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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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If they've been mentioned before and the concept art has changed then that's fine, I'm honestly not going to read all 45 pages xD. I was just pointing those out in that, they are quite similar in theme and shape. Not identical, there are definitely differences, but I did mention the smooth skull shape with attached Mandibles is very similar to Ash's design, which is why I gave the suggestion if making it slightly less rounded/smooth to make it take on a different shape to Ash.


Again if that's been changed, then I have no argument. The Frame is very unique and creative and I genuinely love the idea and design behind him/it. It was just that one little thing I noticed that was bugging me (no pun intended).


Kinda, but not really.



Edited by RedSkittlez
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Alright that clears it up. Was just the initial concept art that was misleading. My mistake.

No harm, no foul, mate :P


I'd actually like to hear your opinion, though, what makes the initial concept misleading? Is there any way you can elaborate, maybe it can be fixed with a bit of constructive feed-back?

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This is the final design/form of typhus. i wanna hear your opinions before i finalize it so I don't have to keep on going and changing his design.


-Made Typhus slightly taller.

-Made him more sleek and thin to reflect his speed. (Make him look less "tank")

-Reduced pointedness of the Pauldrons.

-Removed breast-plate energy-lights, swapped out for "Flesh Hooks" that are utilized in the ability "Cannibalize Armour".

-Brought back elements of the original helmet concept, but fused with elements from the Samurai Concept.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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This is the final design/form of typhus. i wanna hear your opinions before i finalize it so I don't have to keep on going and changing his design.


Ooh, I like. I think he looks better "slimmed down" and without the thigh/leg guards. Also like the whatdoyacallits on his lower back.

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This is the final design/form of typhus. i wanna hear your opinions before i finalize it so I don't have to keep on going and changing his design.


-Made Typhus slightly taller.

-Made him more sleek and thin to reflect his speed. (Make him look less "tank")

-Reduced pointedness of the Pauldrons.

-Removed breast-plate energy-lights, swapped out for "Flesh Hooks" that are utilized in the ability "Cannibalize Armour".

-Brought back elements of the original helmet concept, but fused with elements from the Samurai Concept.

I love it, but keep the thigh/leg guards, if he dosnt have those I think he wont stand out as much, and plus those are a big part of the Samurai armor. He looks amazing!

Edited by Senketsu_
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I love it, but keep the thigh/leg guards, if he dosnt have those I dont think he will stand out as much, and plus those are a big part of Samurai armor. He looks amazing!

I'm rather inclined to agree that the thigh/leg guards would make this stand out more and also be more aesthetically pleasing in general. 

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This is the final design/form of typhus. i wanna hear your opinions before i finalize it so I don't have to keep on going and changing his design.

I like, I like. Keep the tasset though. It does keep in tradition with the samurai theme. Also, seeing as you removed the energy points on his chest would you be able to clarify where the energy is now and how he'd look while charging a melee weapon? Might help figure out the overall look for the final product.

EDIT: Not sure if my eyes are just messing with me but perhaps look at the shoulder plates. They seem a bit off somehow relative to the helmet. Then again it's late as usual so my eyes may be messing with me. Just figured I'd bring it up in case I'm not hallucinating.

Edited by Aden
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No harm, no foul, mate :P


I'd actually like to hear your opinion, though, what makes the initial concept misleading? Is there any way you can elaborate, maybe it can be fixed with a bit of constructive feed-back?

Let me stick some links down

Concept art 


Ash helmet


If you look at them both from the front, the're both pretty similar in terms of shape and design. I'm only talking about the frontal plate. 


Again the ridges cut into it do help, but just looking at the large smooth section that ends in the V shape, then connects to Mandibles, they look very similar.

Both smooth, ends in mandibles, groove going right up the middle, rounded at the top, skull shaped, etc.

I think it's because the helmet concept there is smooth, whereas in the model it's very jagged and changed quite a lot. It's mostly likely just the way it's been drawn that was throwing me off. I couldn't tell how deep the ridges are and what sections of the helmet were raised. 

It was just that large, smooth section that was bugging me.


I think if the concept was exaggerated a little, in terms of what's raised and what's sunken in, and maybe made to look slightly more rough, it would help differentiate it. As it stands, it's bizarrely smooth, when the actual model render is quite jagged and splintered. And if the round top was even'd out a bit into that pointed shape it has in the model render.


Also, perhaps add that render to the OP. Along with any other changes that have happened. You have to admit, the thread is long as hell, and I personally don't plan on reading through 46 pages to see if anything has changed. 


This probably isn't explained too well, but I woke up like 10 mins ago and the most detailed thought I can currently maintain is "Me need magic wakey up juice".

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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In all fairness, the model is a wip by me and I will tweak and work it to suit the op.

I see what you mean by the simlar features, but when you look at the helmet shape you see the samurai, quite different from the very antlike alien ash.

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In all fairness, the model is a wip by me and I will tweak and work it to suit the op.

I see what you mean by the simlar features, but when you look at the helmet shape you see the samurai, quite different from the very antlike alien ash.

When you see the helmet as a whole yes, but from the front, and that part particularly. It's just because it's such a massive part of the helmet that's making me iffy about it.

Also, as I said I haven't read through the thread, so I had no idea the model wasn't done by the original poster.


Again it's quite possibly just the way the concept was drawn that's throwing me off. As I mentioned it's very smooth, and groves aren't massively defined. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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It's fluff, man. Geez.

You must be great fun to have in a D&D party or at a 40k game :P ...

For seriousness, though, it's reflected in his low-health, and armour. Also, consider that darkSector is Canon now, and if Hayden Tenno is the precursor to the Tenno order (Assuming they have some of his genetics) it is quite possible that the Tenno have Congenitive Analgesia, a near immunity to physical pain.

EDIT: I knew I could find something if I looked hard enough. Think of Typhus as a Blood Knight, or a Combat Sadomasochist The pain he feels bolsters his own strength, making him fight harder and more effectively. If I had to think of an example it would be the Necromongers of the Chronicles of Rid$&*^. You have to remember that Typhus' entire combat style and approach is sacrificial. He sacrifices himself so that his team can live. SO that he can do more damage, hence abilities like Boiling Blood being a charge-type attack (I think... I haven't read the OP in a while :P) that uses HP. The more HP it uses, the more powerful the attack. That's why his first ability heals him, and his third ability bolsters his defenses. Is it starting to make a little more sense now?

EDITEDIT: Also, Gurkhas slice their off-hand, across the palm, with their Khukri before going into an engagement to get their adrenaline flowing. Same idea.

Wow that's freaky

But yeah I get your point now

still it hurts me to see him on n constant pain... He literally can't relax

Oh and for the new version where he looks slimmer and without that skirt... I don't really like it

I prefer the original Typhus

Edited by CryoClaw
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Oh and for the new version where he looks slimmer and without that skirt... I don't really like it

I prefer the original Typhus


You know that's just a concept where he doesn't have the leg guards. Have you not seen the sketch on the right of the image with the leg guards on? I just haven't finished the concept yet.

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You know that's just a concept where he doesn't have the leg guards. Have you not seen the sketch on the right of the image with the leg guards on? I just haven't finished the concept yet.

Yeah I know it's a concept and i'v seen the sketch o the the right

It's just my opinion :)

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^ I think DE would allow the Tenno to be revealed as long as some mystery is left.

Like a ninja, you can tell it is human but not who. Like Spawn who is deformed.

We all agree Hayden is now real and tgst kids were sent to the Void right?

So now to descide how a mutated human looks like that is part infested.

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