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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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"Earn" and "RNG" don't really go together all that well. You're kidding yourself if you really think so.

What is implemented and what DE intended by it are very different things. 

Prime Weapons and Warframes are supposed to be Status Symbols, proof of dedication and effort. Just because the system implemented to do so failed at upholding the intention doesn't mean the fix doesn't have to either.

Prime Trading fixes the issue, but doesn't fulfil the intention. 



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Here's an idea! If you don't like the fact you can buy parts now, DON'T DO IT!


If you think it's better to just grind weeks at a time for a single illusive part in the void, then by all means go ahead and do it.


But I'll have you know I spent a good week running T2 survival missions for 30 minutes each looking for a Burston Prime Receiver, and I got everything BUT that part, mind you I got each about 5 times, and it wasn't until this trade came up that I could finally get my weapon.


If you're morally inclined to say this is a bad decision, then don't take part in it. Otherwise, leave those that DO find this addition useful to enjoy the benefits. IF they decide anything needs to be fixed, the DE team will do it. New content is always coming out to balance things, so quit griping and just wait until they give out a new boss bound warframe or weapon, and grind to your heart's desire.

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Here's an idea! If you don't like the fact you can buy parts now, DON'T DO IT!


If you think it's better to just grind weeks at a time for a single illusive part in the void, then by all means go ahead and do it.


But I'll have you know I spent a good week running T2 survival missions for 30 minutes each looking for a Burston Prime Receiver, and I got everything BUT that part, mind you I got each about 5 times, and it wasn't until this trade came up that I could finally get my weapon.


If you're morally inclined to say this is a bad decision, then don't take part in it. Otherwise, leave those that DO find this addition useful to enjoy the benefits. IF they decide anything needs to be fixed, the DE team will do it. New content is always coming out to balance things, so quit griping and just wait until they give out a new boss bound warframe or weapon, and grind to your heart's desire.

It's not that we don't want to trade, or that we just want to farm them. We want them to feel special, like we found something extremely rare that we have been searching for forever, and to know that we are one of the few that actually have the dedication to go out and find these weapons/warframes, and thus to truly feel like we earned these items, and if anyone else wants to go out and get these special, better versions of weaker gear, then they have to go through what we did to get it. Now, anyone with enough money can just buy these items that are supposed to be rare, and unique. That takes away the specialness of them, and really just makes them not feel prime anymore. Now, they just feel like any other old  weapon, just a bit more appealing to the eye, with a slight change in their behavior.


Prime gear is no longer a symbol of dedication and persistence. They're just any other item that you can pick up with a few bucks. In my opinion, that takes the prime out of them.

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It's not that we don't want to trade, or that we just want to farm them. We want them to feel special, like we found something extremely rare that we have been searching for forever, and to know that we are one of the few that actually have the dedication to go out and find these weapons/warframes, and thus to truly feel like we earned these items, and if anyone else wants to go out and get these special, better versions of weaker gear, then they have to go through what we did to get it. Now, anyone with enough money can just buy these items that are supposed to be rare, and unique. That takes away the specialness of them, and really just makes them not feel prime anymore. Now, they just feel like any other old  weapon, just a bit more appealing to the eye, with a slight change in their behavior.


Prime gear is no longer a symbol of dedication and persistence. They're just any other item that you can pick up with a few bucks. In my opinion, that takes the prime out of them.

took me quite a bit of effort to get all the prime parts I didn't need but used to trade for the prime parts I hadn't gotten yet.


platinum is probably another story.

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took me quite a bit of effort to get all the prime parts I didn't need but used to trade for the prime parts I hadn't gotten yet.


platinum is probably another story.


I see your point. Ok, I believe Prime Trading would be okay, if you could only trade one Prime part for another. That way, you did still TECHNICALLY earn it.


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I see your point. Ok, I believe Prime Trading would be okay, if you could only trade one Prime part for another. That way, you did still TECHNICALLY earn it.



If I was making the decisions, this is how I would've done it. Unfortunately, it seems to me that DE is hung up on platinum being in every part of the trade economy, even in areas where it doesn't belong. 


Prime for prime is the way it should have been from the beginning imo, so here's to hoping they change it to such.

