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Tell Us About Your Rookie Mistakes



We all had them and it happened to one or to another. 


Mine was when I didn't learn about fusion until some months later.. To me I thought Vitality mod that were stronger were harder to find so I grind and grind to finding them to no avail. And what did I do to those fusion mods you ask? I sold them, for those that are facepalming right now yeah it was pretty embarrassing now I look at the past. I clearly thought that these fusion mods had no purpose to the game and they were only to be sold for quick credits. After I learned all this I was devastated to learn that they did have a purpose after all. In the end, I got over it and started looking for fusions.

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I find the limitation of slots to be a major hindrance to the newbies. I only have about 90 hours in warframe, and I started playing a few weeks before damage 2.0.


I had NO IDEA that I'd need to pay plat to get more weapon/frame slots. I ended up using most of my starting plat on 2 orokin cells, and an orokin reactor for the seer. Sure, the seer is pretty amazing as a weapon; and did carry me through till neptune. But I would have NEVER wasted platinum on a few orokin cells and a potato, if there was any semblience of a tutorial.


I'd prefer DE to just add a tutorial on game mechanics before you even step on Mercury.

I.e. you do the tutorial about basic mechanics with excal. Then as a reward you get some plat and credits, a choice at your starting frame (Mag/Excal/Loki) in your foundry. You then need to build and rush the frame components (with the free provided credits, mats, and plat), and frame itself; along with your Mk1-braton, Lato, and Skana.  But since you have no slots, you must buy them (with extra provided plat.) So the net result is a tutorial for a newbie so they know about the Foundry, materials, and how to build frames; and purchasing slots. You may then unlock the first node of Mercury, and give them the 50 starting plat(Along with the free slots) after they finish Mercury, and beat Vor.



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When I first started there was little-no explanation of the fusion system at all, and I didn't know to wiki it.


Fused mismatched polarity mods and sold some mods for creds before I realized I didnt need creds :(


... I also sold my Lato Prime by accident once, but was able to get it recovered. Whew!

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Spending any platinum at all before I knew wtf I was doing.  Don't spend platinum for your first 2 weeks, at least.  So many regrets.


Trying to play solo.


Playing more than 2 missions in this game before reading wikia because there is no intro, in game help, or tutorial worth mentioning


Buying any weapons at all for platinum except Penta, Ignis, and Soma.  Spolsionsssssssssssssssssssss.


Buying Nekros for platinum.


Selling mods for credits.  Ever.


Believing anything I read on the internets about playing Nekros (boring), not playing Nyx (uh, totally awesome), Mag sucking (uh, no, Crush sucks, Mag is great). 


Trying to use a bow.  Or a sword.  Or using an ability for damage.  Silly rabbit, GUNS do damage.  Abilities are complements, crowd control, or utility.  


Not putting Shred on a Penta sooner.  Spolsionsssssssssssssssssssss


Trying the level 8 mastery test on a PS4 with the default controller options.  Watch YouTube and just cheat.


Not reading more on wikia or watching some of the really excellent YouTube videos for modding and weapons because in-game help ....


I still don't know what Parkour is, but I know I'm not.  

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Started out pretty well as a noob, didn't do anything dumb by looking on the wiki and asking around.


Here comes Penta.

I kill something past a door, stop in front of the door. Door closes. I realize that. I still fire and detonate as it bounces back.

It was like, subconscious.

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Spending any platinum at all before I knew wtf I was doing.  Don't spend platinum for your first 2 weeks, at least.  So many regrets.


Trying to play solo.


I need to reiterate these.  Even as a not-so-rookie, I'm finding a lot of new fun from synergy with teammates' warframes.  For example, Nova is one of my favorites.  But Nova+Ember ?  Nova+Nyx, Nova+Mag, Nova+Vauban ?  Way way more raw fun.  I don't want to play Ember, but I sure love having her around Infestation missions!  And the same is true for a lot of other pairs that you just can't do solo.

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I stacked every single duplicate mod I got the second a map ended for about 2 days 2 weeks, wondered why I had zero credits.


Oh yeah and wtf am I supposed to do with this page of 400 fusion cores? Luckily I didn't sell or trade them so I was able to benifit from them eventually. But those early days could have been sooo much easier if I had used those cores to max out mods instead of waiting to get dups of ultra rares to fuse.



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