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De - Another Kind Of Endgame - Sports!


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TL:DR - New Game Modes Which Are Competitive With Ladder System.


So here we go again. I´m here with another idea for Warframe that thus far has been ignored and actually not spoken of.

No I am not talking about PvP, conclave is what it is and it can be fun and it is far from balanced or perfect and I have a hard time seeing Conclave reach the balance of competitive PvP games.


My idea suits the style of warframe better because it will allow for the same thing we already do ingame but with us being striped of our damage to a certain degree where we are all equal. 


- Sports Modes -







- Powers with damage tied into them do not work

- Utility powers work,

- Some powers are reworked for some frames to fit these modes ie Soul Punch briefly stuns target for 1 sec.

- All weapon can only use utility mods such as, fast hands, ammo drum, etc

- Warframes can only use health shield and shield regen armor mods. Mods like flow, stretch, focus that alter abilities will not work. Handspring, Parry, Block mods will work.

- Aura Mods will not be allowed.




Team King of The Hill -  Map with highground that needs to be taken and held with a ticket system counting down for the team that holds the current position. Position will only be at a certain point on the map for a while until it changes positions forcing the teams to race to the new location and hold it. Match ends when one teams tickets reach 0.


Solo King Of The Hill - Same as above but it´s a free for all, the winner is the player who reaches 0 first.


Team Oddball - Each team has 1 player on their team with a bomb which periodically makes them take damage while holding it. The sphere itself has a counter which counts down each time the ball is passed between players. Only the player holding the spehere can see the counter which the spere is at. When the sphere gets thrown to a player and the counter reaches 0 the player explodes and is immediately eliminated from the match. You can target friendly players to pass the ball forward om order to get into range and throw it at an enemy player. The goal is to eliminate all the other players on the opposing team either through blowing them up or through having the die to the debuff from holding the sphere to long. Should the game progress to long, each 5 minutes a new sphere is added to the match and placed in random players hands.


Solo Oddball - Same as above only it´s every man for himself.


Capture The Flag - Selfexplanatory for anyone who has ever played CTF.


Team Shadowrun - A mode where only Bows, Glaives, Kunais and Swords are allowed. In this teams take turns defending 1 ViP target as the ViP makes his way from one side of the map to the other while the other teams job is to assassinate the ViP.


Solo Shadowrun - In this mode the same weapons are used as in Team shadowrun only that one person is randomly chosen to be the ViP. The match ends when everyone has been the ViP and the person who managed to stay alive the longest is declared the winner.


Team Berzerker Deathmatch - This mode takes turns allowing for one player on each team to go into a berzerk state at the same time. The berzerk state is given to random player on both teams at the  same time. The berzerk player can unable to die during the buff but can not use ranged weapons and kills other players with one hit. FIrst team to get 50 kills wins the match.


Solo Berzerker deathmatch - Same as above only that each player has to pick up the berzerker buff that spawns every 2 minutes in the middle of the map. Buff lasts for 1min and 30sec. 50 kills wins you the match.



Outside The Arenas


- Allowing Clans to create their own teams with their own banner.

- Allow Clans to design their own Arena where they can invite other teams for challenges.

- Solo and Teambased Rankings each month with a championship at the end of the year for each mode.

- Ability to earn specific cosmetic looking gear to show off your commitment to the sport based on ranking placements.




Well this is just to get the ball rolling, I´m hoping you people can contribute with your own ideas and we all know DE used to make Unreal Tournament so this should be right up their alley.


Regards Oktalz

Edited by Oktalz
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Don't sell yourself short! You can be a Rook if you put your best foot forward! (Chess joke!)


Lol, you can be anything as long as you set your mind on something :D.

But really constructive feedback lads and ladies, please.


Regards Oktalz

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lol swear i did not see your post, but just wrote something entirely similar xD :



It´s nice that your post exists and as such more ideas sprout up. The more ideas that DE get their way the better additions we can expect Warframe to have in the future. Keep up the work mate.


Regards Oktalz

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