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Worst Player I've Met


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Vote kick should never be allowed into the game.

Players that played payday 2 know how much it was abused. Trolls would just kick random people just before the exit for no reason at all.

Here's a hint: There was probably a reason.

When I was brand new to the game I got kicked several times. As I played more and figured out why I got kicked, I would get troll kicked maybe once a week.

There are timers in the game so they often don't have time to explain to you why you're getting kicked.

If you're getting kicked regularly in Payday 2, try paying attention to what your teamies are doing.

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Then by all means, please explain.

Ignore lists do nothing to prevent people from leeching. And they don't punish leechers either. Auto AFK kick or votekick would penalize leechers and hopefully make them stop leeching. 

Ignore lists do NOTHING to solve the problem. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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Plasmaface, on 15 Feb 2014 - 7:46 PM, said:

Ignore lists do nothing to prevent people from leeching. And they don't punish leechers either. Auto AFK kick or votekick would penalize leechers and hopefully make them stop leeching.

Ignore lists do NOTHING to solve the problem.

I would argue from the opposite perspective - to offer votekicking allows for far too much abuse, more so than the issues it's intended to fix.

The bottom line is that players should have a way of not dealing with players whose playstyles they don't like. Votekicking offers a way to kick the offender out of the present game, but only if two other people agree - and since all it takes is two or three people agreeing, this can lead to exclusionism and trolling far more than it would fix AFK leechers.

A blacklist would simply require that you wait until after the mission is over (or you quit), add that player to your blacklist, and then you'll never have a game with them again. It doesn't give you the visceral, emotional pleasure of kicking someone, but it also doesn't offer a new way to troll people, either.

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I would argue from the opposite perspective - to offer votekicking allows for far too much abuse, more so than the issues it's intended to fix.

The bottom line is that players should have a way of not dealing with players whose playstyles they don't like. Votekicking offers a way to kick the offender out of the present game, but only if two other people agree - and since all it takes is two or three people agreeing, this can lead to exclusionism and trolling far more than it would fix AFK leechers.

A blacklist would simply require that you wait until after the mission is over (or you quit), add that player to your blacklist, and then you'll never have a game with them again. It doesn't give you the visceral, emotional pleasure of kicking someone, but it also doesn't offer a new way to troll people, either.

I also suggested auto AFK kicking. 

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It's a shame to see this actually becoming an issue. I'm sorry to see that you ever experienced this. Whoever posted that Karma idea was pretty good.

Maybe a way for players to see peoples stats before they invite them to groups would be a good step to solving the problem.


If you see somebody has a low kill count and has completed a good quantity of missions it probably means the guys a leecher. Right?

In game already shows you as a player how many missions quit, lost etc. I think this would work out quite nicely.


There might be issues with low level players with weaker weapons but perhaps a way to view the weapons or there conclave would be extremely helpful as well.




In my opinion this is quite difficult since you have a low quantity of players who are in a group. If you had a little more like 10 players then the Vote-Kick feature might work better. I've had times in Chivalry where I'm really grateful it's there. Especially with griefers and Team Killers.

Edited by Sutherland
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I know I would. That guy is a $&*^. And 40 min on a T2 survival is long while and one hell of a fight. Having that 4th guy helping out would have made a diff.

I wish I could blacklist particular players like that. So that they can't join missions that I'm hosting. I've had run ins with a few bad apples myself, see:


Reference: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/167834-opinion-on-expectations-in-survival-missions/#entry1968604

Hey there, long time lurker first time thread poster.

So first off I'm going to say you can easily just chime in with your own opinion on this and I'm sure my opinion is going to get on someones wick. It's not intentional I just do it by accident. You don't need to swear or call me all the names you wish because I'm reasonable once you get to know me.



So... here it is.

Typically in Survival Missions I see a lot of people who are joining groups mostly with pubs or people like me who don't have much time to play since I have other things to attend to in groups. Then they get frustrated because we just want to get the reward whether it be a Helmet, an Aura or whatever the alert seems to have going on at the time.


Now as a person who has been in both situations I've just got to say, if you do want to make it past 40 minutes on a survival mission:


1. Why are you expecting Pubs to make it beyond 5 minutes?

Not everyone has got their Mk1 Braton passed Rank 10.


