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Dear De... Please Make It Stop


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Please make the harvester-grinnear invasion things stop.

Soon every planet will be grinneer unless you make corpus give potatoes every invasion.

Please make it stop, and with the oxium stuff, your encouraging more and more people to support grineer.

Make the harvester spawn some other way, not invasions...

And the fact that the entire solar systems taken over, we're probably going to need an event to help the corpus take back some of the planets or something...

I still see no problem with this.... :P I just want my bird frame, even though I usually side with corpus...

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The grineer care for one thing.




They are a warrior race yes, they take joy in murder, in slaughter, in opression.


A race little more than mongol hordes, monsters who kill and kill and kill. They are opressors, would you call the man with a tommygun who barges into your store to demand payment for not killing you a soldier?

They created clones for power, and greedily aquire more, their inability to understand the Tenno prove little.


Sargas ruk, a madman, only sees two things, those who fight for him, and enemies, he knows nothing but greed, and Incase you forgot. he wanted the cryopods. The only reason he didn't keep them was because we took them as payment.


Alad V, while twisted, was a man of science, of progress, who saw potential in the tenno, he took the frames apart like a scientist would, sold parts to fund his research, and furthered knowledge.


Is this not how we learned of all life?


The grineer wish to fix their genome, so that they can conquer more, they wish for artifacts, as weapons,


Hek is a brute, who only seeks power for himself, have you not seen? Kela De Tharym even killed her own troops, she only stays for her body count bebing higher on the enemy part.


And Tyl. Tyl i greatly enjoy. He is a war criminal, a savage murderer who must be put down.


But of the corpus?

I destroy work on creating a 4-legged machine for what? Because lotus didn't like it. It was work, creation, people slaved over it.


Thankfully renegade tenno actions did not do enough to stop this.


We then killed Nef Anyo, and threw the entire solar system out of balance, ruining the solar rail system.


We murdered Alad V, a scientist and one of the brightest of this generation, just for wishing to understand. Alad truely cares for Zanuka, it is his magnum Opus, and we ripped it apart infront of his eyes and brutally beat him to what those renegades thought was death.


The grineer are murderous conquerors who see nothing but power.


The corpus are merchant-scientists, men of knowledge.


And you side with the grineer?

well the corpus were destroying warframes and the tenno inside to make that tech :P....sooooo yeah its not exactly true that they had no ammount of blood on thier hands...


the tenno are not evil, they are in the grey area where all they do is to survive.

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The grineer care for one thing. Power.

Sargas ruk, a madman, only sees two things, those who fight for him, and enemies, he knows nothing but greed, and Incase you forgot. he wanted the cryopods.

Alad V, while twisted, was a man of science, of progress, who saw potential in the tenno, he took the frames apart like a scientist would, sold parts to fund his research, and furthered knowledge.

I destroy work on creating a 4-legged machine for what? Because lotus didn't like it. It was work, creation, people slaved over it.

We then killed Nef Anyo, and threw the entire solar system out of balance, ruining the solar rail system.

We murdered Alad V, a scientist and one of the brightest of this generation, just for wishing to understand.

The corpus are merchant-scientists, men of knowledge.


And you side with the grineer?


And preservation of their people, which needs to be enforced with power, because Corpus only shy away when threatened.

Incorrect, Ruk honoured his promise and never alluded to wanting the pods.

Alad V is a Space-Mengele. Nothing more. He has done nothing for the Solar System, other than line his pockets with dosh.

Jackal was made by the Corpus to kill Tenno cells and did so, numerous times.

Nef Anyo steals Cryopods and sells them, like a slave trader. Same vein as Alad V. Not a smidge better.

Alad V wanted to understand how to get more money and murdered helpless Tenno. No regrets in stomping his wretched butt.

Corpus are merchants willing to sacrifice everyone, betray everyone and torture everyone for their own profit.


Yeah I side with Grineer. Profits don't numb the feelings of the righteous.


How you can defend someone like Alad V and Nef Anyo is beyond me.

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Yeah, DE made a big mistake with the invasions. The biggest issue is for newer players who need to farm for certain mods, for example a new player looking for Pathogen rounds is out of luck if Anti-MOAs are only around in high level missions.


What they should have done is specified 3 planets for each of the 2 factions (1 low level, 1 mid and 1 high) that are effectively strongholds that cannot be taken over (I would suggest Venus/Jupiter/Pluto for Corpus and Earth/Mars/Phobos for Grineer with the levels set accordingly). These could be subject to Infested invasions of course. That would still leave 8 planets to be fought over by the Grineer and Corpus.


