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Frost Sucks Bad Now


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Because Snow Globe permitted a certain "God mode" on Defense missions, making other frames such as Vauban and Nyx obsolete. 

Personally, I don't see any problem with the nerf. It now makes Frost's Snow Globe a little bit more circumstantial. Sitting tight on your &#! in a high level Defense is no fun; now we actually have a challenge. 

It's pretty much what we've been asking for, right?

"Game's too boring DE, I'ma get off Warframe until the next update"


Are you kidding me?  No way were Nyx and Vauban obsolete because of Snow Globe.

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Make snowglobe's projectiles into it slowed down by strength, duration as before, and stretch as is. Now you can avoid grineer bullets with frost's bubble without giving him uncertain god mode.


Not as good as before, but not as terribad as is now.


Also, at least 1.0 speed for Frost please.

So basically remove the damage blocking from globe,but instead make it into Matrix? What will happen when the globe disappears and all the bullets hit the cryopod at the same time? INSTA-LOSE.

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Are you kidding me?  No way were Nyx and Vauban obsolete because of Snow Globe.

When did you see a vauban or a nyx picked over a frost in a t3 defense? Seldom to none. Frost was the defense king. Nyx was usually brought to compliment frost, and vauban was widely accepted to be more of a survival frame, or as an accomplice to the defense master, Frost.

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Uh, I don't know what the hell you guys are complaining about.


I just did a 35 round T2 Defense as a Frost.  The Snowglobe was never destroyed by enemy fire, it always timed out.  And I was able to use the new Ice Wave and Ice Blast to massive effect (Ice Blast kills Crewmen in one shot on rounds 1-15 with Focus).


Seriously, this is meant to be a team game on the higher difficulties.  Play with a team that knows what they're doing.


T2? /facepalm

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Totally agree with this topic.


So many stupid little buggers out there who have never played Frost saying "OMG I LIEK THESE CHANGES SO MARCH!". No matter what you did, DE, you never considered that it's not only Frost's element that makes him lousy at damage, it is also the mechanics of his abilities that make him bad at it.



Look at this:


Freeze-Single target, slow moving projectile that deals sub-par damage (now and before) and freezes until target is damaged. It's not even worth being called crowd control! At best, it allows you to spend 25 energy to line up 1 headshot. And that's stupid. Why isn't it AoE? Why doesn't it continue Freezing even though the target is damaged?


Ice Wave-Damages a narrow line of enemy and slows them down for 3 seconds (more or less). This is not even a decent damage skill, Ember's Fire Blast can do so much better. Rhino's Charge can do so much better. Heck, any other 50 energy-75 energy damage skill out there does better, even Oberon's Hallowed Ground does more damage! And that says something. Not to mention the sheer narrowness of this skill's AoE is apalling, until you give me a skill that allows me to command enemies to march in a single line Ice wave isn't going to do much.


Avalanche-The creme de la crop of the 3 cruddy skills Frost has. Yet, has the least amount of potential damage out of all level 4 skills. Even with the new update. Also, the least amount of AoE among the "Press to clear" ultimates. Again, Ice element -worst damaging element in the whole game, sibling of radiation. It freezes enemies during the cast duration and deals damage after the freeze! Are you kidding me? Why after? While others can cast then kill off stragglers, I need to play russian roulette to guess which one will survive after an avalanche and if I don't make the right choice I will have wasted bullets then deal with an enemy who says "Suprise!" after coming out of cryostasis perfectly fine. Even then, due to the nature of the skill, most of them DO NOT DIE. They take half out of my unimpressive amount of damage, that's all.




Every, bloody mechanic of Frost points him as a defensive warframe. Even his other skills that de is oh so desperate to promote, compliments a defensive playstyle in conjunction WITH SNOWGLOBE (the previous version, not this shoddy HP limit crap that barely lasts a second). He is not a nuker, he never was and even with de's recent 'revamps', he still isn't. You want a nuker? Look at Ember, look at Nova. Don't look at Frost, ever. Until Frost has skills that are exactly like Ember's or Novas in terms of damage and mechanics/aoe -that will never happen. He's not even crowd control at this point, slow is too pointless now because it only lasts for a few seconds and he spends a great deal of energy just for slowing a few enemies for a few seconds. That's pointless.




My reccomendation? Revert Snowglobe to the previous version, keep all the changes to his other skills. You'll see a difference between playstyles now, slow as it might be: The way with Frost is to improve his ability to damage/crowd control than nerf his ability to defend. Mark my words de.

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When did you see a vauban or a nyx picked over a frost in a t3 defense? Seldom to none. Frost was the defense king. Nyx was usually brought to compliment frost, and vauban was widely accepted to be more of a survival frame, or as an accomplice to the defense master, Frost.


Infested. I would pick Vauban over Frost. I would pick Nyx over Frost.


Grineer. I would pick Vauban and Frost over Nyx.


Corpus. I would pick Frost over Vauban or Nyx.



I'm someone who plays T3 Defence over wave 50 regularly so if you're thinking Frost is the answer to all defence missions, you're clearly not playing enough Warframe. Furthermore Frost has less offense and crowd control capabilities than either Vauban or Nyx. Less movement speed. Less energy capacity. If Snowglobe was nerfed, I don't see why Vauban or Nyx should even be left intact.