2. Why don't you just use the "Invite Only" feature to invite friends.


3. If you don't have anybody to play with, why is it so difficult to use the "Recruitment" Tab?


We have so many wonderful features that DE has implemented yet they're being wasted. Granted an LFG grouping window would be lovely instead of just spamming a chat hoping to gain attention from whoever is listening at the time, but it's much better than joining a group of random players hoping to surpass 40 minutes in a survival.


Yes, this happens a lot less in ODD or ODS specifically because players can tell the squad how long they're going for before they even join.



IMHO it's your fault, you should hit Invite Only or ask on chat. You can't expect other players that are just running, hoping to find a quick group to stay as long as you can.


Yes, I understand. Usually if somebody is polite or mentions they want to stay longer I'll wait it out as long as I have time; however on the odd occasion I receive bad manners I usually loose the motivation and the care to actually continue the mission. Perhaps it is just me that I think this way, and perhaps I'm a massive *corpus* for doing it and honestly I'm not. Usually when it comes to regular missions and I'm taking the lift I'm the first one to say. "Wait for the others" because I'm really not that much of a jerk, or at least I hope I'm not.




Feel free to express your two cents on the matter, each has their own view and I'm not one to remain narrow minded. I'd rather hear more peoples sides to this anyway.


Expectations need to be raised IMO... Bad attitude shouldn't be ignored but pointed out. I've had cases where people don't wait when going into a lift. Why is this a problem?


It means slow frames are having to hold up and wait for a lift because you didn't wait. It means you're going to be putting yourself at risk rushing (Probably a squishy-fast frame like Nova, Nyx or Mag.) You're going to just end up dieing worst case scenario.


It also means that these guys miss out on XP for their guns. I told a guy before that they should probably wait for other people before starting the elevator but no, apparently it was there fault for being "too slow"

That's just bad attitude, I know you might have things to do but you kinda need to take others into consideration too...


If I see someone get left behind because someone was quick to press, I'll wait in the elevator so the other guy can catch up to the rest.

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It's a shame to see this actually becoming an issue. I'm sorry to see that you ever experienced this. Whoever posted that Karma idea was pretty good.

Maybe a way for players to see peoples stats before they invite them to groups would be a good step to solving the problem.


If you see somebody has a low kill count and has completed a good quantity of missions it probably means the guys a leecher. Right?

In game already shows you as a player how many missions quit, lost etc. I think this would work out quite nicely.


There might be issues with low level players with weaker weapons but perhaps a way to view the weapons or there conclave would be extremely helpful as well.




In my opinion this is quite difficult since you have a low quantity of players who are in a group. If you had a little more like 10 players then the Vote-Kick feature might work better. I've had times in Chivalry where I'm really grateful it's there. Especially with griefers and Team Killers.


Well about quit/abort, dont forget Cicero Event and Harvester screwed the stats for many players bc of the low chance and repetitive grind and laggy games also have their share, so I cant relly on that to evaluate a player.


There are some ideas here, but dont forget one thing, this rules had to be working in all the game, so now im in random match, for what ever reason reach 15m and go to ext, the others continue, with vote kick im kicked bc "im forced to go 40m every survival i do only bc i can and im high rank player" or get banned bc I was at ext waiting for the other to "finish their thing" and didnt move for 60 sec.


It is coop game, sure maiority should win in most contexts, but why not concenso? Since some times its relatively easy to finish and start over again, its frustrating that most of the time this happen is for 5m.


I personaly decided that when there is a player wanting to go, i simple go to ext and trigger it and start another one if I have time for it, if there is 2 already there, i simple continue until the game ends.

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Well about quit/abort, dont forget Cicero Event and Harvester screwed the stats for many players bc of the low chance and repetitive grind and laggy games also have their share, so I cant relly on that to evaluate a player.


There are some ideas here, but dont forget one thing, this rules had to be working in all the game, so now im in random match, for what ever reason reach 15m and go to ext, the others continue, with vote kick im kicked bc "im forced to go 40m every survival i do only bc i can and im high rank player" or get banned bc I was at ext waiting for the other to "finish their thing" and didnt move for 60 sec.


