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[Warframe Concept] Xenos, The Spliced - Early Concept Art Included


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Hello all! I had a little idea for an infested Warframe. I think it kinda goes against the Lore, with Warframes being immune to it and all, but it's just a fun idea! So here it is!


The Idea!


The idea for him, is that so far Rhino has been the only REAL super tanky Warframe. I guess you could build other Warframes to be tanky, but they can never have Rhino's Iron Skin. I wanted to dream up an idea for a Warframe that could almost be another Rhino, but with claws.


If you wanted some sort of origin, a wacky story I had was he was a Tenno obsessed with the Infested and adored how they worked. So he tinkered and tampered with Infested cells and eventually fused his DNA OR a Warframes structure with Infested cells? I dunno, but there you go!


He has two stages: his Dormant state and his Beast state.


When in his Dormant stage, his suit is all "closed up" like a cocoon. This helps him take less damage, due to the density of the Warframes "cocoon-like" wraps. He does not have access to his 1, 2 or 3 abilities while in this state.

****(Energy Orbs grant him slow HP regen OR a small amount of Inner Rage?)****


When he enters his Beast stage, his suit "opens up" revealing the beast underneath. He has access to his 1, 2 and 3 abilities in this state. Gains rapid HP regen. Uses his HP as energy to use abilities.

****(Energy Orbs grant him extra duration in Beast state?)****


Xenos does not have shields, instead he has a massive HP pool and a pretty good amount of armor, which increases the lower health he has. As he takes more and more damage, his "Inner Beast" bar I guess you could say, fills up, getting him more ticked off. At any point the player can use his Number 4 skill "Inner Beast" and unleash chaos upon the enemy.


Just a very quick little sketch I did, to give an idea of what he might look like.



Very early concept of Xenos in Beast state, coloring not done. But wanted to post updates on progress



More detailed head close-up, more progress



Xenos, the Spliced


Xenos is built for those who like soaking up damage, but on top of that, has the ability to turn all that punishment taken and turn it into something out of this world. 

–In-game description


Xenos - having no shields at all, he has an unmatched health capacity. Taking less and less damage the lower his health pool becomes, increasing his Inner Beast Rage. Upon releasing his Inner Beast, he becomes something only seen in nightmares, rapidly regenerating health and unleashing devastating infested-like attacks.


Health 450 (1350 at rank 30)

Inner Beast Rage 100 (300 at Rank 30)

Armor 800 (increases at 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% health)

Shield Capacity 0 (0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.00


4x 17px-Ability.png
1x 18px-V.png

1x 18px-V.png

Aura Polarity 18px-V.png


Heavy Leap - 5% of current HP - Hotkey: 1   Xenos leaps forward and deals damage in a small radius to enemies around him where he lands, knocking enemies down in the process. Upgrading increases range and damage


Emanation - 10% of current HP- Hotkey: 2   Xenos adapts his skin towards incoming damage types. Increasing resistance to all damage types being taken while converting the damage into a deadly vapor matching the damage type, dealing damage over time to all enemies nearby. Upgrading increases duration.


Lacerate - 15% of current HP -Hotkey: 3   Xenos uses his bladed claws to heave a powerful blow to the enemies in a cone infront of him. Dealing massive damage and causing damage over time. Upgrading increases damage.


Inner Beast - Rage: 100-300Energy_small.png Hotkey: 4 Unleashing his fury, Xenos becomes a juggernaut. Gains substantial health regen. Duration in this state is dependant on how much Rage is consumed during the transformation. Gives access to his other abilities while in his "Beast" form. Upgrading increases value of Rage spent towards duration.

****(Cannot use weapons while in this state)****(Mouse1 becomes a melee strike with possible light lifesteal)****


What do you guys think? Any POSITIVE feedback is welcomed. Constructive criticism is appreciated as well.


Changes or Additions from feedback replies:


-Added possible uses for Energy Orbs in both states.