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Exactly! "Just a game" to Game Jumpers. "Status symbols" to dedicated fans. You're absolutely right! ^.^


Player Community

I use to help new players in general and especially my clan members (alerts and farming). I still help my clan memeber, but not so much general people I meet in PUGs now. With the new trading system, why help people when I can sell everything for profit? Why help them farm when I can sell? Why share void keys when my friends and I can sell everything? Yet another reason trading system can deteriorate the Warframe community as a whole. With trading, it promotes greed. It's just simply logical to take that route with trading.


Longevity of Games

>Tradable Content

I use to play Everquest (Ever-crack to others). The one of the many reasons that game was so addictive is because of the "exclusive" content (raid gear and bounded/non-tradable items). Everquest kept true to that system for years and people couldn't get enough of it; Even with all the complaints about grinding. Everquest died about 8+ years later when they started make endgame gear tradable and only bound on use.

>Too Easy

I use to play World of Warcraft. I reached endgame in about one month and stayed another two after I made twinks for PvP. I continued to play alittle longer and less each month. I quit the game soon after. Around the 6 month mark I stopped playing completely because it was so easy.



1. Dedicated players build long lasting community and increases the longevity of the game.

2. Quick and easy games might make game jumpers happy but they care less about the community they play with anyways.

3. People leave after they get bored with the game but stay for the community they enjoy doing stuff with by helping others finish their weapons, levels, or frames.

4. Trading really promotes a greedy community.

(This is why I am pushing for no trading because it will change the community as a whole from Dedicated Helpful Players and are left with Game Jumpers.)

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Yep, and to clarify my position: nothing Accessed through RNG can ever be seen as special in my eyes anyway. All missions that drop prime parts do so under extremely user-friendly conditions, and is rarely ever challenging. There certainly isn't much thought involved. If you want "prestige" in a video game, buy an Eve online sub and convince a couple thousand people to follow your orders, a hundred of which being leaders in their own right.

THAT takes smarts. THAT requires real skill. THAT is impressive.

I wear prime gear because I like thematic consistency, not because I want to feel special.

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Player Community

I use to help new players in general and especially my clan members (alerts and farming). I still help my clan memeber, but not so much general people I meet in PUGs now. With the new trading system, why help people when I can sell everything for profit? Why help them farm when I can sell? Why share void keys when my friends and I can sell everything? Yet another reason trading system can deteriorate the Warframe community as a whole. With trading, it promotes greed. It's just simply logical to take that route with trading.

Longevity of Games

>Tradable Content

I use to play Everquest (Ever-crack to others). The one of the many reasons that game was so addictive is because of the "exclusive" content (raid gear and bounded/non-tradable items). Everquest kept true to that system for years and people couldn't get enough of it; Even with all the complaints about grinding. Everquest died about 8+ years later when they started make endgame gear tradable and only bound on use.

>Too Easy

I use to play World of Warcraft. I reached endgame in about one month and stayed another two after I made twinks for PvP. I continued to play alittle longer and less each month. I quit the game soon after. Around the 6 month mark I stopped playing completely because it was so easy.


1. Dedicated players build long lasting community and increases the longevity of the game.

2. Quick and easy games might make game jumpers happy but they care less about the community they play with anyways.

3. People leave after they get bored with the game but stay for the community they enjoy doing stuff with by helping others finish their weapons, levels, or frames.

4. Trading really promotes a greedy community.

(This is why I am pushing for no trading because it will change the community as a whole from Dedicated Helpful Players and are left with Game Jumpers.)

Who says greed can't be exploited? As long as the market is healthy, the game will be alive. It just won't be for everyone. Edited by Legion-Shields
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Who says greed can't be exploited? As long as the market is healthy, the game will be alive....


"Who says greed can't be exploited?"

I hope this question is not going to offend you but I really don't understand this statement and the point it's trying to make. I understand english but I am not getting the context of that statement/question. Can you help clarify what you mean? Thanks. ^.^

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The section of players that are "hardcore" is small, The section of players that get on the forums is even smaller.

The number of players that have limited time and/or "casual" gamers outnumber the hardcore by orders of magnitude.


