that the best lie you could come up with ?" and she quickly attacks him with an Anti Matter drop that he avoids and disappears into smoke and reappears in another corner. ''STOP'' he yells, '' i'm not going to hurt you. i AM your father. i can prove it'', then he proceeds to cut his arm with his hate dropping some blood in a DNA sample capsule and throws it infront of nova, 
''i have no intention to hurt you. i have big plans for you, my Daughter. and you can be sure that your mother will pay for her mistakes'' and then disappears into black smoke.
nova picks up the blood sample in suspension and runs a quick scan only to find a DNA match. stalker IS her father ! she falls on her knees and cries in shock, confusion and disgust.
you are now watching -Tenno Wars Of Our Lives-, stay tuned for season 2
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