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Dear Tenno: Sentinel Customisation, Ai And More


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I stopped reading the thread when i saw this because this is ALL I WANT for my sentinel atm.

You could just not take your Sentinel with you on missions that you want to do stealth on at the moment.

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You could just not take your Sentinel with you on missions that you want to do stealth on at the moment.

But Shade boasts stealth so well. I just wish it wouldn't hover over the box I am hiding behind. Like... If it just hovered at lower-back / butt level.

Edited by Helwig
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But Shade boasts stealth so well. I just wish it wouldn't hover over the box I am hiding behind. Like... If it just hovered at lower-back / butt level.

Yeah that would be useful that's why I have included Sentinel control on the list.

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Just slashdash through all doors, problem solved. There's no need to waste time and ammo shooting cameras.

slashdash = run, crouch to slide, hit melee to do a slashing dash. with right timing the invulnerability takes you through e.g. lasers.

As for on topic, the Sentinels need a bit of fleshing out, I think they got released in incomplete state (which is fine, beta and all that). I wouldn't want it to become a full pokemon minigame though, but a little personality for them wouldn't hurt like giving them names. And being able to give them simple commands would definitely be appreciated.

I'd rather take the ~1 second it takes for me to shoot out a camera or two in one shot each with my LEX than try to get the timing right on a sliding crouch melee attack's invincibility frames allowing me to pass through the lasers. At least that way I make it easier for anyone else behind me and incase we have to go back through to get to an extraction point.

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- The abilty to name your Sentinel.

YES YES YES! Definitely! Best suggestion out of the whole list.

- More Sentinels with different elements and skills.

The current ones are sufficient to me, I don't see myself raising a farm. Just one good pet that's loyal to me and I'm loyal to it.

- The abilty to evolve update and improve your Sentinel by meeting certain conditions.

I think this already exists cause it ranks up and you can add mods to it... I'm not sure which conditions or evolution stages you imagine, my needs are met currently.

- Special Raid missions to save a Sentinel and therefore get it as a reward.

I think this would make your pet storage crowded pretty fast. Maybe rare sentinel mods, but not Sentinels on their own.

- The ability to make gear for your Sentinel. Weapons and cosmetic stuff.

To switch from a rifle (Wyrm) or pistol (Shade) to another weapon type would be interesting... but not between eachother. Like, the Wyrm shouldn't be able to sport a pistol, but maybe a small grenade/mine drop instead. And the Shade shouldn't be able to get a rifle, but maybe an arrow (like the Paris bow) or bolt (like Bolto).

- Sentinel breeding. Yeah thats right!


- Maybe a way to give a Sentinel a temporary boost with certain items.

What kind of boost? When? During missions or in the arsenal screen, so that the boost only lasts a map or two? I'm not sure about this, wouldn't wanna overpower it.

- I should be able to give my Sentinel commands for example: Wait here or Attack this for both combat and stealth modes. Maybe use the middle mouse button for this as thats current used as an extra abilty button. the game Brother in Arms does it well.

This is interesting. I could tell it to go to where I tag (like with the G key) so that it draws enemy fire that way. Or make it wait so that it doesn't break my stealth. Interesting. Should be a timer on the wait, though, and a distance limit on the "Go there" command... or maybe when you walk away sufficiently far it would reset its behavior and follow you again. To keep things balanced and not forget it somewhere or have to backtrack after it.

- More scripting for example if I have less than 50% heath it will heal me etc. This can be done with some sort of Final Fantasy Gambit system or similar Dragon Age system.

I'd say 25%... and this should decrease its own shield/health, though, for balance sake. Or you really wanna make it an over-powered gizmo?

- I should be able interact with them more because its cute.

It is cute, but besides giving commands, I don't see what other interaction purposes it would fulfill... Maybe it could make certain sounds when you head-shot some enemy, when you crack a terminal, when you grab a mod, when you're attacked by several enemies at a time... that would be amazingly satisfying!

- It be good to have a area just to mess around with it but I guess this will come with the Dojo areas whenever that gets implemented. Update 8 maybe?

Haven't heard of Dojos before... sounds interesting.

- Trading card system so Sentinels can be traded.

Not necessary in my personal opinion. I think Sentinels are personal and we should attach to them more. Would you trade your family's dog for someone else's dog?

- Sentinel able to loot from containers and pickup items. Maybe make it a mod.

that means it would have to stray away from you and that's tough to implement. maybe only when you press the G key it would go there? And if it targets a container it breaks it? Interesting idea... but maybe not necessary. Work out those tenno legs, don't become lazy :P

- Health bar and energy bar for you Sentinel visible in missions.

Oh yes! Small health bars! Definitely! I thought of this while ingame but when i made my topic I forgot about it. GREAT IDEA

- Mastery points for Sentinel and Sentinel Weapons. Should probably be 200 for Sentinel levels and 100 for Sentinel weapon levels.

I'm not sure I understand... no comment.

- Not just flying Sentinels but ones that can travel on the ground.

Like a dog sentinel? haha that would be brilliant! But thing is, the little flying over-your-shoulder gizmo won't get stuck between crates, and won't have to backtrack an entire room to get up the stairs that you just vaulted over. So I think this is unrealistic and would cause more problems than satisfaction. Think of the elevators! It would have to travel really really close to you and that would make them tangle in your feet a lot.

- The ability to see how much damage your Sentinel is doing on a enemy.

Why? I think only if they show them in another color or something,

otherwise it would make you think it's damage that you do. But it's not very necessary to me.

Now I must say I haven't read all the replies to this topic, I just replied to the topic starter :)

Thanks for linking me to it and for posting on my topic. What did you think of my other ideas?