-Tweaked HP cost of abilities.

-Updated name of Warframe.

-Revamped Acidic Mist to Emanation.

-Added description to Inner Beast explaning Weapon use and Mouse1 becoming a melee strike with possible lifesteal.


I'm going to try and provide more and more concept as I get more feedback!

Edited by Deepsixeden
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Considering the frame doesn't use Energy... I honestly don't know if it'll work. As there are mods that wouldn't really fit (Flow, Rage, Equilibrium) I'm not exactly sure as to how feasible this would be to implement, as awesome as it sounds.
Some mods, like Streamline would possibly work, by reducing the amount of HP drained.
Energy Orbs would also be pointless if this frame needed damage to increase its "Energy"


Energy is the real issue with this concept tbh. It's a good twist, but needs a little work.

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They could kind of make it where he has a passive skill similar to the Zephyr, Turning energy into like 10 rage i suppose similar to equilibrium... Flow could just increase the 'rage" bar. Have it like the energy vampire skill where doing dmg gets you "rage" also. Would be a difficult idea for the DE to do. I like the idea, but not so sure if it will be implemented.

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The issue with no shield frames, as we have basically seen with valkyr, is that they get chipped out easily.  Even with invulnerability, it wasn't quite enough to make valkyr very sustainable.  With him casting from his health too?  I can't really see how he'll last at all, especially considering all of his abilities seem rather close-quarters.

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The Concept art is very good, major props. The beast state dormant state idea is cool, but it makes things too complex, you have work within the confines of the game. I would love character based mechanics, but things like this just make every other Frame look, lacking in terms of complexity.


Heavy leap- similar to Zypher's dive bomb, Rhino Charge, and Excalibur's slash dash, the only difference being it cost HP.


Emanation- Rhino Iron skin, Saryn miasma, both do pretty much the same thing. The reflect damage aspect is interesting, that alone could be a power.


Lacerate- Banshee's sonic boom is very similar unfortunately.


Inner beast-  Valkyer hysteria is also similar in allot of the same ways.


It's impossible to convey tone over the internet I just want you to know I'm only telling you like it is, so you can make it better.

His design is sick but his powers are lacking. On top of that having a ton of armor is currently next to pointless, Rhino gets by on his Iron Skin alone and poor Valkyr is only just barely viable, or so I hear.


Give him some shields, bring down his health and armor to a moderate amount and try and shake up his powers, to what  I wish I could give some useful suggestions but that is proving to be more difficult as more Frames are made.

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You have possibly got the best idea for a warframe, to come.   I love the concept but, unfortunately agree with the need of minor tweaks here and there.  1) the lack of energy needs to be compensated for.  2) i don't think armor should be so high (starting out). and 3rd) i would add shields increasing proportionately with health but, starting at a lower number.


For instance, what about...


Health 450 (1350 at rank 30)

ENERGY 100 (300 at Rank 30)

Armor 300 

Shield Capacity 90 (270 at rank 30) *increasing proportional with health



and BTW... your art...  MAN YOU GOT SKILLS!!   looking forward to future posts by Deepsixeden

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holy cow,  


in continuing to think of ZENOS, this epic idea of a warframe,  what if all his health, armor, shield, & energy were dependent on the form of which ZENOS was in? 


for instance, he was like this in TENNO mode:


Health 450 (1350 at rank 30)

ENERGY 100 (300 at Rank 30)

Armor 300 

Shield Capacity 90 (270 at rank 30) *increasing proportional with health



and then..... he was like this in INFESTED mode (how Deepsixeden inteded):


Health 450 (1350 at rank 30)

Inner Beast Rage 100 (300 at Rank 30)

Armor 800 (increases at 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% health)

Shield Capacity 0 (0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.00


4x 17px-Ability.png
1x 18px-V.png

1x 18px-V.png

Aura Polarity 18px-V.png




....just an idea/thought,


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