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Open World....


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I know this has been discussed but here goes my quick 2 cents. Especially with this now being on steam I think the popularity will rise some BUT. The redundancy of the instances is what will in the end be this games demise. You can add frames, weapons, and new "look" to environments all day but in the end its still the same thing over and over. Devs you really should look into hooking up with another company to help with this possiblity. I know its an insane overhaul of the entire game engine BUT here are a few things to consider.

-Much more lengevity to the game and abilty to expand.

-The graphics, character movements, animations are amazing but could suit an open world game better.

-I'm not looking for an MMO quest system or anything of that nature. Do it how you will but just being able to run around with a group of friends and explore an unknown world of enemies and find some cave and explore it to find a boss with awesome loot would be so much fun with these mechanics.

-Jumping off mountains with your axe out, wall running waterfalls and jump off to shoot my bow in the air while flying at an enemy. Just so many possibilities.

I am aware this is basically impossible at this point but I say you should give another company the rights to build such a game with your graphics and animation/character moves. Take warframe graphics and engine, set it in a Firefall style world, skyrim style questing and BAM you have yourself a next gen game.

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My personal answer to your idea would be a NO! This game as it is perfectly compliments what they are going for. Not all games need to be an open world environment or questing as there already is a big market for that. This game is unique to me in what they are doing with the concept. It is very hard to come across really good 4 person Co-Op games these days IMO, let alone a 4 person F2P co-op.

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I don't see why the gameplay can't be kept, and they just add a couple of actual planets to "free roam". tada...

For the most part, i'd say this game is balanced for longeivety: says 90 hours effecient playing and only master rank 4

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My personal answer to your idea would be a NO! This game as it is perfectly compliments what they are going for. Not all games need to be an open world environment or questing as there already is a big market for that. This game is unique to me in what they are doing with the concept. It is very hard to come across really good 4 person Co-Op games these days IMO, let alone a 4 person F2P co-op.

You could still play with your 4 friends though. And I clearly stated I was not looking for a traditional questing system. Also to be frank there is no market for an open world game like warframe. In fact Firefall is the closest thing and it is terrible to say the least with direction leading to pvp in that game as well. Tabula Rasa was a great similar concept that I am surprised shut down because it was good and with current times graphics would have been awesome.

I don't see why the gameplay can't be kept, and they just add a couple of actual planets to "free roam". tada...

For the most part, i'd say this game is balanced for longeivety: says 90 hours effecient playing and only master rank 4

I'm down with porting to a free roam planet as long as its big enough and had an objective or explore mode. But the longevity I disagree with. You might not mind grinding the same crap over and over but in the end without some diversity on stuff to do that is what this game is. Just a grind.

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you just describe how i play on the new map....

except water fall and no axe (or a dagger axe) XD

on a serious note the problem is not the open world thingy , i am pretty fine with the "open sky" map..

But you did point something interesting... right!

it would be awesome to have the possibilitie to go on a planet without any mission behind and just wandering..

with a litle trick used in old games you can easily create a fake open world with the procedural maps at the cost of some litle loading time...


you select a random planet

the "mission" start and say explore and eliminate all kind of treat...

(the first map will be like boss map , stable unchanged) you ll have to go back at same spot in order to extract

you ll explore the map and find out diferent gate for diferent zone; leading to w/e can be on a planet

each time you ll change zone the dificultie lvl will rise and the drops too

_ open area with monsters+ hiden boss somewhere in the map

_underground facilitie

_oupost corpus

_orochin ruins with old orochin robot-guardians

each of them will be randomly generated , after a litle loading

(a lot of trick exist to make hiden loading)


also forget about askin other company help... first NO and second WTF no

They dont need to be chained again, they need to be free to give us the best experience

Edited by Tsoe
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-Much more lengevity to the game and abilty to expand.

What exactly would lengthen the game? What kind of Expansions are you referring to? It expands roughly every month, with mini expansions most week or two in-between. You do realise the Devs are using their own Proprietary Engine? I am confident they know exactly what they're doing in it, as they have had years of experience in Game Development. The Creative Director and the Lead Designers have been with the company for over a decade.

-The graphics, character movements, animations are amazing but could suit an open world game better.

