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People Flying Across Rooms, Etc


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But dear Llyssa. It is obviously an exploit !

And it is completely unrealistic that a heavy frame such as Rhino can suddenly cross half a room just because he jumped on a wall, and then off it !

Plus, you'd leave all the players who don't know that little trick behind ! And that's bad !

>implying that anti-Copterers don't want to see that fixed as well.

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Are you really going the realism route ? this is a videogame nothing is realistic. And are you sugesting that we shouldnt be able to wallrun and jump off from the wall ? is so WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ???? HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is the whole game FFS where is the downvote button ?


It was sarcasm. He's on your side.

Also, stop writing like an idiot.

Edited by Caernarvon
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Are you really going the realism route ? this is a videogame nothing is realistic. And are you sugesting that we shouldnt be able to wallrun and jump off from the wall ? is so WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ???? HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is the whole game FFS where is the downvote button ?


Irony? Ring any bells?

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Did I say that it wouldn't ruin your gameplay experience? No. I said that fast players leaving teammates behind are just as harmful to their slow teammates as slow players are to their fast teammates. 


I also did not say that you said that going slow was "not right". You're the one putting words in my mouth, mate.




While the forums aren't even close to representing the majority, they do represent the population of players who care the most about the game's future.


Do you expect me to find the players who quit and ask them about it or something? Seriously.
Go and prove to me that nobody left. Works both ways, bud.
There are many old threads about the issue that died months ago when the devs said that they'd be trying to solve the issue (which is why missions are getting revamped in the first place). Find them yourselves.
And are you honestly under the impression that nobody has left the game due to rushers? You're arguing with a bunch of people who feel that rushing is an issue. Stop pretending that it's not a problem that other people experience as well.

Like I already said, how is going slow more wrong than rushing?

It's not like the "slow" players are having their own peaceful dandy time when the mission gets completed before they clear out three tiles. When a team is separated, everyone suffers.



That is the issue. It's a co-op game, and it sure as hell should be built for teamwork.


You are clearly not reading what people are/have been saying since the start of this thread

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I personally want it change from its current state as well, as illustrated in the OP, can cause misunderstandings.

While you may have been met poorly, I did enjoy the points you brought up and there is merit to them and I did enjoy reading them as made me think.


Thank you.


You have not fallen onto deaf ears.

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This discussion is already over, why do you keep going?

So the answer is: "I do not understand or want to partake in the options available for me, thusly, the party that does it should be punished." ?


This is the old Looter/Rusher debate all over again, and it boiled down to one simple answer: DE adds a gameplay preference to their matchmaking. We have been discussing this for a long time, and many, many players have no interest at all at crawlin through the levels at a relaxed jogging speed. These players, veterans of many hours, tired from the repetitive missions, just want to get things over with. Going fast is the one thing in Warframe where you can display craft and skill. Where you have a tangible challenge - the clock.


Removal of that element takes the last fun out of the game for those who played it a fair amount of time.


What we need is not appeasing the slow or fast, punishing the fast or slow, we need preferences, and we needed them eight months ago. But we still need them. I would love to select "Fast/Rush" as my playstyle and never be matched up with people who open the last locker in a godforsaken corner. I am sure those people would be happy to select "Slow/Loot" to take their time and be matched up with likeminded individuals, lest they lose their credits and/or miss stuff because the fast people are already extracting as they are still picking stuff up.


So, there. It's an old issue. Playstyle preferences for the matchmaker, please.


PS: And leave 'coptering alone, really. Dont kill the fun, DE. You don't hate fun, do you?

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I personally want it change from its current state as well, as illustrated in the OP, can cause misunderstandings.

While you may have been met poorly, I did enjoy the points you brought up and there is merit to them and I did enjoy reading them as made me think.


Thank you.


You have not fallen onto deaf ears.


Speaking of things being clear, you are CLEARLY on the side of "passive agressive against going fast but wont admit it openly"

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Speaking of things being clear, you are CLEARLY on the side of "passive agressive against going fast but wont admit it openly"

Reread my posts, I stated I am conceptually against it, twice I believe.


