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I Think We Had A Pretty Good Reason To Betray The Orokin...


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So idk about you guys,but I think a blood filled revolution/uprising IS apropriate considering they put us into "conduits" and make us fight a horrible,almost unbeatable enemy when we were children.

Also,this is just speculation on my end,but I would guess the "Warframe-ification" is a pretty painfull and probably IREVERTIBLE process

Come cry on my shoulder,Tenno...you know it was the right thing to do

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Have to admit after I read that lore I immediately questioned what the Orokin actually were, stood for, and were willing to do.


I think I agree but we need more info on the Sentients' near wiping out humanity first. Just for some perspective.


edit. Just a note, I believe the Orokin created and modified the technocyte virus to drive off (and maybe kill off) the Sentients and the Golem (Lephantis) was a weaponised form of the TCV specifically to do that. It also seems that our 'frames are created using the TCV, another form of weaponising a crazy nano virus.


I think they were prepared to go to any lengths.


Also, nano viruses never end well. Lets hope reality learns from these future histories :p

Edited by Krjal
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The way I'm seeing the history so far is this:

- The Orokin empire, which included humans, had a long and rigid tradition of using mind control tech to keep the populace stable and not notice how servile they are.

- War breaks out between Orokin and "Sentients."

- "Sentients" are able to use most of Orokin technology against them, forcing the Orokin forces on the defensive in the war.

- An accident with the Technocyte virus and a strange FTL jump stranded several people in the Void. The only one who stayed sane (and kept their form) became the first of the new Tenno, getting granted the Excalibur frame.

- The Orokin push this happy accident straight to 11; kidnapping children, injecting them with the Technocyte virus, putting them into a ship (while marking it as "destroyed" in the records, for deniability later), and the ones who stay sane are granted Warframes of their own.

- The number of Tenno begins to grow, and they begin a campaign of special operations against Sapient targets.

- The Tenno are successful enough that the Sapients lose their foothold, and are beaten back, leading to the end of the War.

- During the victory celebration, the Tenno rise up and strike down the Orokin leadership, judging them as just as corrupt and dangerous as the Sapients.

- The Tenno return to the Void and go to sleep, believing that their purpose and task is done. (Note that the Tenno didn't try to take over the Orokin empire at all; they left the political nuances to others better qualified.)

- A millenia later, the Tenno are awoken by a woman calling herself the Lotus, and find that they've lost all their memories.

With all this in mind, I don't think the Tenno would ever support the return of the Orokin Empire. Very few would support the Corpus, as the Corpus seem to embody most of the more despicable traits the Orokin had, the Grineer are a low-witted clone military run wild, and the Infested are a great argument against experiments with the Technocyte virus.

The Tenno would be more likely to try to make something new, not try to remake the past. Especially if they began to regain their memories of what happened a thousand years ago.

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The way I'm seeing the history so far is this:

- The Orokin empire, which included humans, had a long and rigid tradition of using mind control tech to keep the populace stable and not notice how servile they are.

- War breaks out between Orokin and "Sentients."

- "Sentients" are able to use most of Orokin technology against them, forcing the Orokin forces on the defensive in the war.

- An accident with the Technocyte virus and a strange FTL jump stranded several people in the Void. The only one who stayed sane (and kept their form) became the first of the new Tenno, getting granted the Excalibur frame.

- The Orokin push this happy accident straight to 11; kidnapping children, injecting them with the Technocyte virus, putting them into a ship (while marking it as "destroyed" in the records, for deniability later), and the ones who stay sane are granted Warframes of their own.

- The number of Tenno begins to grow, and they begin a campaign of special operations against Sapient targets.

- The Tenno are successful enough that the Sapients lose their foothold, and are beaten back, leading to the end of the War.

- During the victory celebration, the Tenno rise up and strike down the Orokin leadership, judging them as just as corrupt and dangerous as the Sapients.

- The Tenno return to the Void and go to sleep, believing that their purpose and task is done. (Note that the Tenno didn't try to take over the Orokin empire at all; they left the political nuances to others better qualified.)

- A millenia later, the Tenno are awoken by a woman calling herself the Lotus, and find that they've lost all their memories.

With all this in mind, I don't think the Tenno would ever support the return of the Orokin Empire. Very few would support the Corpus, as the Corpus seem to embody most of the more despicable traits the Orokin had, the Grineer are a low-witted clone military run wild, and the Infested are a great argument against experiments with the Technocyte virus.

The Tenno would be more likely to try to make something new, not try to remake the past. Especially if they began to regain their memories of what happened a thousand years ago.


Yes, it seems like that. But:


Tenno do not return to the void, we all start at Mercury, where hidden last of Tenno towers.


Also, Lotus symbol is printed on a lot of the acient warframes, like Trinity and Ash, so presumably she existed during Orikin era. Maybe she wanty into cryo alont with the rest of the Tenno?