Um, what does movements and Animation have to do with an Open World? The game's control mechanics are based around small to medium areas, not massive worlds. The Outpost provides us with the most expansive areas yet for us to roam around with and explore. If you're not happy with that, I hear TERA is nice.

-I'm not looking for an MMO quest system or anything of that nature. Do it how you will but just being able to run around with a group of friends and explore an unknown world of enemies and find some cave and explore it to find a boss with awesome loot would be so much fun with these mechanics.

I would like to see rare tiles that can occasionally appear to provide more intense situations with the Tenno. Puzzle rooms and Mid-Boss rooms for example. As it stands though, our world is unknown. And with more expansions, it gets more vague and obscure.

You know, we can already do the whole exploration thing with friends, it is a load of fun in the Outpost and Grineer Asteroid missions just messing about. Wallrunning up to out of reach areas, things like that. You should try it :3

-Jumping off mountains with your axe out, wall running waterfalls and jump off to shoot my bow in the air while flying at an enemy. Just so many possibilities.

Jumping off Mountains. Check.

Wallrunning up Waterfalls? Nope, but we can wallrun up a FROZEN waterfall! Also, We can only Wallrun so high, but I would love to see a few more vertically oriented tiles, for sure.

Shooting a bow in midair? Kinda cool, I'll give you that. But it can already be done.

I am aware this is basically impossible at this point

Wrong. It's just not in the design brief.

but I say you should give another company the rights to build such a game with your graphics and animation/character moves

I think you're misinformed about how this sort of process works. DE would not say "Hey, guys, do something with this, any takers?" They would be approached by an interested party, if there were any. Even if they were, what can another company do better that DE can't? DE is experienced with wide open areas, having worked with the Unreal Tournament up until III, if I recall correctly.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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As you severely messed up the quote system I can't properly quote your responses on my phone because copy and paste would take forever. I will say however you clearly have no idea what I'm talking about and your responses are not only incorrect but just not even rellavent to the topic. Please remove yourself from this thread.

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They've said they won't do an open world exactly because the maps are procedurally generated. They just make tile sets that are randomly put together to make a level. The open sky ice world is about as close as you will get.

They say that now but it wouldn't take many resources in comparison to the amount of community that would enjoy even semi open planet that you port down to and takes an hour or so to explore. That is very doable whether it is a priority or not I can very much so understand due to other issues needing addressed first.

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They say that now but it wouldn't take many resources in comparison to the amount of community that would enjoy even semi open planet that you port down to and takes an hour or so to explore. That is very doable whether it is a priority or not I can very much so understand due to other issues needing addressed first.

The whole game mechanic isnt suppsoed to be an open world game. You would create a complete different game and that is not necessary in my opinion

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I don't think fully open world would work with this type of game, but I definitely feel that more open maps would go a long way to improving it. A good example is the snow map used in Halo's Assault on the Control room level.


I think this kind of linear open level design would perfectly fit the game style that is Warframe. Doesn't have to be snow either, desert, forests, swamps, war torn suburban areas would all work well if executed right.

This game is not supposed to be an open world game. And transform it into one is simply impossible.

To claim something is impossible in a gaming development environment is very short sighted. From what I've seen of the Evolution Engine, it's more than capable of doing the job.

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I don't think fully open world would work with this type of game, but I definitely feel that more open maps would go a long way to improving it. A good example is the snow map used in Halo's Assault on the Control room level.


I think this kind of linear open level design would perfectly fit the game style that is Warframe. Doesn't have to be snow either, desert, forests, swamps, war torn suburban areas would all work well if executed right.

I think we will see more variety here. These snow maps are just the beginning =) Grineer are completely different from corpus so I think that there will be some kind of desolated industrial world maps :3

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I think we will see more variety here. These snow maps are just the beginning =) Grineer are completely different from corpus so I think that there will be some kind of desolated industrial world maps :3

Oooo industrial worlds would be really nice, I hope you're right about that. Mad Max style environments with steam powered monsters. I hate to keep referencing others work but here's a nice example.


Or even the dwemer style from Elderscrolls.


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I guess I just don't care for the Tile system. Where I can walk in every room and am like oh I know this room. Whether its covered in infested, snow, swamp, whatever just changing the environment isn't enough to make it different if it all still feels the same. Making things a little more open on missions wouldn't hurt.