I am also against the confusion it can cause in new players, the subject the topic was initially constructed on the basis of. The subject I was mostly weighing in on.

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You are clearly not reading what people are/have been saying since the start of this thread

Like what? From the start of the thread, it's just been a tug-of-war between "Remove coptering!" and "Don't remove coptering!". Only later in the thread did it become a discussion of "Remove rushing!" vs "Don't remove rushing!".


The only pro-Rushing solution that I liked was Ced's, with the splitting of player preferences and the like, but I don't think that it's going to go over that well once the game passes its prime. Limiting the number of players you can potentially team with isn't going to go well once the population dies down, unless it's a very simple, easy-to-access toggle with a "No preferences" option.

That said, though, I think that Ced's solution is going to have the greatest benefit to the game with the least effort of installing. 



Speaking of things being clear, you are CLEARLY on the side of "passive agressive against going fast but wont admit it openly"

Going fast isn't the problem. Like I've said, I'd much rather see Coptering be made into a feature, with its own unique animations that don't look utterly ridiculous.

It's the way that missions are set up that is the real issue here. There is no encouragement to stick together unless it's an EXP Farm-based mission. Missions are so easy that losing half of your teammates from leaving them behind isn't going to dampen your success rates in any way (hell, it'll make you finish the mission faster).





I personally want it change from its current state as well, as illustrated in the OP, can cause misunderstandings.

While you may have been met poorly, I did enjoy the points you brought up and there is merit to them and I did enjoy reading them as made me think.


Thank you.


You have not fallen onto deaf ears.

Thank you. Good to see that at least one person agrees with me. XD

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Why? Seriously, why? There is really no reason to remove it. It's like removing rocket jumps from quake or other competitive shooters with it.


I love the speed boost. I hate that I have to do it using the dual zoeren only. I think they should make it a benefit of all light/fast weapons. If you want swords and maces, then you get the advantage of aoe swongs, but lose the advantage of speed. something like that anyway.

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Nope. The devs like it just as much as the players do.

It's more likely to be made into a feature than it is likely to be removed. XD

I'm not against that idea, actually!


I actually enjoy "zorencoptering" when I'm trying to blaze through something on Solo. Online play, I tend to avoid that unless I see the other players zorencoptering.

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I like Zorencopter, I don't see how it hurts anyone, on the contrary, it helps fight the boredom of running through those endless stages.


First time I saw it I was : WTF ? I totally want to learn to do this !


I would be extremely disappointed if they remove it.



People want to remove it because some don't "understand it" when they see it ? Seriously lol ? DE, please take care of the IMPORTANT things and leave the cool ones that don't matter (or are beneficial to this game).

Edited by Hyunsai
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Nope. The devs like it just as much as the players do.

It's more likely to be made into a feature than it is likely to be removed. XD

I would feel this would be better than its current state. While, I personally feel not the best option, but is something I can accept as there is a resolution of the confusion it can cause in new players as it can be properly explained to them.

I am not expecting immediate change, just for consideration and topics like this help keep it clear why it needs to be addressed at some point.

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Reread my posts, I stated I am conceptually against it, twice I believe.


You know it's true.



Going fast isn't the problem. Like I've said, I'd much rather see Coptering be made into a feature, with its own unique animations that don't look utterly ridiculous.

It's the way that missions are set up that is the real issue here. There is no encouragement to stick together unless it's an EXP Farm-based mission. Missions are so easy that losing half of your teammates from leaving them behind isn't going to dampen your success rates in any way (hell, it'll make you finish the mission faster).


That wasn't even directed at you.



Like what? From the start of the thread, it's just been a tug-of-war between "Remove coptering!" and "Don't remove coptering!". Only later in the thread did it become a discussion of "Remove rushing!" vs "Don't remove rushing!".


Examples? Please, that would be a horrible waste of time.