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Yes, it seems like that. But:


Tenno do not return to the void, we all start at Mercury, where hidden last of Tenno towers.


Also, Lotus symbol is printed on a lot of the acient warframes, like Trinity and Ash, so presumably she existed during Orikin era. Maybe she wanty into cryo alont with the rest of the Tenno?

Or maybe the current Lotus uses that symbol because it's printed on a lot of ancient warframes.

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Yes, it seems like that. But:


Tenno do not return to the void, we all start at Mercury, where hidden last of Tenno towers.


Also, Lotus symbol is printed on a lot of the acient warframes, like Trinity and Ash, so presumably she existed during Orikin era. Maybe she wanty into cryo alont with the rest of the Tenno?

As Mastikator2 said, it could be simply that she took the symbol and name for her own, since the Tenno were familiar with it.

Lotus could be Orokin, she could be a crippled Tenno, she could even be a rogue Corpus. There's simply not enough information yet.

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The way I'm seeing the history so far is this:

- The Orokin empire, which included humans, had a long and rigid tradition of using mind control tech to keep the populace stable and not notice how servile they are.

- War breaks out between Orokin and "Sentients."

- "Sentients" are able to use most of Orokin technology against them, forcing the Orokin forces on the defensive in the war.

- An accident with the Technocyte virus and a strange FTL jump stranded several people in the Void. The only one who stayed sane (and kept their form) became the first of the new Tenno, getting granted the Excalibur frame.

- The Orokin push this happy accident straight to 11; kidnapping children, injecting them with the Technocyte virus, putting them into a ship (while marking it as "destroyed" in the records, for deniability later), and the ones who stay sane are granted Warframes of their own.

- The number of Tenno begins to grow, and they begin a campaign of special operations against Sapient targets.

- The Tenno are successful enough that the Sapients lose their foothold, and are beaten back, leading to the end of the War.

- During the victory celebration, the Tenno rise up and strike down the Orokin leadership, judging them as just as corrupt and dangerous as the Sapients.

- The Tenno return to the Void and go to sleep, believing that their purpose and task is done. (Note that the Tenno didn't try to take over the Orokin empire at all; they left the political nuances to others better qualified.)

- A millenia later, the Tenno are awoken by a woman calling herself the Lotus, and find that they've lost all their memories.

With all this in mind, I don't think the Tenno would ever support the return of the Orokin Empire. Very few would support the Corpus, as the Corpus seem to embody most of the more despicable traits the Orokin had, the Grineer are a low-witted clone military run wild, and the Infested are a great argument against experiments with the Technocyte virus.

The Tenno would be more likely to try to make something new, not try to remake the past. Especially if they began to regain their memories of what happened a thousand years ago.

I still want working for Darvo as an option.

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Yes, it seems like that. But:


Tenno do not return to the void, we all start at Mercury, where hidden last of Tenno towers.


Also, Lotus symbol is printed on a lot of the acient warframes, like Trinity and Ash, so presumably she existed during Orikin era. Maybe she wanty into cryo alont with the rest of the Tenno?

Ahh, but only the prime warframes are the actual Orokin versions (hence why they drop in the void after all), the others are made by the Tenno in the image of the original, which would explain the lotus symbols as they are made around the current time.

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- The Tenno return to the Void and go to sleep


Tenno do not return to the void, we all start at Mercury, where hidden last of Tenno towers.


It's a little of both I'd say, there's Tenno sleeping in cryo-pods all over the galaxy and in the void as seen in corpus and tower defense missions. Most of The cry-opods outside of the void are all Corpus made, but the Tenno inside could have been (Stolen? Grave-robbed? Kidnapped?) out of the void and transferred into new containers.


I still want working for Darvo as an option.


I'd ditch the lotus to work for Darvo in a heartbeat, and with some of the stuff revealed on the latest live-stream this might be possible someday.

Edited by rapt0rman
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I read the lore and took it for what it was.

"We didn't...that would be a breach of protocol."

Those 'children' weren't there because the Orokin put them there (and you're assuming those officials in charge in that room are Orokin and not humanoids, no one said Orokin had to govern every little thing personally), they were made manifest there. How or why, we won't know until later, when Scott invents more canon.

Best Regards,

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Ahh, but only the prime warframes are the actual Orokin versions (hence why they drop in the void after all), the others are made by the Tenno in the image of the original, which would explain the lotus symbols as they are made around the current time.


I guess that makes sense, but even in dark sector some enemies marked with lotus symbol.




I read the lore and took it for what it was.

"We didn't...that would be a breach of protocol."

Those 'children' weren't there because the Orokin put them there (and you're assuming those officials in charge in that room are Orokin and not humanoids, no one said Orokin had to govern every little thing personally), they were made manifest there. How or why, we won't know until later, when Scott invents more canon.

