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Hey De Nyx Needs Some Love Now <3


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Hey DE happy valentines day  and thanks for the palette , my nyx looks awesome now http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3281173896693430138/6C455025FF59F120898D9C4E7B2137627C2CBF79/1024x614.resizedimage


( I meant love in the title , little typo) 



So Nyx's powers , at lest 2 of them need some kind of rework  imo : i'm talking about absorb and psychic bolts


Psychic bolts


Here's the problem : the skill is no worth the energy : too weak , despite being " psychic" can still hit walls and miss.

Might as well wait a few seconds with energy siphon to get chaos , damage way too inneficient at mid level enemies


here are  my suggestions ( feel free to add some feedback community) : 

- 1: increase damage dealt per bolt , enough to make it viable 

- 2: Add some kind of special effect to the bolts other than damage ( i was thinking radiation proc  because of the confusion)

- 3 : they are psychic : they should instantly hit enemies or go though walls 

- 4 increase the number of bolts enough to make it viable 





here's the problem : It's too slow ,which makes it only useful in solo or against infested , at very high levels if the enemies survive you're still surrounded and screwed . The fact that it's slow is kinda handicaping in some missions where your teammates die a lot and they die during the time you're in the bubble 



1- Make it chargable: i.e pressing absorb once  will trigger the bubble but would it would collapse after a second of charging knocking enemies back and dealing the base damage .If you stay pressed on the absorb button : the skill functions like before except you can decide when you want to release  but there's a maximum charge time ( modifable by duration mods) If you charge over that time limit, the absorb bubble will start depleting your energy pool fast ( faster if you're being attacked) and will collapse if your energy hits 0 or if you release the ability button. ,unleashing its full power on the nearby enemies dealing heavy damage.


2- Give the skill a little mobility ; I'm not saying let nyx pakour while doing it , but it  doesn't seem too far of a stretch to let her be able to levitate very slowly in the desired direction to deal even more damage and avoid being swarmed if the enemies survive the blast.



TL: DR : Really you could have read :p oh well to sum up 

> Buff psychic bolts with radiation proc n more damage and not interaction with the environment ( insta hit )

> Change absorb , make it chargeable , and give nyx the ability to move a little with it 


Thank you for reading and leave some feedback :) 


PS: Rebecca will you be my valentine? :D

Edited by Deidaku
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I agree on Psychic Bolts. They are not worth it atm. They should AT LEAST go through walls, and they should be targetable on one enemy, if you aim directly at them they will all chase the same target. An interesting effect for the bolts could be multiplied damage per bolt on one enemy. Say the first deals 400, next deals 800, next deals 1600, next deals 3200... Or something like that. 

Absorb, not sure really. I agree on the levitation, but it's quite useful for many defense situations, and is a fine oh-S#&amp;&#036; button as you're basically undead for 15+ seconds if specced right, enough time for your teammates to come in and swoop the area, or shoot your bubble while inside it so they are safe from damage allowing you to clear the area. 

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Psychic bolts makes me so sad because they're cool and fun but just not worth the cast.  They're so, so, SO unreliable, and they feel ineffective because there's, like, a half second delay between hitting stuff and the damage actually happening.  Hitting walls and straight up missing makes them a pain to use.  They have a little explosion when the connect, why not give them small aoe?  And they super need a damage buff.  Compare this to Shuriken.  A difference of 200 damage and number of projectiles, but for twice the cost?  What the hecky?


I disagree with having a "charge" for a skill, however.  Varied firing modes is common for weapons in Warframe, but changing the way abilities are cast isn't exactly in the game's conventions.  The very most we've had that breaks the mold is Tailwind, because it functions differently on the ground and in the air, but it's still the fire-and-forget cast method that all abilities have been based upon.


I do agree that letting Nyx move while Absorbing would make lots of sense.  Unfortunately, this isn't some sort of bullet magnet skill, it's theme is meditation, so without dramatically altering the theme of the skill, it'd be hard to get movement into it.

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Ohh, I didn't know Nyx's 4th ability bubble protected other users. I guess it makes more sense that it seems to last forever then, lol. I usually hit her 4th at the end of the level waiting for players to reach the end, because it's cool to look at...it always seemed pointless in most missions, since people kill everything, move on, and you are still sitting there in your bubble...sad that you didn't kill a single thing with it :( lol


"There is Nyx floating in the air again...she'll catch up later, lol" ;)

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Absorb needs to deal more damage, but take less time to do it. Huge Nyx fan, but she kinda sucks.


+1 for you. I'd like to have that fancy effect on her arms back, too. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? DX





If Absorb doesn't kill, it should cause a stun. That way you're guaranteed to not instantly die and stuff as soon as you come out of it. One of her biggest flaws right there, in my opinion.

