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Update 12 Log In Error?

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But it's Walmarts responsibility to make sure there are enough doors and make sure the security is up to snuff so they can "herd" the people and nobody gets hurt. It's always companies responsibility.

Ok well would you rather DE upgrade their servers to 10 times what they need, pay huge amounts of upkeep to run those servers, all in preparation for this three or four days a year when login demands are this high, which would waste a hell of a lot of money. OR would you like to just sit back and wait this one out? 

Call this the 1% of times i disagree with you.

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Our servers are currently getting flooded, we're investigating and trying to fix.


Sorry for the frustration. 


To be honest, I think it's cute. I'd like to think the authentication server can't handle this many login requests at once, lol.

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I like it how you think I'm complaining about not being able to log in. No. I'm complaining about some people shifting the blame to community who have no control over this. It's DEs fault yet somehow some people think players are responsible. It's like a hospital closing the doors because doctors are afraid of getting sick and then blaming the sick people.


This happens with A LOT of games after an update.  It's so hard to prepare for how much demand is going to hit.  Arguing about fault is just pointless.  I have never had issues with DE servers normally, so I'm not about to *@##$ because they're having server issues one time after a huge update.

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 This comment is literally painful to look directly at. For some reason I can't help but lock on to it. I hear this voice in the back of my head just repeating "Sudoku" over and over. The longer I stare the more it sounds like Christopher Walken.


 Stop this. This is stupid. This is in no way the Playerbases fault. Not even a little. Not at all. There is absolutely nothing more dense then saying "It is our fault for wanting to play the game."


At the same time you are wrong. A developer can not be expected to massively overengineer their game far above needed operating specs just to accomodate the 0.1 % of time it may actually come in handy. This kind of frivolous expendeture is what would actually make a game dev worse off since that money could have been better spent elsewhere like in proper R&D.

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"GUISE IT'S THE CUSTOMERS FAULT FOR TRYING TO USE THE PRODUCT!" No, it's DE fault for not being prepared.


I'm amazed you spelled guise correctly. But, I've been an IT consultant / analyst for about 8 years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it's not any one person or group of peoples fault.


Have 10,000 people ping your computer and then try to use the internet.

DE doesn't control the elaborate web that is the internet or your ISP. And they are probably leasing server space as it is cheaper. If they are a bigger company and have their own servers, they are most likely offsite and troubleshooting is done over the phone / IM chat / Emails. Or there is virtual servers on a huge server, which would lay out a bunch of other possibilities.


Long story short, there isn't a way to avoid this until everyone in the world that uses or supports warframe has a fiber connection and storage takes up so little physical space that it's not a giant expense / pain to maintain.


I still agree with you to an extent. But the beta process will teach them how to manage logins after release. Maybe they will incorporate a more complex queue system who knows.

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