DE should also slow the frequency of invasions down and make each one last longer. On option would be that rather having it end when one side reaches 100% make them last 24 hours with the winner decided by reaching a certain percentage. That would mean that all players get to play in each invasion.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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I still see no problem with this.... :P I just want my bird frame, even though I usually side with corpus...

Don't pretend that you are blind. Go ask bored veteran players or players who wasted too much time and you will see how annoying it is. Even if you side with Corpus, the problem will still continue to exist.

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HUZZAH! Tell them the truths of the Grineer Struggle! Crush the Corpus propaganda! 


Alad V, while twisted, was a man of science, of progress, who saw potential in the tenno, he took the frames apart like a scientist would, sold parts to fund his research, and furthered knowledge.


As a scientist myself I take offence at this! He acted more in the way of a "chop shop" merchant. Keeping the best bits and selling off the spares. Also what did he use his "Research" for? The creation of a Tenno hunting Robot... 


Not to cure some disease? Not to create an Infested destroying proxy? Nope... Tenno.... Hunting... ROBOT!  



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The grineer care for one thing.




They are a warrior race yes, they take joy in murder, in slaughter, in opression.


A race little more than mongol hordes, monsters who kill and kill and kill. They are opressors, would you call the man with a tommygun who barges into your store to demand payment for not killing you a soldier?

They created clones for power, and greedily aquire more, their inability to understand the Tenno prove little.


Sargas ruk, a madman, only sees two things, those who fight for him, and enemies, he knows nothing but greed, and Incase you forgot. he wanted the cryopods. The only reason he didn't keep them was because we took them as payment.


Alad V, while twisted, was a man of science, of progress, who saw potential in the tenno, he took the frames apart like a scientist would, sold parts to fund his research, and furthered knowledge.


Is this not how we learned of all life?


The grineer wish to fix their genome, so that they can conquer more, they wish for artifacts, as weapons,


Hek is a brute, who only seeks power for himself, have you not seen? Kela De Tharym even killed her own troops, she only stays for her body count bebing higher on the enemy part.


And Tyl. Tyl i greatly enjoy. He is a war criminal, a savage murderer who must be put down.


But of the corpus?

I destroy work on creating a 4-legged machine for what? Because lotus didn't like it. It was work, creation, people slaved over it.


Thankfully renegade tenno actions did not do enough to stop this.


We then killed Nef Anyo, and threw the entire solar system out of balance, ruining the solar rail system.


We murdered Alad V, a scientist and one of the brightest of this generation, just for wishing to understand. Alad truely cares for Zanuka, it is his magnum Opus, and we ripped it apart infront of his eyes and brutally beat him to what those renegades thought was death.


The grineer are murderous conquerors who see nothing but power.


The corpus are merchant-scientists, men of knowledge.


And you side with the grineer?


First of all about Sargas Ruk atleast had the good sense to give us our tenno brother and sisters back instead of cutting them up . how can you defens Alad V? Who not to mention was hated by his own faction, only wants money not knowledge, he only  obtained knowledge for MORE MONEY. Any corpus will choose fortune above everything else!


There is only one faction that is fit to rule:






Have you read the codex? We are not fit, we are the true liars, for he is the only one who has not misled nor sought after profit or power. He only wants justice. And justice should be served

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Yeah, DE made a big mistake with the invasions. The biggest issue is for newer players who need to farm for certain mods, for example a new player looking for Pathogen rounds is out of luck if Anti-MOAs are only around in high level missions.


What they should have done is specified 3 planets for each of the 2 factions (1 low level, 1 mid and 1 high) that are effectively strongholds that cannot be taken over (I would suggest Venus/Jupiter/Pluto for Corpus and Earth/Mars/Phobos for Grineer with the levels set accordingly). These could be subject to Infested invasions of course. That would still leave 8 planets to be fought over by the Grineer and Corpus.


DE should also slow the frequency of invasions down and make each one last longer. On option would be that rather having it end when one side reaches 100% make them last 24 hours with the winner decided by reaching a certain percentage. That would mean that all players get to play in each invasion.


Would gladly support

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And preservation of their people, which needs to be enforced with power, because Corpus only shy away when threatened.

Incorrect, Ruk honoured his promise and never alluded to wanting the pods.

Alad V is a Space-Mengele. Nothing more. He has done nothing for the Solar System, other than line his pockets with dosh.

