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Anyone Else Thinks Interception Is Bit Boring?


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I think it has lot of potential but at it's current iteration personally I think it's boring as heck. Most of the time you just stand there and look percentages tick towards 100% basically having nothing else to do.


Maybe more enemy spawns would be nice? etc.. 

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I found it to be most enjoyable with less then 4 players.


How i would change it:

Team of 4: 6 cap points

Team of 3: 5 cap points

Team of 2: 4 cap points

Team of 1: 3 cap points.


Coordinated attacks teams, that come in bigger groups. Attacking multiple cap points at once.

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I found it to be most enjoyable with less then 4 players.


How i would change it:

Team of 4: 6 cap points

Team of 3: 5 cap points

Team of 2: 4 cap points

Team of 1: 3 cap points.


Coordinated attacks teams, that come in bigger groups. Attacking multiple cap points at once.


4 cap points are enough. Try to stay longer than 3-4 waves ... then the real fun begins!

Ppl are playing 3-4 waves, maybe more dunno but for players without Vauban or w/o rly good team cannot do it past 5 waves. Hellions become annoying and Lancers taking down ur shields like it was nothing plus those Miter Grineers. 


Yesterday I played with 4 random players, on big Interception map where actually to take points u have to run long distances(or use Nova's wormhole, Valkyrs Ripline etc.). After 4th-5th wave(rewad) we decided to stay... we actually managed to get 89% then 1 point was taken, my Nova droped like 4 times in an instant (low energy is a pain in the ...). Well 1 guy left the game and the only remaining Nyx couldn't do mych. 


I must say I started to like this gamemode. Personally, only thing that I needed was this big map where I actually had to run around to help others. On the smaller one I could actually stand in the middle and cast MP and that was no fun at all. :) 


I have yet to play it with my clanmates, maybe we gonna stay some freakin' long time. To me, this gamemode would be awesome on some higher lvl planet ... like Pluto, with some large maps. ^^

Edited by darkhades2012
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Very dull. With four players, the most exciting thing that happens is either making a run toward where you killed all the enemies to get more ammo, hoping you don't get nabbed by a hidden Evsicerator (remedied by just bringing amo refills) or switching points with your teammates. Most people I play with seem to quit out of boredom and restart, since I don't believe there's a wave counter for when Natural Talent is supposed to drop. Tried it with some clanmates and we called it a day since all we were getting was Chilling Grasps.


Around Wave 4 or so, Hellions do start being annoying buggers. That's also when you have to actually start taking cover behind boxes from the swarm of buzzsaws heading your way. It's certainly not easy to deal with, especially if your team is uncoordinated. The problem is that the gameplay in Interception is just too static.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Yep mostly boring.


It's just defence mode playing it safe, by not having the big damn target in the middle of the map to be instakilled by an unlucky event. Instead we have 4 people hanging out at one point each killing the enemies dump enough to get there.


The most dissapointing bit being that they removed Lua Mobile Defence for it, which was one of the best low level affinity farming missions. Running a full Lua mission usualy gave my weapons at least 1 exp level each time. So it was great to get unranked weapons up to level 10 quickly.

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It is something different. And I appreciate the fact that I got my Natural Talent on the second reward screen I ever saw.

Do my clannies and I find ourselves thinking "Ooooh, lets go do interception!" (aside from Natural Talent farming). Nope.

You would think they could've at least stuck some of the ultra-rare uncommons in the intereception loot table. Instead of just North Wind and T2 keys.

Edited by Inez
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I have only played a few of the game mode but I feel the spawning needs to be a lot smarter. I found either enemies spawning very little or mass spawning at one point.


It may take a lot of work DE's end but I feel that the enemies should take into account where the players are and spawn according. Also should have patterns to make the players go to different nodes and then spawn at the  furthest away node.


A few examples

1. They know where the Players are and spawn close to undermanned nodes.

2. They spawn a small group at one node then mass spawn at another.

3. When Players capture one point they spawn at a node furthest from the one being captured.

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Yeah, can't say I really like this game mode much either.


