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Oberon Shunned


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The blind part is the more part.


That and you can use it again after the stun ends, making it a lot better than Chaos for example. Also, you're immune to knockdowns during the casting animation.


+9001.  If I want cc, I would take Excalibur over any other frame.  People don't like Excalibur cause new players get access to them and fail at playing him.


 I do not necessarily agree that Radial Blind is better for CC then Chaos. Chaos has a whole like more going on with it while ALSO being a skill that works with the same effectiveness on enemies of all levels.


 I'd have to see some proving done to change my mind, to be quite honest. As far as I'm aware Chaos is longer and effects a larger area. It also turns enemy aggro into a mess of them attacking and sometimes killing each other.


Blind also work with the same effectiveness on enemies of all levels.  Chaos and blind are both 25 meters at max rank.  The 25 seconds on Chaos actually hurt more than help.  If even a single mob is still affected, you can't use it on the other 30 running around.  Blind last 15 sec total, but can be recast at any point.  Also 50 vs 75 energy.  A mob under the effects of chaos will also hit you or the cryo pod if it is the closest thing.


The single advantage of chaos over blind is the added damage from the mobs hitting each other. 

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Valkyr is bad


 Once again i agree,  damn general ^.^


The thing i hate about valkyr is that if i want god mode i need too sacrfice my weapons, and punch air all day.


Why would i do that if i can simply pick Loki or Rhino and slash them with sword.


And if i dont chose press 4 with  valkyr i will be 1 shooted.


That is why i sold her.

1 power is travel.

2 is crap but cheap

3rd is crap because they are slower but still they shoot.

And 4 is boring.

Edited by SALE94
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no player can be dubbed a bad player based on what 'frame they use... fine example of tunnel-vision.


oberon is a great mid-level frame, and he doesn't do so bad against certain high level enemies since his abilities are radiation dmg.


Put a good player in a "bad" Warframe and he'll do work.


Put a bad player in a "good" Warframe and he'll be decent, at best.


So really, it's mostly down to player skill, mods and his or her knowledge of the frame he or she is using. Mostly because they'll be wise enough not to just spam a single power but know 'when' it needs to go off or actually manage to equally perform based on his weaponry and assisted with the frame's powers.

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+9001.  If I want cc, I would take Excalibur over any other frame.  People don't like Excalibur cause new players get access to them and fail at playing him.



Blind also work with the same effectiveness on enemies of all levels.  Chaos and blind are both 25 meters at max rank.  The 25 seconds on Chaos actually hurt more than help.  If even a single mob is still affected, you can't use it on the other 30 running around.  Blind last 15 sec total, but can be recast at any point.  Also 50 vs 75 energy.  A mob under the effects of chaos will also hit you or the cryo pod if it is the closest thing.


The single advantage of chaos over blind is the added damage from the mobs hitting each other. 


That's why you should use a maxed fleeting expertise on your nyx w/o any duration mods, keeps the energy costs small while increasing your flexibility, meaning in fact that you're using one single mod to maximise your skills viability and spamability while excalibur needs duration AND efficiency mods to achieve the maximum cc capability. On topic, i don't really care for the frames my team uses unless i'm going for longer runs in survival/defense, oberon for example is a highly viable frame for every mission on the starmap and every void mission except t3 def/t1-3 survival depending on your actual goal.

Edited by MortalSin
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I wouldn't immediately jump ship just from seeing a frame choice, but once I'm in game and see them doing nothing but spamming their ult I just might decide to leave. And then it all depends on what I wanted to do, if I only wanted to stay for till wave fifteen-twenty (the waves most ult spammers seem to leave at) I might ask if I can just AFK since its not like there are any enemies left for me to kill. They usually say yes. If I plan to stick around for a while then I leave immediately. Ult spammers (applies to nuke frames, a trinity spamming blessing is great) tend to leave 'early' and if I wanted to play alone I would have started in solo. I played Kappa with a Volt who literally did nothing but spam Overload and occasionally go pick up energy orbs.

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You know what really annoys me, When some random person joins my games and complains about my frame, Because they have no idea how to use and mod it and how it affects the team and themselves. Which sounds like you might be another one of those people TBH.


-Excalibur is one of the best frames in the game to provide high Damage when combined with other frames, He can be the ultimate Damage support frame when used properly.


-Volt is the best frame when combined with Slower frames like rhino squads to provide speed bonuses and quick hit and run attacks towards distant enemy's when you want to mix speed and Low energy powers together for Good support results.


-Oberon is a frame built on the idea of Power spamming, Reckoning spam builds are HUGE lifesavers on maps like Xini when the frames like Nova are out of energy and need that quick  damage burst to wipe out Crowds of enemy's when used right. get three Oberon's and a trinity in Xini and watch the waves go up to 100 no problem at all.