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- Maybe a way to give a Sentinel a temporary boost with certain items.
"What kind of boost? When? During missions or in the arsenal screen, so that the boost only lasts a map or two? I'm not sure about this, wouldn't wanna overpower it."


It be per mission and would just be something like 5% more health or damage. Nothing major.

- More scripting for example if I have less than 50% heath it will heal me etc. This can be done with some sort of Final Fantasy Gambit system or similar Dragon Age system.
"I'd say 25%... and this should decrease its own shield/health, though, for balance sake. Or you really wanna make it an over-powered gizmo?"


If you have played those games I mentioned you would understand. In some respect the game already does it with shields so if it the Sentinel had a health mod it be good if it used it when you had a certain amount of health left for example less than 50%.

- Trading card system so Sentinels can be traded.
"Not necessary in my personal opinion. I think Sentinels are personal and we should attach to them more. Would you trade your family's dog for someone else's dog?"

I just mean in the context of having duplicates. You wouldn't likely trade your main Sentinel,


- Sentinel able to loot from containers and pickup items. Maybe make it a mod.
"that means it would have to stray away from you and that's tough to implement. maybe only when you press the G key it would go there? And if it targets a container it breaks it? Interesting idea... but maybe not necessary. Work out those tenno legs, don't become lazy :P"

Yeah would likely be linked to the command system that I mentioned.

- Mastery points for Sentinel and Sentinel Weapons. Should probably be 200 for Sentinel levels and 100 for Sentinel weapon levels.
"I'm not sure I understand... no comment."

Like you currently get for your weapons and Warframes.


- Not just flying Sentinels but ones that can travel on the ground.
"Like a dog sentinel? haha that would be brilliant! But thing is, the little flying over-your-shoulder gizmo won't get stuck between crates, and won't have to backtrack an entire room to get up the stairs that you just vaulted over. So I think this is unrealistic and would cause more problems than satisfaction. Think of the elevators! It would have to travel really really close to you and that would make them tangle in your feet a lot."

Yeah I was thinking of more of a wolf but creatures like that would be good. Hostages follow the Tenno quite well so it kind be too hard to do the same with Sentinels even if they have to teleport like the hostages do sometimes.


- The ability to see how much damage your Sentinel is doing on a enemy.
"Why? I think only if they show them in another color or something,
otherwise it would make you think it's damage that you do. But it's not very necessary to me."


With a better weapons stat system this wouldn't be necessary but I would like to know how much damage my Sentinel is doing similiar to knowing how much my weapon is. It be useful for when deciding its mods and weapons.


I will now reply to your thread.

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I don't know if you guys remembered that game "Phantasy Star Online", but in that game, depending on what you feed your sentinel it changes its form as well as modifying the job or purpose the sentinel takes on.

Sort of along a similar stream of thought, with respect to "evolving", I would like to see the sentinel grow into something bigger or take on a more detailed form to express the fact that it's getting stronger. I would see that as a sign that my character is kind of growing along with my warframe.

It would also be great if there was an indicator on the HUD that actually shows the current shield and power.

From what I understand the developers are going to implement a system that allows the sentinel to learn how to "hack" for you at the security panels.

I agree with you on the sentinels that could possibly walk/run. Not too bad of an idea, but right now, I see the characters, like the infested dogs get stuck in the pipes and different places around the map. I'm hoping that wouldn't be the case with a quadropedal or bipedal sentinel if they ever decided to put that in.

It would be great if you wanted to temporarily keep your sentinel safe as you level it where it would kind of latch onto your back and be covered by your existing shield if you start entering heavy fire or get swarmed by infested. I usually find myself worrying more about the sentinel when there are a bunch of high level Grineer around.

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Some good points there and I am glad you can see the potential for the Sentinel system. I also worry about my Sentinel more when there are high level enemies about seeing as its hard to see its health and shields.

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Tottaly agree with you, except with the breeding sentinels.


Well thats good to hear. I don't expect everyone to agree with the list and I also don't expect anything to get implemented either. I just feel that if some of the things suggested get implemented we might actually have a fun and interesting mechanic instead of the Sentinel system just feeling like a gimmick or afterthought.

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I don't like the breeding idea for gameplay, but as for people saying "LoL no wai, robots" they pretty clearly have large biological component, just like everything else the Tenno make. Them breeding in fluff is not out of the question.

Edit: Also several pokemon are robots/cyborgs/inorganic and breed just fine :P

Edited by ValhaHazred
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I don't like the breeding idea for gameplay, but as for people saying "LoL no wai, robots" they pretty clearly have large biological component, just like everything else the Tenno make. Them breeding in fluff is not out of the question. Edit: Also several pokemon are robots/cyborgs/inorganic and breed just fine :P


Oh yeah thanks for that. I forgot about those Pokemon. Breeding is just an idea I thought would be good for people to make unique Sentinels or get certain ones.

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I have updated the thread list to reflect the recent 7.8.0 update. There is still much more ideas and suggestions that could be added. However it is good to see some more progress being made with the Sentinel system and of course I don't take any personal credit.

Edited by Toko
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You're basically proposing for sentinels to become like mags from phantasy star online episodes one and two. I don't know if anyone here has played that but this game is almost exactly like it minus the map variety and difficulty levels. And quests I guess.


I am and at the same time I don't want the same system. I have played the Phantasy Star games and their Mag system is pretty interesting. If Warframe can get to a level of their game or more I would be pretty happy. However I think that Warframes Sentinel system could be something special and one of the best if some of these ideas are put in.


Also The new Phantasy Star game does have procedural generation for its maps and other features.

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