Best Regards,


Or, you know, THEY LIED? Or children were transported illegally by some of ship crew? And where you got the idea that orokin are not humanoid? They are just transhumans as i see it. All their tech looks perfectly suited for humanoids to use - guns, warframes, even their architecture.

Edited by MaxFable
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She said she wouldnt break protocol, but in fact she did. She is a shamless person to lie so openly. She did inf fact, put those children there. I doubt if tenno ever grow up, we can basicly be childrens with both bodies and minds of children, so we have to put warframes for strenght, and also perhaps as stated in another topic, to cure or normalize these kids.

Edited by Cemges
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I read the lore and took it for what it was.

"We didn't...that would be a breach of protocol."

Those 'children' weren't there because the Orokin put them there (and you're assuming those officials in charge in that room are Orokin and not humanoids, no one said Orokin had to govern every little thing personally), they were made manifest there. How or why, we won't know until later, when Scott invents more canon.

Best Regards,


I thought another option could also be that they were actually the only survivors. Who knows what the Void did with the crew but it might just be that only the children returned from the Void.

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I find it trite to go into senseless "what ifs" regarding fiction that someone has yet to write down and once had written down would become canon thereby overwriting any speculation.

The matter is moot. You are not even being provided "clues" for the rest of the story as to be able to say "hah! I was right! my guess won!" later since there is no story yet.

There is more than sufficient intrigue going on in real life which does have facts and clues as to construct possible logical analysis.

I am rather bemused, though, by all the would-be scribes in-fighting and convoluted attempts at explaining and seeings bears where there are not even enough trees to call it a forest.

Bon voyage.

Best Regards,

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inform those having fun that you don't like it.

It appears that you have mis-comprehended that which you read. I have clearly stated in my writing that I derive joy from their supposed fun.

I merely propose a more practical way to approach it rather than investing effort to dig deep where there need be no digging done.

Hunting for bears in the forest whence you have yet to establish the existence of the forest be an exercise in futility.

Best Regards,

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I didn't mis-comprehend, OriKlein. But it's ok, I wish you luck searching for a forest that better suits your sense of practical fun.


Actually on topic however: Kaleen seemed to think the children were put on the ship by whatever military authority was controlling it at the time. What are the chances the shadowed lady would outright lie due to the classified nature of whatever clandestine operation rather than just ignoring the question or brushing it off? I think it's possible she (the old woman) was still searching for answers herself. It's a pity we can't hear her tone through the text.


Just thought of another option as well. Entirely adult crew of a military vessel passes through a sort of sub-space with different time mechanics than 'real' space. Maybe when they were 'lost' (went off course?) they were warped into children. The children weren't an addition to the crew or instead of the crew; they were the crew.


I think it's less likely than some of the other explanations but one of the characteristics of the Void is said to be time being different. As the Void changes and provides the abilities of the Tenno maybe it changed their bodies as well.

Edited by Krjal
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Wall of speculation incoming.

The way I've understood the technocyte virus ever since Dark Sector, is an organic nano-machine that infects the host (be it living or inorganic), eats it from the inside out, and uses all of the host's matter to replicate itself until it's completely replaced it (like the organism in the movie The Thing). There's possibly two strains, one infectious and uncontrollable that mutates the hosts appearance slowly until its unrecognizable (and also seems to have become an intelligent hive-mind over the millenia), and another more refined strain that, while still replacing all of your matter (with a low survival/success rate (also probably painful)), allows you to retain your original appearance and individuality, and possibly even imitating biological functions like breathing and a beating heart (or even aging and procreation). But most importantly, it gives you powerful latent energy and allows you to directly interface with specially-designed Orokin technology to channel that power into abilities.

So essentially, you're no longer human, your a perfect imitation of a human made entirely out of technocyte nano-machines. Then when you put your warframe on, the technocyte matter that makes up your body breaks down into a soup and fuses with the frame on a molecular level, turning it into an equippable second skin that has cool powers, with you as the power core. De-solidifying could also explain things like a person fitting into a Nekros frame or... wearing a frame shaped like the opposite gender (I don't judge). Though I personally like to think that being able to own and use multiple types of frames is just for gameplay purposes, and you would really only be compatible with a single frame designed for your abilities.

And Oriklein, that's just like... your opinion, man.

Edited by rapt0rman
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It appears that you have mis-comprehended that which you read. I have clearly stated in my writing that I derive joy from their supposed fun.

I merely propose a more practical way to approach it rather than investing effort to dig deep where there need be no digging done.

Hunting for bears in the forest whence you have yet to establish the existence of the forest be an exercise in futility.

Best Regards,

Adding eloquence to "that dont count cuz I say so" doesn't make your case, when your arguments against exploring the implications of the lore officially released thus far is "it dont count lol."

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