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Well, this isn't open-world MMO or a sandbox shooter nor it tries to be, so I'd say no. And I'm not even taking the earth-shaking amount of money and time that would take, in fact, it would perhaps be simplier to just scrap the game and do a new one from a scratch. Now, I'm not saying Warframe: The open world action wouldn't be cool, it's just that it's a different game.

Tho what would be great and perhaps doable - some basic hub area where people can see each other and perhaps team up would be cool. Of course, it's also a bit more difficult than it sounds, as it would need dedicated servers I believe. Unless that already is there and I'm not only noob, but also blind.

Edited by RainbowFlash
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Well, this isn't open-world MMO or a sandbox shooter nor it tries to be, so I'd say no. And I'm not even taking the earth-shaking amount of money and time that would take, in fact, it would perhaps be simplier to just scrap the game and do a new one from a scratch. Now, I'm not saying Warframe: The open world action wouldn't be cool, it's just that it's a different game.

Tho what would be great and perhaps doable - some basic hub area where people can see each other and perhaps team up would be cool. Of course, it's also a bit more difficult than it sounds, as it would need dedicated servers I believe. Unless that already is there and I'm not only noob, but also blind.

It will be added in the future. The orokin tower is the base. Social parts of the game are very important and DE wants to make it awesome for us :D

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This game feels like a space sandbox to me in a unique way. You arent on a set path, and no areas are level-locked. But the game is missing what most sandbox free-roam games have, and thats exploration. They could add branching paths in levels that arent objectives and might have more enemies and special loot. Or maybe levels that are generated like the regular levels but are more freerunning and puzzle oriented. Maybe even stealth or assasination missions once the stealth mechanics are cleaned up abit.

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It will be added in the future. The orokin tower is the base. Social parts of the game are very important and DE wants to make it awesome for us :D

Oh, that's great. Having a hub area is not absolutely necessary, everything seems to work just fine as it is, but at least for me having this little piece of "friendly" land in a game such as this adds a whole lot to the experience.

Additionally, it makes it easier to eventually add some "free-roam" areas in the future, in a very smooth way, I would say look at Global agenda for example, they just add an exit to the hub area once in a while that leads outside to a little sandbox area with a few quests. Again, unecessary but good nonetheless.

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i think more open world map would be great ( like we have in defence mission in kiliken (Venus)

I think it will be so cool to have asteroid's space station when you must sometime go " outside" to achieve an objective.

Go outside could give another aspect to the gameplay; for exemple you have the ability to :

-jump higher

- perform long dashes

-but have weaker shield and if no shield you take damage due to radiation or something

- etc...

things that will force the player to say : " hmm or there i have movement boost but i m weaker " and adapt his gameplay etc....

or maybe planet or place in hight level zone where gravity affect your warframe in different way (Rhino will be less affected than other exept if they have a mode to counter this) like:

-you move/ sprint exp are slower

-power melee weapon are stronger

-less range for weapon(due to gravity) etc..

there is so much possibility in this game ... :)

i am also agree to creat a open world hub when you are on a S#&$ ... problem is : we may be to many so it will be impossible if we don t have different chanel ( but the matchmaking regroup all the chanel )

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no no open world,just better system bettween "sortie",maybe something more like Starcraft2 Ship View,where we would have,shops,Tenno temple,foundry,maybe even some kind of pub or bar where we could meet some npc that offer side quest on specific planets.

Also,that kind of station,ship,planet could be different in each system(offering unique gear),and that gives space for some dynamic events like,missions to do specific quest and if we faild to do we lose that friendly base,so no visiting that place for some time.

Edited by Riskbreaker
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no no open world,just better system bettween "sortie",maybe something more like Starcraft2 Ship View,where we would have,shops,Tenno temple,foundry,maybe even some kind of pub or bar where we could meet some npc that offer side quest on specific planets.

Also,that kind of station,ship,planet could be different in each system(offering unique gear),and that gives space for some dynamic events like,missions to do specific quest and if we faild to do we lose that friendly base,so no visiting that place for some time.

The dynamic events aren't alltogether too likely to happen, but there is a hub area planned.

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