Even smite is amazing as a spam power, low energy and good damage when spammed, Great power for quick running nightmare missions! and getting through mid level maps.


Hallowed ground, is the best power behind Vaubens tesla balls IMO, plant 2 of those in an OD defence and watch the numbers stack up!


I have a Renewal build that has saved my teams lifes more then 5 times i promise you. The power can be spammed and as far as i am concerned, causes Invulnerability when used right.  

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You know what really annoys me, When some random person joins my games and complains about my frame, Because they have no idea how to use and mod it and how it affects the team and themselves. Which sounds like you might be another one of those people TBH.


-Excalibur is one of the best frames in the game to provide high Damage when combined with other frames, He can be the ultimate Damage support frame when used properly.


-Volt is the best frame when combined with Slower frames like rhino squads to provide speed bonuses and quick hit and run attacks towards distant enemy's when you want to mix speed and Low energy powers together for Good support results.


-Oberon is a frame built on the idea of Power spamming, Reckoning spam builds are HUGE lifesavers on maps like Xini when the frames like Nova are out of energy and need that quick  damage burst to wipe out Crowds of enemy's when used right. get three Oberon's and a trinity in Xini and watch the waves go up to 100 no problem at all.


Even smite is amazing as a spam power, low energy and good damage when spammed, Great power for quick running nightmare missions! and getting through mid level maps.


Hallowed ground, is the best power behind Vaubens tesla balls IMO, plant 2 of those in an OD defence and watch the numbers stack up!


I have a Renewal build that has saved my teams lifes more then 5 times i promise you. The power can be spammed and as far as i am concerned, causes Invulnerability when used right.  


1. If you're modding your Excal for damage, you're doing it wrong.


2. Sans speed, Rhino is actually faster than Volt (when using the S2 helm).


3. ...How is a Nova running out of energy? And why would you want three oberons and a trinity when you could sub those oberons out for much better frames making that 100 wave goal easier to reach?


3B) Smite is meh.


3C) Hallowed Ground if far from being the best power, same for Tesla.


3D) Five times isn't much, my Loki has saved teams more times than that.

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I think the whole thread is kinda pointless, people who want to play 100+ waves or 1 hour+ survivals won't take plain damage frames w/o proper scaling in the first place, for everything else there's simply NO POINT to complain, especially since those frames without scaling actually fare better on lower type enemies. Pick the right tool for the right job, using trinity for example for simple exterminate missions or 15 minutes survival/15 waves defense isn't justified unless you're carrying newer players throught alerts or you really like to play her. My advice for the OP is to learn the meaning of the word scaling, it works downwards too.

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I wouldn't immediately jump ship just from seeing a frame choice, but once I'm in game and see them doing nothing but spamming their ult I just might decide to leave. And then it all depends on what I wanted to do, if I only wanted to stay for till wave fifteen-twenty (the waves most ult spammers seem to leave at) I might ask if I can just AFK since its not like there are any enemies left for me to kill. They usually say yes.


Just the other day I packed my rig over to my friend's place, where the internet is WAY better than at my crappy apartment.  Went into recruiting to say "Running ODD until wave 30-ish, anyone looking for mad loot pm for invite".


My clanmate Ravanis was toying with his shiny new Nova, and we both run Siphons.  The battle consisted of "Molecular Prime" followed by "Someone shot something and the map blew up", followed by "Wave Incoming".


A player asked "Why is nova nonstop spamming prime?".  I said into my headset "Because it kills things dead".  He left.


Guess he didn't want the 53 mods we ended up pulling, because he just logged out.


In related news:  I'm building Nova.  I wish Excalibur's beloved Radial Blind was as effective, and it's not bad, but Prime is far better.  Even if it didn't do DAMAGE it would be better.  Slow every enemy on God's Creation to the speed of a raging slug on valium for obscenely long duration?  Yes Freaking Please!


Man, I would have KILLED to be invited to that match when I was starting out!

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That's why you should use a maxed fleeting expertise on your nyx w/o any duration mods, keeps the energy costs small while increasing your flexibility, meaning in fact that you're using one single mod to maximise your skills viability and spamability while excalibur needs duration AND efficiency mods to achieve the maximum cc capability. On topic, i don't really care for the frames my team uses unless i'm going for longer runs in survival/defense, oberon for example is a highly viable frame for every mission on the starmap and every void mission except t3 def/t1-3 survival depending on your actual goal.


Excalibur doesn't need duration mods.  The 5 sec stun is not affected by duration.  The blinded portion is just the icing on the cake.  And unlike nyx, being able to recast it whenever makes duration irrelvant.  So no, excalibur and nyx are modded exactly the same way and excalibur still came out on top.  Alpha frames swag.

