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Good Frost Builds?



Hi there, i'm looking, just as the topic's title suggests, for a good Frost build. So far i've thought of different things, but i have yet to come up with something i would build. My problem is that i'm somehow obsessed with energy efficiency, which works really well on most frames, for Frost however i can't figure something out involving energy efficiency D:. What skills do i need anyways? I've read about using narrowminded+efficiency to get small  'cryopods' to shoot from, problem is that his other skills don't really synergize well with that kind of tactic, and it seems pretty dull to just shoot form your pod.

There's nothing i wouldn't change on him, so just give me your suggestions, even if it doesn't involve power efficiency xD

Looking forward for good advices and thanks in advance!

Edited by MortalSin
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4 answers to this question

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Stock snowglobe size is more suitable to most occasions, as it limits the number of enemies that could enter, and the slow effect range isn't effected.


The best additions to compliment his trademark ability Snowglobe are Continuity and Constitution (unless I'm thinking of Fortitude?) for max duration. Freeze is CC, Ice Wave is still a super narrow waste of time, and his ultimate works okay as a temporary CC once it's unable to kill enemies in higher tiers.


Personally I run max Rush since he comes with a utility/tactical polarity by default, so it really helps with keeping up with a team of anything other than Rhinos or Frosts. And the rest of the mod slots go to Flow or Streamline to maintain safe energy levels.

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This is my current build for my Frost Prime


I mainly focus on duration to get the most out of my snowglobes, and because of that I equipped Narrow Minded, making my globe super itty bitty but making it last over an entire minute.

However, it is still large enough to block any kind of Defense Pod except the Grineer one in the cave. And for all those normal pods, the only things that can get close enough to penetrate the globe and do damage to the pods are melee, which are then slowed. The ultimate defense.

I will eventually use another Forma to change ability slot 1 or 2 to V polarity and adding Stretch so I can use Avalanche a bit better, and not have to have such a microscopic Snowglobe.

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Frost really doesn't need energy efficiency.  A steamline is more than enough.  Snowglobe shouldn't have energy problems especially if you use some duration mods. 


A stretch mod is all you need for range.  You can even go without it.  A tiny globe means no one can stand in it.  A giant globe creates a gap where enemies can stand without being slowed or have their shots blocked.


His other abilities are pretty sad.  Honestly not worth going fleeting expertise to spam with.  Avalanche can be used to stun for a few seconds.  It has pretty terrible range so stretch can help with that.  I still wouldn't recommend spamming with it, but if you insist, you can.  Just use constitution and continuity to counter fleeting expertise and you are set to go.

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