Edited by Zachles
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Absorb needs to deal more damage, but take less time to do it. Huge Nyx fan, but she kinda sucks.


+1 for you. I'd like to have that fancy effect on her arms back, too. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? DX

Weird energy thing? I still have that...are we talking about he same thing?

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Ohh, I didn't know Nyx's 4th ability bubble protected other users. I guess it makes more sense that it seems to last forever then, lol. I usually hit her 4th at the end of the level waiting for players to reach the end, because it's cool to look at...it always seemed pointless in most missions, since people kill everything, move on, and you are still sitting there in your bubble...sad that you didn't kill a single thing with it :( lol


"There is Nyx floating in the air again...she'll catch up later, lol" ;)

Thanks for clarifying my point, it's too situational ,every time I use it  I think of this : OH S#&amp;&#036; A NAPALMostrich-head-in-sand.jpg

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Dunno. The weird energy thing surrounding her arms looks the same way as it always has to me. 

I mean it hasn't changed recently, but it's different than before.


I'm trying to find a picture of it. :)



EDIT: Found it.



Edited by Zachles
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I mean it hasn't changed recently, but it's different than before.


I'm trying to find a picture of it. :)



EDIT: Found it.



oooh that , I prefer the new one sorry X) It just looks unfinished 

But wow the old UI ,so old much nostalgia , wow 

Edited by Deidaku
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I didn't even get Nyx until about a week ago, actually. I remember she first came out, and I think she had issues like you could posses people, but couldn't kill the enemy until it wore off. Some odd frustrating things, so I just left her on a back burner. I was very sad physic bolts didn't seem to do much, I thought it was just me using them wrong. I planned to cap Nyx to 30, and move on. She looks cool and has some cool ideas, but the only ability I find very useful so far is her 3rd (noting I'm no expert at her yet!).

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oooh that , I prefer the new one sorry X) It just looks unfinished 

But wow the old UI ,so old much nostalgia , wow 

The new one is very subtle. To each their own opinion, though.


Also, yeah, I miss the old UI. It's so nostalgic, but I'll take the new one any day.

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I didn't even get Nyx until about a week ago, actually. I remember she first came out, and I think she had issues like you could posses people, but couldn't kill the enemy until it wore off. Some odd frustrating things, so I just left her on a back burner. I was very sad physic bolts didn't seem to do much, I thought it was just me using them wrong. I planned to cap Nyx to 30, and move on. She looks cool and has some cool ideas, but the only ability I find very useful so far is her 3rd (noting I'm no expert at her yet!).

Her third skill is one of the best in the game imo ;for any type of defense mission or capture, if you have a nyx your chances of winning increase by 200% , her 1st is very useful as well I use it to get shilds from ospreys, healing from ancients , and use it on heavy units and leaders to use them as a disrtaction

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Oh, those are some good ideas, Deidaku on using Nyx's powers, thanks! I'm still a noob to her, I used her first ability a few times, but hadn't put enough thought into how to make it useful - never thought of tagging a shield bot with it. Her 3rd has saved my butt a few times. Ignore my founder status, I haven't spent enough time with the game since update 8, and re-learning the game. I've been trying to binge-play on weekends though, around  work :P

Edited by nefrai
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Her third skill is one of the best in the game imo ;for any type of defense mission or capture, if you have a nyx your chances of winning increase by 200% , her 1st is very useful as well I use it to get shilds from ospreys, healing from ancients , and use it on heavy units and leaders to use them as a disrtaction


Exactly. I love the Chaos skill. Although sometimes it's annoying when teammates kill the enemy target, but it's an awesome skill when the pod is being overwhelmed in defence. Pop chaos run over and take on another spawn or revive then rush back over to deal with the survivors of Chaos. 


Absorb, I'm in two minds about. it's fun and looks good, lets people revive someone safely and is a good oh S#&amp;&#036; ability. But, I don't think it does enough damage and lacks any stagger ability which leaves Nyx a sitting duck for anything left standing. I've not finished ranking up the ability yet so we'll have to see if my thoughs change. 


Mind control, I've found to be fun. putting on a Napalm or bombard and watching them open up on their allies is always a laugh.

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It sounds like Nyx is good for protecting the pod then, sort of like Frost's snow globe, you could stand on the pod and hit the 4th, so it should take no damage correct?

I don't farm the Defense missions much yet, so I forget certain abilities I don't use in regular missions like spy, exterminate, etc, are very useful in something like Defense.

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It sounds like Nyx is good for protecting the pod then, sort of like Frost's snow globe, you could stand on the pod and hit the 4th, so it should take no damage correct?

I don't farm the Defense missions much yet, so I forget certain abilities I don't use in regular missions like spy, exterminate, etc, are very useful in something like Defense.

