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Currently Latest Invasion Feedback


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Hello fellow humanoids,
I didn't get a free potato since the gravidus dilemma and I must say that number is  is slightly less than the number I hoped I would get.
Especially since the invasions offer them regularly.
But the only do so for about <-----this-----> time.

I have given it a thought and here is the results, that might be able to decrease the number of potato-hungry tennos:

1. Increase the number of total wins required to win an invasion, that offers rare rewards (and by the way decrease it for 50k credits VS 50k credits nodes).

2. Make the mission available for at least a certain amount of time, implement a limit to the speed at wich the percentage can decrease, like 0,208% every minute (resulting in at least 4 hours of time to participate)

3. Let go of the reward per node principle, add a planetary reward, containing 50k credits if you complete a total of 5 invasions of a fraction on any node (then 10 for materials, 15 for rare stuff).

4. Count the people who already did at least 5 missions, instead of a total number of completed missions (so one million people with 4 completed  missions don't get frustrated because the ruin each other chances to get rewarded).

5.Give every participant a price if the mission gets completed very quick, or decrease the number of wins needed if the mission gets completed in a certain time (e.g make the missions require only one win but increase this threshold every half an hour)

I think considering some of this changes might improve the reward / effort ratio.

My most humble apologies for interrupting your day,

Edited by trazard
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Im guessing this is coming from a place where you spotted a potato node to late and couldn't do the 5 missions before it expired, aye? :P


I'm guessing this is coming from a place where it happened several times :P

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