These "casual" gamers have expendable cash, and buying prime items / mods etc, makes DE money.


Hence, "who says greed can't be exploited" -- This is exactly what's going on, allowing people who don't have the energy or interest to go grind for days/weeks on end for all the goodies to actually use some of these items instead of just watching those that do.




this doesn't detract from your play style, this doesn't "make less" the effort expended unless you value elitism as a function of your self worth. if that's the case, then you need to re-think what you're playing this game for to begin with.

Edited by xethier
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Hence, "who says greed can't be exploited" -- This is exactly what's going on, allowing people who don't have the energy or interest to go grind for days/weeks on end for all the goodies to actually use some of these items instead of just watching those that do.


I never said trading was an exploit. Also that is not really the definition of exploit, but thank you for your interpretation to Legion-Shields post.

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I never said trading was an exploit. Also that is not really the definition of exploit, but thank you for your interpretation to Legion-Shields post.


game producers / publishers exist to make money.

focusing on elitism and exclusivity on serves to keep players that value it.

the vast majority of those are "hardcore" style players.


warframe is a great game, but it's not a "true" mmo. (like the style that you're referring to in your post that legion-shields was responding to)

this is a more casual-oriented game than wow, EQ, etc.

those use a style of progression that is non-existent in warframe.


you're comparing apples and oranges.


this game's beta phase is ending.

this is a way to monetize warframe.


i'm astounded that more players don't recognize this.

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We recognize it. We just find it disappointing and sad. 

Primes were the non-buyable items, that was their purpose. There are plenty of other ways for DE to make money off of this game. 



as much as i agree with you. (and on many levels i do)


the sad fact is that we're past that point in this game's progression.

(at least in respect to prime items)


don't get so caught up in "how it was, or how it should be"


"not living up to someone's expectations is the worst form of cruelty"


well, here's a lesson in learning to temper expectations.

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game producers / publishers exist to make money.

focusing on elitism and exclusivity on serves to keep players that value it.

the vast majority of those are "hardcore" style players.


warframe is a great game, but it's not a "true" mmo. (like the style that you're referring to in your post that legion-shields was responding to)

this is a more casual-oriented game than wow, EQ, etc.

those use a style of progression that is non-existent in warframe.


you're comparing apples and oranges.


this game's beta phase is ending.

this is a way to monetize warframe.


i'm astounded that more players don't recognize this.


I see because it's not a "true" mmo, we should not have the same expections for Warframe. Interesting...

I compare Warframe to Everquest and World of Warscraft because I think it has the same potential. Interesting indeed...

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Primes were the non-buyable items, that was their purpose. There are plenty of other ways for DE to make money off of this game. 



It happened to clantech first yet no one bat an eye. Why should primes be any different if we're willing to let that go too? There wasn't this kind of reaction when that happened, but low and behold here we are. Hate to say I told ya so.

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I see because it's not a "true" mmo, we should not have the same expections for Warframe. Interesting...

I compare Warframe to Everquest and World of Warscraft because I think it has the same potential. Interesting indeed...


see my above posting about expectations.

also, the part about apples and oranges.


i agree with your sentiment, but reality rarely lives up to our expectations.

this is no exception.

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It happened to clantech first yet no one bat an eye. Why should primes be any different if we're willing to let that go too? There wasn't this kind of reaction when that happened, but low and behold here we are. Hate to say I told ya so.


Items being purchasable through the market is different from trading with other players. We have no complaints about the market items, mainly with player traded items. I have no problem if primes were offered in the markets. Player trading promotes greed; The market itself doesn't among the community.

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see my above posting about expectations.

also, the part about apples and oranges.


i agree with your sentiment, but reality rarely lives up to our expectations.

this is no exception.


I see, Warframe does not live up to your expectations. So trading will make it live up to your expectations or atleast close to it? Can you tell me what is your expections for Warframe are? <---You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I am just curious. ^.^

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You all should be complaining about the lack of an endgame that isn't "grind for gold tinted warframes/weapons", the backlash to this change shows how little there is to do once max out a frame and weapon.


Yes, please focus on Endgame ideas and stop all trading until it's all figured out. Please? ;p

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