Jackal was made by the Corpus to kill Tenno cells and did so, numerous times.

Nef Anyo steals Cryopods and sells them, like a slave trader. Same vein as Alad V. Not a smidge better.

Alad V wanted to understand how to get more money and murdered helpless Tenno. No regrets in stomping his wretched butt.

Corpus are merchants willing to sacrifice everyone, betray everyone and torture everyone for their own profit.


Yeah I side with Grineer. Profits don't numb the feelings of the righteous.


How you can defend someone like Alad V and Nef Anyo is beyond me.

Have you read the lore at all? Ruk just wanted the pods, and when he didn't get them, he attacked.

Jackal is a prototype, a weapon to defend the corpus from thoughtless grineer greed and aggression.


Remember the grineer constantly hound and assault the corpus, abominations like the formorians need countering.

Grineer have no people, they are murderers and thugs who want power, and conquest.


The corpus keep the world working, ship materials with their solar rails, craft goods continue to make goods.

I've never seen a Corpus oppress millions like a grineer.


And yes, he's a scientist, a biologist, back when we didn't know anything about the animals, we had to disect them, often sell the remains for funding.

Nef Anyo trades cryopods yes, but he keeps the entire solar system running.


What of Vor? A brute and a murderer who kills tenno constantly, imagine all the times we failed to get there before he got the tenno.


That's probably where all the fan tenno were.


The grineer are little more than murderous thugs and brutes who slaughter all and oppress any who they conquer.


corpus through capitalist and meritocratic ways, further the development of knowledge, create prosperity and continue to help lives.

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But how many do you really suppose will even care about morals? I mean, I do....in fact the only reason im replying is that im glad someone else feels this way. But i'm odd that way.


Warbros, the victors of the Moa Event, Operation Sling-Stone, Operation Arid Fear, the Survival Weekend Event, the Gradivus Dilemma and the Cicero Event, have sided with Grineer, and to this very day, stick to a policy of purity, eschewing 'taters out of principle. The purest have been awarded with special clan ranks ("GrineerPrideForever") and are shining beacons of morality and loyalty. Ruk acknowledged us, and we honor our battle-brothers.

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Jackal is a prototype, a weapon to defend the corpus from thoughtless grineer greed and aggression.

Remember the grineer constantly hound and assault the corpus, abominations like the formorians need countering.

Grineer have no people, they are murderers and thugs who want power, and conquest.

The corpus keep the world working, ship materials with their solar rails, craft goods continue to make goods.

I've never seen a Corpus oppress millions like a grineer.

And yes, he's a scientist, a biologist, back when we didn't know anything about the animals, we had to disect them, often sell the remains for funding.

Nef Anyo trades cryopods yes, but he keeps the entire solar system running.

corpus through capitalist and meritocratic ways, further the development of knowledge, create prosperity and continue to help lives.

Incorrect. Jackal kills Tenno and was, for that purpose, even loaned to the Grineer.

Incorrect. Corpus were racketeering the Grineer past the agreed prices, to increase their profits.

Incorrect. Grineer have civilian populace which they defend.

Incorrect. Corpus keep their own world working and sabotage others.

Incorrect. Corpus oppress, indoctrinate and enslave millions for their workforce in the factories.

Incorrect. Tenno are not animals, the research is not necessary, neither is killing the Tenno. He does it for profit alone.

Incorrect. Nef Anyo is a slave trader and thief. His contributions are for the black market and, again, his own pockets.

Incorrect. Corpus ... see above. They are indoctrinating, manipulating, self-serving abominations.


First target for mass raiding found.

The Renegade Tenno will be exterminated.


Please don't hurt yourself in the process.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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Make guild that only plays helping Corpus in invasion. Make videos, have streams, make it a thing, man.

Not everyone is actually going for the Detron. I just did an invasion mission where the Harvester dropped the BP and the receiver and only 2 people picked it up. I was one of those two people, the rest just kept running straight to the end of the mission not caring about the flashing lights. And i would find it highly unlikely that those two people that didnt pick that stuff up actually had the completed Detron.

I dont have the time to invest into that kind of stuff.

And its not going to make a difference, besides, I will fight for the grineer if they give better battle pay than corpus.

So no. I would rather DE change this thing before the entire solar system gets grineer dominated.

And to start up a youtube channel?

I think you're a  bit too ambitious.

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Incorrect. Jackal kills Tenno and was, for that purpose, even loaned to the Grineer.

