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Luck Is The Only Way To Progress In Update 7.


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And that's dreadfull game design. End of story.

For those of you have been lucky and having a good time with update 7, good for you, please don't fill this thread with your posts about how the update is fine because you got what you needed from the RNG. The rest of us didn't, we're still farming Mercury for Sheild and HP mods that never drop, and it's S#&$.

*Edit* Since allot of people don't like reading, I will add some points for clarity.

1. I don't care about the soft level reset, it does not bother me.

2. I don have anything against the mod system itself, it could use some improvements but it's a good system over all.

The main issue and point of this thread is that right now, what mods you get is luck based, and some unfortunate people can't get the mods they like\need no matter how much they grind. And that's bad game design, and likely to drive away new players.

Edited by CosyPigeon
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I haven't gotten a single HP/Shield mod and I did fine.

You got to your brain more often, bro. Strategy is your best skill.

Sometimes I like to kill things in melee without having to go invisble first. And no ammount of stratedgy can save you from getting one shotted by an enemy that spawned behind you.

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Sometimes I like to kill things in melee without having to go invisble first. And no ammount of stratedgy can save you from getting one shotted by an enemy that spawned behind you.

Still you can be strategic, find cover and do what you have to do.

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If you want to melee, melee smart and don't just mash E in the middle of the fray.

I like meleeing and I'm doing just fine, even without armor, shield or health mods. It just got a bit more dangerous and difficult (for me = more fun through challenge)

And luck has always been the only way to progress in this game. Be patient.

You can still take risks btw. I do it all the time by far-jump-slamming into mobgroups. They get knocked down and then I gotta see what I can do to stay alive first. More often than not I only get out by the skin of my teeth. But at least I took out two or three of them and looked hella cool doing so. :D


And may I remind you of your post in the other thread about "people have to stop whining about starting over" (freely quoted) where you heartily agreed?


I concur with this image.

Edited by Indrome
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If you want to melee, melee smart and don't just mash E in the middle of the fray.

I like meleeing and I'm doing just fine, even without armor, shield or health mods. It just got a bit more dangerous and difficult (for me = more fun through challenge)

And luck has always been the only way to progress in this game. Be patient.

Well no, previously when you levelled up, you could spend points in a skill tree to increase things that where necessary to survival, like sheilds and HP. You can't do that anymore. I've been grinding for hours, I am being patient, it is however, wearing thin, and that is bad in a game.

As for melee, yes, I am aware that specific weapons require you to do well timed sprintinng charged attacks so that you one shot the enemy whilst taking little to no damage, although these days my preferred melee weapon is the fang. So spamming E in that regard is the way to go.

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Sure, you can play however you want to...... if you're playing mercury. If you don't have shield or hp mods, open combat is a death sentence in many areas and anything higher level is out of reach. Grouping is still a rampant slaughterfest with no tactics involved because there is no scaling, but with the overall nerf to all weapons and frames having 75-150hp without mods you're BS'ing if you're asserting you can solo anything above level 15 without progressing very slowly and taking things out one by one.

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as far as i would like it's too much based on luck.

when the differance between a lvl 1 frame and a lvl 30 frame is simply the amout off mods you can use/put to use. is kinda redundant if you get lucky you are complete op if you are unlucky you farm mercury for a month.

too much is based on RNG not the acual level or anything else.

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Still you can be strategic, find cover and do what you have to do.

You're over simplifying the game. You simply can't progress without shield/health mods. Trust me, I've been at it before I decided to dial it back and farm mercury. You can get killed SO fast it's not even funny if you don't have those mods, which isn't fun and prevents you from progressing in those higher level areas so while I would like to go to other areas, like the new ones, I have to wait until I get a shield or health mod. When U7 hit we were all essentially reset skill wise to level 1, so it's unfortunate that luck drives our progression.

Edited by LordofTibera
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Well no, previously when you levelled up, you could spend points in a skill tree to increase things that where necessary to survival, like sheilds and HP. You can't do that anymore. I've been grinding for hours, I am being patient, it is however, wearing thin, and that is bad in a game.

[ ... ]

Meh... there's a lot of mods beside shields and HP that can help you survive. What is it with people and their focus on the easy solution? :D

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Meh... there's a lot of mods beside shields and HP that can help you survive. What is it with people and their focus on the easy solution? :D

This isn't entirely true, though, and you must know it. Enemies have almost 100% accuracy, and one burst fire from a Grineer at a higher level will floor you, and this is unavoidable at a point. I can multishot mod, damage mod, power mod whatever, but you can't stop the enemy from doing what they do.

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And may I remind you of your post in the other thread about "people have to stop whining about starting over" (freely quoted) where you heartily agreed?

I'm not whining about having to start over, I have said so in mumerous threads, I am complaining that progression is luck based, starting over is not the problem, getting nowhere because of bad luck is. Luck based progression is bad, starting from scratch in a beta is fine.

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I am happy with the luck part of it. Makes it more fun to randomly collect things. That way when you finally get the card you want you get to look at it and be all happy!

And if you never get the card ? Will you be happy then? That is also an aspect of luck.

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think what would happen to a new player with no mods or cards or anything.

farming mercury becouse he can't progress since his shield/hp are too low when you have farmed mercury 100 times you don't really see any progress and there for you would stop playing and DE loose money's witch in turn will make the game die at somepoint.

Games need a fluid progression system to survive and not soley based on luck.

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Can't say I had many problems with the lack of HP/shield mods, but at the start of the update I had the 10 previous Warframes, so I had more revives on top of the option to exploit enemies.

Sometimes I like to kill things in melee without having to go invisble first. And no ammount of stratedgy can save you from getting one shotted by an enemy that spawned behind you.

Doing what you like isn't the best way to go about being at a disadvantage.

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It's not luck, I keep telling you.

Well since I don't agree with you, how about you try explaining instead of telling? Explain to me how a system where all of your stats, health and abilities are determined by items that randomly drop on the gound isn't luck based? I'm curious to see what explanation you would provide.

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think what would happen to a new player with no mods or cards or anything.

farming mercury becouse he can't progress since his shield/hp are too low when you have farmed mercury 100 times you don't really see any progress and there for you would stop playing and DE loose money's witch in turn will make the game die at somepoint.

Games need a fluid progression system to survive and not soley based on luck.

Pretty much. this system will not encourage new players to join, and without new players this game will die.

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