It is coop game, sure maiority should win in most contexts, but why not concenso? Since some times its relatively easy to finish and start over again, its frustrating that most of the time this happen is for 5m.


I personaly decided that when there is a player wanting to go, i simple go to ext and trigger it and start another one if I have time for it, if there is 2 already there, i simple continue until the game ends.

Fair point...


Perhaps a karma system where you can't exactly - a player but you can give them a + once as a way of adding too their reputation.

It can be exploited but not as much as it could be allowing players to negate it.

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or how about just quit the game. Don't help those leechers. I had a game going once and this dude out of nowhere said he wanted to killed himself, people question why and just say he wanted to. He did just to leech the reward. We all said screw you and left the game.

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To be honest I think we need a vote kick. Here's my viewpoint.

Any system has a chance to be abused, that is how things are. We shouldn't NOT implement it because of fear it will be abused. Also it would look mighty suspicious to DE if you were booted right before extraction and you contributed the entire time. BL and BL2 had online aspects, but were not a monitored system like this one is.

Another system I would like to see is the ability to block clans. Here's my thinking on that. We have been seeing an increase in clans trolling and we all might as well admit it, we are judged by the company we keep. Yes those clans have good players, but if they wish to associate with those players because of the perks the clan has recieved, that doesmt speak highly of that player.

Having options for players is what we have continuously wanted. It has been our number one wish. Options. This would add to our options.

Edited by Zaresin
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Just entered an interception with an afk leecher that pretended to be afk and stayed in the starting area but conveniently came back to check out.  Looked at the report function in recent players and notice there was no report option for that.


Heard this funny suggestion.  If the afker doesn't come back within 5-10 minutes the pvp conclave mode activates and the player can be killed and they will drop credits they would have received for the mission and any mods/components they have collected. 

Edited by SamuraiEdge
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Hmm sometimes I start alerts and invasions in AFK mode when I at work, and I don't think Im doing something bad =)
One time I've started some invasion mission (can't remember what reward it was - but it was neurodes, orokin cells or some BP) - and then I just forgot bout it, cuz I was working)) WHen I popped WF again the 5th run was starting - guy which was with me from the 1st run waited every time for 1min (cuz i was AFK) and when I said "thx" to him, he was like "np, youre welcome" =)   He made my day, rly. And after this case Im doing the same thing sometimes if I have AFK player in my group =)

As many said before: votekick will fail a lot cuz of incredible amount of angry kids, trolls and just players in a bad mood =)

P.S. btw what you expected while playing Void mission in a random party?

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It's hard to avoid douchebags. Bumped into the same player on a few random missions, so we said hi to each other on chat... some other player who made a tiny contribution to the game decided to hurl insults cos we were socializing lol.

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Hmm sometimes I start alerts and invasions in AFK mode when I at work, and I don't think Im doing something bad =)

One time I've started some invasion mission (can't remember what reward it was - but it was neurodes, orokin cells or some BP) - and then I just forgot bout it, cuz I was working)) WHen I popped WF again the 5th run was starting - guy which was with me from the 1st run waited every time for 1min (cuz i was AFK) and when I said "thx" to him, he was like "np, youre welcome" =) He made my day, rly. And after this case Im doing the same thing sometimes if I have AFK player in my group =)

As many said before: votekick will fail a lot cuz of incredible amount of angry kids, trolls and just players in a bad mood =)

P.S. btw what you expected while playing Void mission in a random party?

Every system has the potential for abuse as you demonstrate the abuse of the matchmaking system. And you would be a prime example as to why votekick would be necessary. Edited by Zaresin
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Fair point...


Perhaps a karma system where you can't exactly - a player but you can give them a + once as a way of adding too their reputation.

It can be exploited but not as much as it could be allowing players to negate it.


That it may work in warframe and I really hope that something they do really help deal with the situation and doesnt complicate more.

I think they are already building a system like that or similar, and to be honest, maybe better that way, bc power in the hands of players doesnt work to well, and we can see that in other games, and i can stand better a leecher than 3 funny kickers.

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