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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Reign of pestilence, doesn't sound too bad. What do you guys think?

sounds nice im now pictureing Typhus sitting on a throne of dead grineer spreading plague and disease amongst the rest as they despretly claw at the areas where the plague is taking form ... i have a twisted mind.

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Reign of Pestilence sounds good for his new 4th, and while I'm chiming in, I personally don't think the horn things on the helmet really suit the design(the Leach helmet's version especially), but I absolutely love the Cthulhu Samurai look the Elder helmet has. Eldritch Horrors for the win. Maybe make the horns a little smaller? Even for a Samurai-ish warframe, being sleeker would still be better. That said, if Thypus Prime doesn't have giant gold helmet horns I will be a sad random internet person.

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Heres my Idea for his #4, I would be called Seppuku.

- Typhus falls to his knees and takes out a knife (similar to how Ash always has those hand blades always on him) he will fill it with energy then stab it into himself. The stabbing would take a chunk of his health scaled to the level of the mod and other mods equipped and feed it into damage.

- As he slashes it across his stomach a shriek is heard from the void, which causes all enemies within distance to be staggered to help protect him as he continues with the animation.

- As he finishes the slash spikes filled with energy would come shooting out of his body, hitting all enemies within range, skewering them to walls and such, the spikes will then explode within the dead enemies bodies making smaller spikes shoot out and kill or harm the surviving enemies.

- All enemies killed by the spikes have a high chance to drop health and energy orbs.

- All surviving enemies are hit with a bleed proc and viral proc.

when the scream is going on, the lighting in the room will take a dark green tint further adding to the feel of agony typhus goes through.

I hope you like this ability, I thought since he was based slightly off a Samurai that this would be an interesting ability.

Edit: following traditional Seppuku, the person would shed their upper body clothing before stabbing them self. And when Typhus falls to his knees, his upper armor will fall to the ground to make it possable for both his knife to pierce him and the spikes to shoot from his body. this fits very well with your concept of having Typhus armor falling off when he take to much damage. and once he finishes the armor will either reattach itself or grow back.

aww so this means no Seppuku :( lol np your the artist still love Typhus and dont listen to the haters Red!! Typhus fits just as well as any of the other frames fit. He fits even better then some frames!! Keep up the good work I cant wait to see what else you have coming!!!

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after reading all of this i feal like i should actualy say somthing.



this follows the samurai aspect the artist apears to be working with perfectly all though Seppuku was comited when a samurai had failed or lost his honor so im not sure how it can be explained that he is doing that but its a great idea none the less.


2. im not an artist myself but i have quite a few freinds who are and ... this depends entirely on the artists temperment but to an artist is verry offensive when someone says that something they put time and effort into was stolen or riped from somthing else, and why wouldnt they if you worked hard on somthing would you want people to sy this is from this game or this needs to be changed because its like this?


3. Prototype had nothing to do with insectoids or parasites the only similarity is disease and consumption which isnt just in prototype dont make these comparisons when their barely there you can think them just dont say it.


4. It is the artists creative vision it is up to him to do what he wants with it he may take peoples sugestions but only make them that, sugestions dont tell him he shouldnt be doing somthing as you dont like it


5. I need the blood of both red and santiak to create a perfect humanoid for character creation



now im imagining nick cage in the Typhus frame.


anyway very impresive work love all you've done so far and realy hope this gets in

ill leave now before my brain tells me to eat people.

i assume all the number sentences after 1. arent reffereing to my #4 concept right? XD 

Edited by Senketsu_
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Here's a quick 5-minute mockup of what his new fourth power should look like.

Why can I see him sitting on a throne with these spears casually floating above him as he decides who to strike down?

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Reign of Pestilence sounds good for his new 4th, and while I'm chiming in, I personally don't think the horn things on the helmet really suit the design(the Leach helmet's version especially), but I absolutely love the Cthulhu Samurai look the Elder helmet has. Eldritch Horrors for the win. Maybe make the horns a little smaller? Even for a Samurai-ish warframe, being sleeker would still be better. That said, if Thypus Prime doesn't have giant gold helmet horns I will be a sad random internet person.


I'm pretty sure you didn't check this helmet out https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-type-update-setae-04042014/?p=2404813 it's typhus' close-up on his default helmet.

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aww so this means no Seppuku :( lol np your the artist still love Typhus and dont listen to the haters Red!! Typhus fits just as well as any of the other frames fit. He fits even better then some frames!! Keep up the good work I cant wait to see what else you have coming!!!


Keep in mind that I haven't finalized anything yet.