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I dont like this nerf to Frost. Snow globe mainly. I was in a corpus lvl 10-15 and put snow globe out to try it now with just 4 enermies shooting at it. It was down in secons with my mods on it last for 45 seconds i still had 35 seconds left on it when it went down.


Snow globes is about the only usefull skill for Frost has the other 3 suck.

People say change his mods make him do more damage with skills using Focus and stuff but why when we have Ember to Nuke evrything.


Some poeple say make him tank why whould i make Frost like a Tank when you have Rhino with Iron Skin makes no sence. Snow globe as well is nothing like Iron Skin for those people saying it is. Iron skin can take much more punishment.


another thing you have give the Grineer Snow globe guess what they can walk with Snow globe around them !!!! and dose not seem to wear off by shooting at it lest the one i was shooting.


I just dont get why in this PVE based game you feel the need to nerf so many Frames just beef up the other Frames

the PVP that is in the game is a secondry Focus its not open world you have to go into a lobby to PVP.

yeah, i used frost first right after the release of update 12. there are many things i really like, but the devs kinda messed up on a few things it seems. the new frame causes glitches and now im stuck with a crappy frost.I did a defence on earth and the corpus guys shredded my globe quickly. the globe wasnt perfect. it didn't protect from everything. laser moa's could shoot through it. explosions also could hurt you inside the globe. you also had to keep people inside the globe from destroying the cryopod/ reactor. now frost is completely useless on high level missions. i dont care how much corrupted mods someone throws one if you got 2 bombadiers and 5 heavy grineer troops at level 65, they will shred away your globe seconds after you cast it. i do like avalanch a little more but frost is still REALLY unbalanced. i had better chances with nyx or loki than using frost in a defense. what a major shame.

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Infested. I would pick Vauban over Frost. I would pick Nyx over Frost.


Grineer. I would pick Vauban and Frost over Nyx.


Corpus. I would pick Frost over Vauban or Nyx.



I'm someone who plays T3 Defence over wave 50 regularly so if you're thinking Frost is the answer to all defence missions, you're clearly not playing enough Warframe. Furthermore Frost has less offense and crowd control capabilities than either Vauban or Nyx. Less movement speed. Less energy capacity. If Snowglobe was nerfed, I don't see why Vauban or Nyx should even be left intact.

i agree. it was a terrible decision. they should have thought this out better. some of us who are really experienced go very far in endless defence and tier 3 void defence. Without snowglobe. most will never to to wave 60 and beyond.

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T2? /facepalm


T3 done.


Still don't see the problem.  Seriously.  Learn to set up your teams instead of playing faceroll.


If all you're doing with your Frost is spamming Snowglobe and sitting it it...you're boring as S#&$.


It's like the guy who thought Frost's Snowglobe was for casting directly on top of a boss...who has a stomp AoE when you get in too close.  Snowglobe blocks bullets from outside it (even friendly), so you had to get inside to damage the boss...and then everybody (including the Frost who proclaims "you can just avoid the stomp") goes flying from stomp.  The boss took 3 times as long as he normally takes thanks to that idiot.


Why did they do that?  Cause they never learned to play the Frame without Snowglobe as their only ability.  And now you have to.


Boo frickin' hoo.

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T3 done.


Still don't see the problem.  Seriously.  Learn to set up your teams instead of playing faceroll.


If all you're doing with your Frost is spamming Snowglobe and sitting it it...you're boring as S#&$.


It's like the guy who thought Frost's Snowglobe was for casting directly on top of a boss...who has a stomp AoE when you get in too close.  Snowglobe blocks bullets from outside it (even friendly), so you had to get inside to damage the boss...and then everybody (including the Frost who proclaims "you can just avoid the stomp") goes flying from stomp.  The boss took 3 times as long as he normally takes thanks to that idiot.


Why did they do that?  Cause they never learned to play the Frame without Snowglobe as their only ability.  And now you have to.


Boo frickin' hoo.


"T3 done" should not be said when you quit on wave 5. Boo fricken hoo.





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Why did they do that?  Cause they never learned to play the Frame without Snowglobe as their only ability.  And now you have to.


I think you're missing the point.  Without snow globe, he does nothing that other frames can't do better. The whole reason to have and play Frost was to use his globe. Like all frames with level-agnostic abilities, he had a "killer app" that defines his role on a team.  But now it's not level-agnostic. It is very dramatically scaled by the firepower of your enemies, and in endgame+ scenarios where you actually NEEDED snow globe, it is now almost pointless because they can bring it down in seconds.

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"T3 done" should not be said when you quit on wave 5. Boo fricken hoo.






This so much. I love how the only people defending this change probably quit at Wave 5 or think 30 minutes is the farthest anyone can go in Survivals. Oh, and the strawman they're attacking was probably just trolling the group, but no single boss has access to a non-stop knockdown. Just sounds like you never learned to go fast. Git gud.

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I played hundreds of hours of frost, I don't play him much nowadays, but took him out for a run on Eris (Xini) after U12. At the levels/waves where Snow Globe is not needed it's fantastic, at the levels where it's needed, it's useless.

Yes you can supercast loads of globes, but then you can't see S#&$.

None of frosts other abilities were worth equipping before, now it's not really worth equipping snow globe, because when it's really needed, it simply doesn't deliver. On a frame that's slow as a slug and because of this gets shredded easily.

RIP Frost, because why would you want to play him.

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