Incorrect. Corpus were racketeering the Grineer past the agreed prices, to increase their profits.

Incorrect. Grineer have civilian populace which they defend.

Incorrect. Corpus keep their own world working and sabotage others.

Incorrect. Corpus oppress, indoctrinate and enslave millions for their workforce in the factories.

Incorrect. Tenno are not animals, the research is not necessary, neither is killing the Tenno. He does it for profit alone.

Incorrect. Nef Anyo is a slave trader and thief. His contributions are for the black market and, again, his own pockets.

Incorrect. Corpus ... see above. They are indoctrinating, manipulating, self-serving abominations.

Incorrect Jackal is a prototype warmachine, meant to defend from Grineer and Tenno raiders.

Incorrect The Grineer were tired of having to pay fair and demanded lower prices or else.

Incorrect The Grineer have slaves which they opress

Incorrect The Corpus keep the world working, the grineer even gain from the solar rails

Incorrect The Corpus have factories, that much is known, they are not Grineer, they do not oppress.

Incorrect The Tenno are animals, as are all of us, we fall under kingdom animalia, and research is always necessary.

Incorrect Nef Anyo is a good man, we cannot fault him for small things when he keeps the solar rails running whereas Vor and Ruk do far worse with no redeeming traits.

Incorrect Corpus are meritocratic capitalist men, while the Grineer are oppressing self-serving brutish monstrosities.


Your slander cannot hide the truth.

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First target for mass raiding found.


The Renegade Tenno will be exterminated.

Warbros chose loyalty during gradivus dilemma, we have went above and beyond the call of duty in all events, yet we are "renegade". No, it is you who are renegade and you won't be exterminated, you will be mocked and left to eat our glorious dust as we speed past you.


We won't fill our lungs with your death like Papa Ruk teaches, we fill your lungs with fast and your ears with git gud.

Edited by General_Krull
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Warbros, the victors of the Moa Event, Operation Sling-Stone, Operation Arid Fear, the Survival Weekend Event, the Gradivus Dilemma and the Cicero Event, have sided with Grineer, and to this very day, stick to a policy of purity, eschewing 'taters out of principle. The purest have been awarded with special clan ranks ("GrineerPrideForever") and are shining beacons of morality and loyalty. Ruk acknowledged us, and we honor our battle-brothers.

This, every time the corpus offered a reactor or catalyst, i started grinding Grineer invasion to prove a point.


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Warbros chose loyalty during gradivus dilemma, we have went above and beyond the call of duty in all events, yet we are "renegade". No, it is you who are renegade and you won't be exterminated, you will be mocked and left to eat our glorious dust as we speed past you.


We won't fill our lungs with your death like Papa Ruk teaches, we fill your lungs with fast and your ears with git gud.



You call the millions you sacrficed loyalty?

The tenno are not gods, we are not above them.


All life is equal


Except false grineer life.


You have rendered yourself a thread to the balance


Your judgement is at hand.

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Warbros, the victors of the Moa Event, Operation Sling-Stone, Operation Arid Fear, the Survival Weekend Event, the Gradivus Dilemma and the Cicero Event, have sided with Grineer, and to this very day, stick to a policy of purity, eschewing 'taters out of principle. The purest have been awarded with special clan ranks ("GrineerPrideForever") and are shining beacons of morality and loyalty. Ruk acknowledged us, and we honor our battle-brothers.


Warbros chose loyalty during gradivus dilemma, we have went above and beyond the call of duty in all events, yet we are "renegade". No, it is you who are renegade and you won't be exterminated, you will be mocked and left to eat our glorious dust as we speed past you.


We won't fill our lungs with your death like Papa Ruk teaches, we fill your lungs with fast and your ears with git gud.


The Valkyrne also chose, and will continue to choose, Loyalty. Even our clan Motto on our badges is "Ex Unitae Vires". We havn't won many things, but we've at least came in top 100 on everything.

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The Corpus aren't even sentient beings, Thats why they are referred to as Proxies. They are Robots controlled from afar, even the crewmen i believe were supposed to be biomechanical proxies. Who knows how many actual living beings are even in the entire faction? We only know of Alad V and Darvo. Nef Anyo....Im not sure about. He may be actual flesh and blood, Or just another proxy.

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You call the millions you sacrficed loyalty?

The tenno are not gods, we are not above them.


All life is equal


Except false grineer life.


You have rendered yourself a thread to the balance


Your judgement is at hand.





Edited by KONAir
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