With a group of 3+ it plays more like a single player defense map where you just defend your own point.  With just one or two players it's more fun, but also has a lot more frustration potential given how quickly the grineer can flip points.  Maybe make the grineer console activations scale with the number of players in the group?  It would be unchanged from how it is now with 4 players, but the time to flip for the grineer would scale upwards the fewer players in the map.


The second problem is the game seems to heavily favor point Alpha or Charlie with only the occasional spawn at the other nodes.  Due to the nature of the game mode where it's just you vs things at your node there seems to be two states.  Either you're bored out of your gourd or you're frantically trying to kill everything between the eviscerator bleed procs, constant hellion rocket knockdown spam and monitoring the consoles just in case something snuck by or spawned on the opposite side.


Also, if I'm not the host I get occasional game freezes for a second or so about in time with mob spawns.  Longer freeze appears to indicate more mobs spawning.  Just me or has anyone else noticed this?

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Yeah, can't say I really like this game mode much either.


With a group of 3+ it plays more like a single player defense map where you just defend your own point.  With just one or two players it's more fun, but also has a lot more frustration potential given how quickly the grineer can flip points.  Maybe make the grineer console activations scale with the number of players in the group?  It would be unchanged from how it is now with 4 players, but the time to flip for the grineer would scale upwards the fewer players in the map.

It shouldn't rely on a console to flip the nodes at all.  Grineer should slowly start to take it away by being in the circle, same as players.  If they stay there long enough, it should go neutral,and then Grineer.  And the status of each node should be visible on the UI, with ones currently changing pulsing.

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It shouldn't rely on a console to flip the nodes at all.  Grineer should slowly start to take it away by being in the circle, same as players.  If they stay there long enough, it should go neutral,and then Grineer.  And the status of each node should be visible on the UI, with ones currently changing pulsing.


That might too be step to right direction. You could go where the action is and not be bored to death without fearing that node will be instacapped. Or even move as a team if Grineer would come in huge waves from various or even several directions at once.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shameless bumb. Implementing additional exp rewards was definitely step to right direction but you still basically just stand still at your node 90% of the time in that mission type. Personally I have no incentive to go back after getting Natural Talent.


Soo... any plans to rework it to be more fast paced, maybe even chaotic or generally something which is "not-standing-idle" at your node? You could leave of course your node, run around, let it be capped, piss of your squad members but I don't see it as proper course of action personally.

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Anyone thinks Interception Is NOT Boring? 

And if you try to play with noobs and noob gear its just frustrating rather than challenging.


The maps are quite well designed btw and you can overwatch other point if you chose proper position but there are several hidden routes for enemies to sneak in.

Edited by Monolake
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4 cap points are enough. Try to stay longer than 3-4 waves ... then the real fun begins!

Ppl are playing 3-4 waves, maybe more dunno but for players without Vauban or w/o rly good team cannot do it past 5 waves. Hellions become annoying and Lancers taking down ur shields like it was nothing plus those Miter Grineers. 


Yesterday I played with 4 random players, on big Interception map where actually to take points u have to run long distances(or use Nova's wormhole, Valkyrs Ripline etc.). After 4th-5th wave(rewad) we decided to stay... we actually managed to get 89% then 1 point was taken, my Nova droped like 4 times in an instant (low energy is a pain in the ...). Well 1 guy left the game and the only remaining Nyx couldn't do mych. 


I must say I started to like this gamemode. Personally, only thing that I needed was this big map where I actually had to run around to help others. On the smaller one I could actually stand in the middle and cast MP and that was no fun at all. :) 


I have yet to play it with my clanmates, maybe we gonna stay some freakin' long time. To me, this gamemode would be awesome on some higher lvl planet ... like Pluto, with some large maps. ^^


I have played the bigger map with randoms for 5 rounds, used  Zeph to fly around quickly and it was a snoozfest just camping points. Even having to res teammates few times didnt add any challenge (others were Nyx, Loki and Nova and each one  just camped own point untill Talent dropped)

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