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Keep in mind that I haven't finalized anything yet.


ooohhhh you could make it so the rain of pestilence spikes are the things shooting out of him :3 the seppuku is mostly ment to be symbolism because from what little lore we do know the tenno were for some reason exiled into the void. and again since Typhus is based off the look of a Samurai I just felt it fit kind of well and cool. Lol im just rambling now XD  

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I appreciate all the feedback, but you need to realize that Typhus is a leech. He deals tremendous damage to the enemy and in turn heals himself, which is what his abilities are supposed to represent. He's a glass cannon, meaning that he's a high risk/high reward type of Warframe.


And I respect that, since it creates a very unique playstyle, since at any given time it can make health a commodity or a precious rarity (which is why I think he could benefit highly from Meat Shield and some effects that use his health as a resource, to complement draining from his foes on any given attack).


Cataclysm- The last time I checked, the Earth-benders in Avatar didn't use tentacles to manipulate Earth.  These grab targets, rip them apart, absorb them, and replenish Typhus.  I couldn't imagine an Earth-themed frame doing something like this.


Right, but I meant more the Wrack Earth-esque imagery of an attack coming from the ground.


Symbiosis- This is a defensive aura, as opposed to Contagion, which is applied to your melee weapon.  


Ah, I think I misread the "when he gets struck in melee" as "when he strikes with melee", my bad.


In the other cases, I'm aware that some frames have very similar powers, but the point I was trying to make is that there's a difference between borrowing the bread-and-butter of an archetype (ie gap-closers and stealth skills like you pointed out) and trying to clone the signature utilities of other frames. Slash Dash and Crush may as well be generic mods due to both their blandness and the number of frames that ran ahead with it, but if someone were to make a concept with, say, Absorb (as a safe example, since I know Typhus doesn't) then there would be concerns about the similarity simply because it's a unique ability.

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Good concept, but I'm pretty sure what you created is a new race not a new frame. The reason why I say this is because Tenno cannot grow a tendril then get rid of it when switching frames. Another reason is also about the switching frames concept part you wrote in your Virtruvian man diagram that "Removal of the parasite means certain death." So if this were to happen we would have to waste a revive just to get out of that frame. I like your concept I really do, but you have to make it a frame not a whole different person.


The way you are describing it is a Gender Swap, which is impossible. How can I suddenly switch from Manly parts to Feminine parts? (Example: I'm playing as Excalibur, but I want to change my frame and become Valkyr.) The lore states that the Warframes are Exosuits, and it's like a living organism. The lore does not specify if we can or cannot take the suit off (kind of like Venom, once its on you it doesn't want to come off). The Tendrils are a Tenno Power from that frame which are formed by siphoning the biomass from his enemies and using void energy.

  Also, this may help,

In taking more inspiration from Dark Sector with a whole "Flesh melding to Armour thing".

Considering there's not much lore, Tenno can actually be anything you want them to be.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Here's a quick 5-minute mockup of what his new fourth power should look like.

5 Minutes? Making one of those spears would take me 15-25 mins.


Damn you.


Edit : Well, 10 mins per spears/blades to be honest. 

Edited by (PS4)korm-2_0
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Right, but I meant more the Wrack Earth-esque imagery of an attack coming from the ground.


Not sure I understand this much.  Just because the ability happens to rip open the ground doesn't mean it's an Earthy ability.  Could just be the force of the tendrils ripping apart the ground as they surface.

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Right, but I meant more the Wrack Earth-esque imagery of an attack coming from the ground.


Don't take this the wrong way, but that's like saying I can pick up a rock with my bare hands, throw it at someone, and call myself an Earth-Bender.


In the other cases, I'm aware that some frames have very similar powers, but the point I was trying to make is that there's a difference between borrowing the bread-and-butter of an archetype (ie gap-closers and stealth skills like you pointed out) and trying to clone the signature utilities of other frames. Slash Dash and Crush may as well be generic mods due to both their blandness and the number of frames that ran ahead with it, but if someone were to make a concept with, say, Absorb (as a safe example, since I know Typhus doesn't) then there would be concerns about the similarity simply because it's a unique ability.


I can sit here all day and compare a lot of abilities.  I understand 4th abilities are supposed to be unique, but neither Heavy Fever or Delirium are 4th abilities.  They're also based off of real life ailments.  Heavy Fever makes you weak and sensitive to pain.  Delirium affects your state of mind.  This is how I would translate these abilities into Warframe, but if you have any other ideas, I'd be happy to consider them.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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