Not really , absorb is the last resort button, when you're about to die and surrounded by units everywhere.

Chaos is the best for crypod defense, since when you cast it you get the following advantages

-enemies stop moving, : so if you have range mods + a sniper , you can take out important targets fast with a headshot ( vectis <3)  and let your team deal with the rest

-they stop attacking for a second: again if you're overwhelmed it's a good way to run away unharmed ( but watch out they can still hit you but you're not the main target anymore)

-they deal damage to themselves  instead of attacking the objective = at high levels the best way to weaen them ,  Therefore you can finish of most of them with lower damage  (favorite combo like this against grineer = chaos + fang( corrosive modded) = shred them into pieces , they didn't see it coming )

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Exactly. I love the Chaos skill. Although sometimes it's annoying when teammates kill the enemy target, but it's an awesome skill when the pod is being overwhelmed in defence. Pop chaos run over and take on another spawn or revive then rush back over to deal with the survivors of Chaos. 


Absorb, I'm in two minds about. it's fun and looks good, lets people revive someone safely and is a good oh S#&$ ability. But, I don't think it does enough damage and lacks any stagger ability which leaves Nyx a sitting duck for anything left standing. I've not finished ranking up the ability yet so we'll have to see if my thoughs change. 


Mind control, I've found to be fun. putting on a Napalm or bombard and watching them open up on their allies is always a laugh.

Yeah it's suprisingly effective against grineer X)


Valentines day and still no Rebecca D:

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Uhm...i read all the complaints about her skills here in this thread and to be honest... i have other things in mind that has to change with her.


To explain why i think this way: I play Nyx with -60% Power Duration, High Power Strength, High Efficiency and 45% Range.. i use 10second Chaos, Absorb and 15 Energy Psychic Bolt spam.. i call it Battle-Nyx .. very agile, spammy, versatile and high damage output.


My problems are with Absorb mainly. 10 Meter base range at max (14,5 witch stretch) is just too short. Ranged enemies shoot me, i go boom and most of them still stand because the explosion did not reach them. The ability is quick with my build (4 seconds) and mainly for cheap base damage use so i don't have the problems of casting and getting coffee.


What i'd like to see is a 5 Meter range increase at max rank for Absorb and adding the effect that targets not only are aggroed by it but also forced to walk towards you when they target you, letting them get out of cover and closer to you.


Psychic bolts do the trick if spammed in the air 3-4 times (agreeably with crappy targetting) but removal of wall collision or stacking/increasing damage would make it too OP.


What i'd like to see for Psychic Bolt.. if any changes where made is an increase in flight speed and simply: 2.5 puncture.  Walls still block it but small cover or boxes won't stop it.


Chaos is fine, works with high or very low power duration (i personally like it better spammable with low duration)


And Mind Control.. to be honest.. is crap, unnecessary with Chaos and can be replaced by something else.


Well.. that's my 2 cents.

Edited by Namacyst
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Er no Mind Control is fine, you're not using it properly. Chaos is effectively a free for all. Mind control is a specific application. Mind Control also overwrites chaos for that target and is unable to be overridden by chaos. 


Healers and Corpus shield drones will actively use their ability to heal/ shield the player with mind control, not in Chaos. Bombards, Napalm and Heavy Gunners will still engage the player if in range under chaos, but not in mind control. Corpus Moa's stomping will not affect the player, they will under chaos. 


Absorb, I think it could really benefit from a cancel button. ie press o or whatever to cancel once Nyx is levitating to detonate the bubble with proportionally decreased damage. 

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Ok first off she is a DEFENCIVE frame and Phycic bolts does SLASH DMG and is great when infested back u into corners it does 4000 DMG MAX EXCLUDING BONUS DMG ON INFESTED. Obsorb is a nuetral move depending on how you use it great at being a distraction dew to MAXING THREAT LVL so everything goes for you only and can stop them attacking pod and let 2 downed team mates get revived which is great with duration mods, now this move has no fixed dmg meaning strength mods do nothing but the reason why its strongest move in game is it CONVERTS ALL DMG TAKEN INTO A SHOCKWAVE meaning that it CAN 1 HIT KILL LVL100+ ENERMIES IF IN BUBBLE LONG ENOUGTH TO GET REQUIRED DMG which is why she is in bubble for soo long coz it strength relies on enermy dmg amazing for high lvls. CHAOS IS DEFENCIVE MOVE which makes ENERMIES THREAT LVL MAX SO ALL ENERMIES FOCUS ON THEM UNLESS YOU GET CLOSE as in next to them or between them and affected enermies BUT THEY WILL GROUP UP MAKING THEM EASY AS PIE TO KILL.



Edited by (PS4)Dean_Harvey
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