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he killed every single enemy I tagged with EVamp before it sent a second pulse >.>)


...is that actually how EVamp works?  I ask because the wiki agrees with you (pulses of energy over the duration)...but the tooltip says "Allies will gain energy when attacking enemies targeted with Energy Vampire". which makes it sound like an energy-generating clone of well of life.


Edit: for copied text

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Excalibur doesn't need duration mods.  The 5 sec stun is not affected by duration.  The blinded portion is just the icing on the cake.  And unlike nyx, being able to recast it whenever makes duration irrelvant.  So no, excalibur and nyx are modded exactly the same way and excalibur still came out on top.  Alpha frames swag.


The blinded period is the important part, a five second stun by itself isn't amazingly useful by itself. Even if it is spammable (no recast limitations). Being able to recast it is nice, but that doesn't give it the edge over Chaos. During the blinded period enemies will still attempt to attack you and your teammates. Chaos'd enemies will also attempt to attack you and your teammates if you get too close, but otherwise will attempt to kill each other. This adds an extra bit of scaling goodness to Chaos that Radial Blind doesn't have.


Both Radial Blind and Chaos are delicious Cakes, the only difference is that Chaos comes with a nice side of Ice Cream. [replace the underlined text with whatever foods you like that complement each other]


Nyx also has a nice shield.

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I was just pulling a Seth rogan and observing and reporting alright. Not bashing Oberon. I just claimed mine finally and I'm about to start him up when I get off work. So don't cyber smash me for being an American with an opinion/observation. Why does any game that has a grind to it always have such a whiny &#! @(*()$ community?!

After reading this post again, I noticed that you are showing signs of being part of that so-called "whiny &#! @(*()$ community," given the way you're talking.


People underestimate Oberon. He is far from a perfectly viable frame, but you really are just not seeing the value of his abilities when used correctly.

Smite mini-stuns/interrupts groups that are clustered together.

Hallowed Ground, sadly, is almost useless.

Renewal provides a pretty good heal, and I'm pretty sure the revival thing still works.

Reckoning is an all around ability. It will wipe out cannon fodder and provide health to teammates while briefly disabling heavy units.

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The blinded period is the important part, a five second stun by itself isn't amazingly useful by itself. Even if it is spammable (no recast limitations). Being able to recast it is nice, but that doesn't give it the edge over Chaos. During the blinded period enemies will still attempt to attack you and your teammates. Chaos'd enemies will also attempt to attack you and your teammates if you get too close, but otherwise will attempt to kill each other. This adds an extra bit of scaling goodness to Chaos that Radial Blind doesn't have.


Both Radial Blind and Chaos are delicious Cakes, the only difference is that Chaos comes with a nice side of Ice Cream. [replace the underlined text with whatever foods you like that complement each other]


Nyx also has a nice shield.


The blinded portion is NOT the important part because like you said, they can attack you or try and fail anyway.  And if they do, use blind again.  Stunlocking on the other hand is complete disable which chaos lack.  It's on the level of vortex with the added bonus of chaos's range.  If you use blind vs chaos on that last lvl 65 gunner in t3 def (or insert any single overpowered lvl 8000 enemy), chaos become useless while blind lets you kill it with melee.  Chaos is still really good cake, but 2nd rate to blind since ice cream melts.


Edit:  For your comparison, rhino stomp is 8 sec and not recastable like chaos.  And rhino stomp is good cake for a reason.  Blind gets the best part of rhino stomp and vortex with the bonus of chaos, as well as the OPTION to recast. 

Edited by aa3123
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The blinded portion is NOT the important part because like you said, they can attack you or try and fail anyway.  And if they do, use blind again.  Stunlocking on the other hand is complete disable which chaos lack.  It's on the level of vortex with the added bonus of chaos's range.  If you use blind vs chaos on that last lvl 65 gunner in t3 def (or insert any single overpowered lvl 8000 enemy), chaos become useless while blind lets you kill it with melee.  Chaos is still really good cake, but 2nd rate to blind since ice cream melts.


Edit:  For your comparison, rhino stomp is 8 sec and not recastable like chaos.  And rhino stomp is good cake for a reason.  Blind gets the best part of rhino stomp and vortex with the bonus of chaos, as well as the OPTION to recast. 


Having to recast the same ability every five seconds is practical how?


How is it on level with Vortex? It sacrfices duration for reach, meaning you have to spam it for the same effect. 


Stunlocking is nice, but it doesn't help you kill that massively overpowered enemy any faster. At least with Chaos that enemy is likely to already be injured to some extent. But yes, on single targets a stunlock is more useful than a crowd control.


Chaos is far from second rate. Chaos generates damage that scales, this makes enemies easier to kill (since they're attacking each other). Radial Blind does not do this. 


Radial Blind > Chaos in single target situations. Chaos > Radial Blind for Crowd Control.


Not sure what Rhino stomp has to do with this.

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