The only pro-Rushing solution that I liked was Ced's, with the splitting of player preferences and the like, but I don't think that it's going to go over that well once the game passes its prime. Limiting the number of players you can potentially team with isn't going to go well once the population dies down, unless it's a very simple, easy-to-access toggle with a "No preferences" option.

That said, though, I think that Ced's solution is going to have the greatest benefit to the game with the least effort of installing. 


This is what we're supposed to talk about, solutions, not "duuur remove speed", glad you see the light.


About the player issue, this is an issue because the game is NOT in it's prime (not sure it ever will be at this rate), but also because you cant make groups for different goals, just maps, if you could have a matchmaker system where you can get an auto matched party for something like say "Farming rubedo and something else" instead of having to queue for individual maps where theres a ton of different ones with the same conditions...


On the same subject, last I checked and I have no reason to think they changed it, you only get auto matched with people of your selected realm, there is no reason for this since this game doesn't care at all about ping, only packet loss.

Hurry up and merge the realms already DE!

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I like Zorencopter, I don't see how it hurts anyone, on the contrary, it helps fight the boredom of running through those endless stages.


First time I saw it I was : WTF ? I totally want to learn to do this !


I would be extremely disappointed if they remove it.



People want to remove it because some don't "understand it" when they see it ? Seriously lol ? DE, please take care of the IMPORTANT things and leave the cool ones that don't matter (or are beneficial to this game).



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That wasn't even directed at you.


Examples? Please, that would be a horrible waste of time.

Are you suggesting that there's some hidden wisdom through these pages that I missed? The only thing that wouldn't jarate off a huge number of players that I saw was Ced's solution.
If you're referring to something else that I missed, then please point it out. I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about.

This is what we're supposed to talk about, solutions, not "duuur remove speed", glad you see the light.


About the player issue, this is an issue because the game is NOT in it's prime (not sure it ever will be at this rate), but also because you cant make groups for different goals, just maps, if you could have a matchmaker system where you can get an auto matched party for something like say "Farming rubedo and something else" instead of having to queue for individual maps where theres a ton of different ones with the same conditions...


On the same subject, last I checked and I have no reason to think they changed it, you only get auto matched with people of your selected realm, there is no reason for this since this game doesn't care at all about ping, only packet loss.

Hurry up and merge the realms already DE!


This makes sense. I'd like to see this ingame; we need to get some more inter-player cooperation and communication going.


Judging from the posts that this thread has, players will always have different playing styles and paces, and there isn't anything that anyone can do about it without angering a huge number of other players. Selecting teams that have similar playstyles would reduce this problem by a lot.

Our current system of slapping all players together regardless of their preferences causes friction every now and then (the whole rushing discussion and what not); players should only have to risk this as a last resort, i.e. if they can't find any teammates within their preference checklist.


Selective teams isn't a perfect solution, but it's the best that I've seen in this thread so far, since it'd be a change that leaves no tears (at least until the population dies down and players are forced to group with randoms again). +1 to Ced.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I like Zorencopter, I don't see how it hurts anyone, on the contrary, it helps fight the boredom of running through those endless stages.


First time I saw it I was : WTF ? I totally want to learn to do this !


I would be extremely disappointed if they remove it.



People want to remove it because some don't "understand it" when they see it ? Seriously lol ? DE, please take care of the IMPORTANT things and leave the cool ones that don't matter (or are beneficial to this game).


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Yes let's remove the ability for melee users to close in fast on targets, because they have it too good against range weapon users. Lol =)


While removing any movement ability at all in a "space ninja" game is the worst idea ever, you make the mistake of making a class of "melee users" here, the game wants you to (and I as a player want to) use your full arsenal of weaponry, not just one part.


If anything it's about primary and secondary weapons, because you cant use those in any kind of flud manner, put on fast weapon switching and sure, its slightly better, but they still don't really compliment each other it's more like "I use my pistol when I get downed", sadly.

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