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Warframe Gender Change ! De Look At This!


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There's already a thread created on this exact topic by the artist, on these forums.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/52966-warframe-the-gender-swaps-by-3jane/


I personally do not approve of gender swapping existing warframes, 




Because I am insecure and do not wish to see others have access to what I personally do not prefer.  I feel like the inclusion of more choices threatens my very own concept of what should and should not exist, even though these choices will not in any way directly affect me in any shape or form.

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There's already a thread created on this exact topic by the artist, on these forums.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/52966-warframe-the-gender-swaps-by-3jane/


I personally do not approve of gender swapping existing warframes, 




Because I am insecure and do not wish to see others have access to what I personally do not prefer.  I feel like the inclusion of more choices threatens my very own concept of what should and should not exist, even though these choices will not in any way directly affect me in any shape or form.

Too bad practically the entire community here seems to think like that. Have a +1.
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A quick search will let you find threads about the same exact topic with the same exact responses both for and against. Maybe just necro one of those instead of making yet another one that will soon be lost to the forums. That way all this bickering is kept in one place and everyone can know where it is and jump in if they feel so inclined.


The official statement is they don't plan on gender bending. If DE does go with opposite gender frames they will have the same theme, but different powers. A possibility that was mentioned is that these opposite gender frames and their original counter part might be able to swap powers between them. Until DE says otherwise, this is their public statement on the subject. This, if implemented, will certainly not be now or in the near future.


Again, the search button is there for a reason. Be so kind as to use it.

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Because I am insecure and do not wish to see others have access to what I personally do not prefer.  I feel like the inclusion of more choices threatens my very own concept of what should and should not exist, even though these choices will not in any way directly affect me in any shape or form.


This is a sad sad thing to hear in this day and age. People should get over their phobias and not be so disturbed. The generation that is going up in our schools today will probably be the most connected, accepting, understanding bunch of people ever to have existed. That or be the S#&$s that end the world but I try to be optimistic.

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This is a sad sad thing to hear in this day and age. People should get over their phobias and not be so disturbed. The generation that is going up in our schools today will probably be the most connected, accepting, understanding bunch of people ever to have existed. That or be the S#&$s that end the world but I try to be optimistic.

Well that really isn't the case if your speaking of college educated individuals or those soon to be going to college. Reason why is that college is like an echo chamber of all the same ideals. Diverse or dissenting opinions are discouraged or outright ridiculed. It is a sad state that college education is in.

Kinda fits this situation on the gender swaps since no one that has taken a side seems to think they could be wrong in the slightest (plus ad hominem everywhere).


Back to the subject at hand: while some that oppose the idea do seem to be acting on base emotion alone, there have been good reasons mentioned in past threads of why it shouldn't be done in the way of alternate looks alone. I am not going to sift through all the garbage on this topic, but basically there are about as many good reasons against the idea as there are for the idea. Mostly pertaining to the strands of lore DE has fed us (what little bit of it we have), plausible financial reasoning, and that there are far more important things that DE should be working on currently (that includes those at DE that have the capacity to make the opposite gendered frames). There is also the fact that DE had started the game with swapping gender options in mind, but eventually chose against it (low and behold, we have Nyx with a separate set of powers from Excalibur).


The ad hominem reasoning that most people against the idea have some sort of phobia can also be pressed against those that seem to desperately want gender swapping implemented. By that I mean those that say they "can't" play a character (in this case warframe) because of that characters gender. There was one such thread about this same exact subject a few months ago that is a perfect representation of such a case.


Final note. Remember kids, the search feature is useful if you want to put up your own forum subject just to be sure it hasn't been made dozens of times before. Especially when you bring nothing, and I mean nothing, new to the argument one way or another. :D


Edit: Man, I did not mean to make this a big post. :o

Edited by ragdollomega
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Making new models, new textures, possibly new helmets, creating new skeletons, and doing new animations for a gender-swap frame would be almost as much work as just making a new one. The only step I can think of where you'd save much time is not having to concept the whole thing as much because it is a take on an existing frame.


It creates a bunch of extra work without adding any real content. As a small developer who is self-publishing the game, they need to shoot for optimum cost:content ratios, and adding a unique gender swapped version of each existing frame is about the lowest you can get with such a ratio. 


Eventually they might do similar, complementary frames with different powers and different stats for people to play of the opposite gender. This is almost as good, and adds more content.

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oh ma gawwwd that femal vauban helmet is awesome.


Can DE please make a new round of helmets for all of the frames, and make a Vauban one that isn't (sorry to use the word) hideous?


I mean i understand its a unique look, and I appreciate that, but I just want something that makes him look somewhat... normal, you know...

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oh ma gawwwd that femal vauban helmet is awesome.


Can DE please make a new round of helmets for all of the frames, and make a Vauban one that isn't (sorry to use the word) hideous?


I mean i understand its a unique look, and I appreciate that, but I just want something that makes him look somewhat... normal, you know...

if DE made a female vauban with a look just like that, I would start playing warframe again, at least to grind for that vauban and level it a bit. I can't tolerate the male vauban that actually exists, because the overall look is so ugly.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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