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The Amount Of Noobness Is Too High


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I meant in the game, of course, the real world isn't that fair :P

I understood you :) Closed system and all, no escaping from the rules in it :D


I love happy endings (it's a lie but it sounds good :P), lets all hug and stop bashing newbs. Also show how awesome we are and maybe it will motivate them to get just as good. If not, they have 4 tries every 24 hours to become less stupid :D Either way suits me just fine. 

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It would be cool if we can do difficulty adjustment like how most dungeon fighter game works. Normal(T1) - Hard(T2) - Expert (T3). 

 My idea is, instead of going straight for random in public. Depending on which tier you're restricted to, you get to have teammates that's also searching in the same tier. Such as a t1 player can only meet t1. That way we can prevent friction between veteran and newer players while veteran/newer player can expect people on their level.

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Is the OP and Newbie bashing over?


Because I'd like to talk about what kind of system would really work towards this, uhm, condition. Again to summarize, some people like to maintain their own sense of disciplined gameplay, some like to carry new players, some players don't care. What we can agree upon, I think, is the fact that new players are dropped into the game without any general knowledge of what to do. Of course Exterminate missions are easy to understand, but what system tells new players about the details of Defense, Mob Defense and Survival? Do they have access to information about Void and ODD missions?


Codex? Bollocks. It's just a gold painted Pokedex (lol, Pokedex Prime). Is it so hard to make Tutorial missions at least? DE has said time and again that they are new in the MMORPG Industry and are just trying to go with the flow of constantly releasing updates to keep players interested, "just like the other companies". Well then, look at TF2, look at Planetside (or any SOE game), World of Tanks, and other popular online games; they have tutorial missions. TUTORIALS. The intro "tutorial" of WF informs you how to click your mouse and press keys. Wow, such info, much help, wow.


Yes there are new players that contribute. Yes there are veterans that are useless. Is it due to lack of skill? Perhaps. Can information and training help. DEFINITELY. But for now, nothing.

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I came here to post this exact thing. I don't mind playing with other people, I'm good but not good enough to solo a good number of maps so I play online in hopes of someone in my position will join and we can help each other (not taxi the other), but recently as pointed out I'm seeing level 0-1 players show up with the most basic items with little to no stat boosts.


I would like to see Mercury, Venus and Earth be the only planets level 0-2 can play on unless invited into missions. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars unlocked for 3-5 and everything unlocked from 5 and up, also allow players to xp lock the mission they are in depending on the mission. Playing in a clan, helping others level up and be helped myself I find that usually around rank 4-5 is when players can start to hold their own, sure they got a long way to being a major influance on the outer rim of planets but they do still offer some help.


Right now my way of dealing with them is turn down my "skill" or just run ahead by passing everything for a few rooms. If they can deal with it then great I will help taxi you through the mission but if you die I will let you be and move on by myself. So far this seems to be working for me.


With all that said, If i were to join a mission on mercury, venus or earth, I would expect to run into low level players and will taxi them in survival or defense as long as they are not a burden to me such as trying to lone wolf areas or screw up the pods several times, I will warn them, I will tell them what to do but if they continue to do this crap I will let them die and do nothing about it even at time be right near them to proove the point. But if you are decent and really trying I will jump through hoops to revive you, heck I've even helped a few new people hit 30 and 35 e-gate missions by holding out on my own because they really tried and played properly most importantly they took the hints and advice i was giving to them


Also whom ever said to Lock out some lower planets for high level people, that is just a bad Idea. There are plenty of times I run survival or other missions on those planets because my frame or weapons are extremely low level and any other place would just chew me up and spit me out.


Sorry, but I completly disagreed with your point, I know that the game is diferent now bc you can get a new warframe very quickly, but I started Warframe was solo player and reached Ceres with my Loki levelled and only MR1, mostly bc i used the same weapon/frame and didnt bother to build other weapons besides burston, so lock planets based on MR is complete bs to be honest and serve only to pull people way from the game, and I have other friends who passed the same in diferent circunstances.


You should look at some "high rank" playing and see if you prefer one rank 0 that doesnt know nothing or other Rank 14 that think he know everything, i definetly know who I wanted at my side.

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Eh ?


I usually carry them since I usually carry 1 multi-forma primary or secondary (you know for dat harvester or sneaky stalker) and level 2 other gears. I whip it out and it will easily clear house if needed.


So nothing too difficult.


I do teach them a little on the side, but if you are rank 4 or rank 5, i expect you to know what you are doing.

Edited by fatpig84
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Sorry, but I completly disagreed with your point, I know that the game is diferent now bc you can get a new warframe very quickly, but I started Warframe was solo player and reached Ceres with my Loki levelled and only MR1, mostly bc i used the same weapon/frame and didnt bother to build other weapons besides burston, so lock planets based on MR is complete bs to be honest and serve only to pull people way from the game, and I have other friends who passed the same in diferent circunstances.


You should look at some "high rank" playing and see if you prefer one rank 0 that doesnt know nothing or other Rank 14 that think he know everything, i definetly know who I wanted at my side.


u tried starting a new account in U12 recently? see how easy it is now compared to when you did it back then, im guessing you wont like the mk1 braton/braton experience for long, U11/12 beginner experience is nothing like when i started just in U10, its far more frustrating and difficult.


its been weird seeing some MR2-3-4 players still kicking around with lato/mk1 bratons/bratons and their mostly sucking floor at just the venus/earth stage, esp now that lua is the new gametype instead of MD, ive tried running that a lot of times on my new account and all my teammates just mass die from bleedouts and the mission fails every time, esp as they cant hurt enough of the masses of grineer mobbing them.


i even went as far as potatoe'ing my current regular Braton, had to trade serration, rifle amp, hellfire, speed trigger and a few other mods just to try and compete on earth and i still run out of ammo pretty easy, im currently stuck with 2 missions for earth that i cant solo, LUA and LITH, i bleedout and die if i solo and my teammates all bleedout and die as a team so ive given up on that for a while.

Edited by Methanoid
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Honestly, from my POV, the only problem here is the game not providing any explanation. All the tools to play the way you want are provided in game. If you want to farm a survival mission — by all means, pop onto recruitment chat, gather a few like-minded players and host a private game. All it requires is a few extra clicks. On the other hand, if all you want to do is complete the mission and advance — you can always run solo. Surviving 5 waves/5 minutes on your own isn't rocket science. The ONLINE button is nothing more than a dungeon finder tool in WoW — you may get lucky and get a good group, you may get unlucky and get tosspots.

And to those feeling "entitled" — re-read the EULA. It actually outlines rather well what you are entitled to. It also has a nicely put part : "Please be a decent human being"

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I only do an online game these days if I feel masochistic, so many times I have been in survival missions trying to explain in chat while staying alive not to hit the air at 95% or defence missions where the rest of the team head off to get kill counts leaving the cryo tube to die and yes the 6-7 planets in and people coming in with lato and braton :(

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