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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I'm not arguing for or against event weapons, prime parts, legendary cores.  I just want to know if we should work for our rewards or be handed them. 

I have some event weapons, some Prime gear and no legendary cores because I do not have steel charge.  I don't really care if other players have access to all of those things and more.  I just want to see some consistency.   I'm tired of how the community at large swings back and forth on the topic like a bi-polar grizzly bear.  


Bottom line; Either we are for people getting things easily or we are for people working for everything. 

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I'm honestly fine with getting 2 cores per.


I'm a little iffy about giving some people a heads up before it went into effect.


I'm not ok with these cores being tradable/sellable, and think the legendaries should have been account locked.

Not that it would have stopped the flow of maxxed mods. Just a principle thing.

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I'm surprised anyone's selling for less than 300-400, unless the price of maxed out narrow minded, blind rage, etc. has dropped that drastically that quickly. I wouldn't sell it for any less than 500 right now, and I anticipate the market prices of these maxed mods to rise again. maybe not back to their former price, but definitely over 400p. so I don't understand what the OP is saying. is he saying that prices like 250, 300, 500 are too high, or too low? because it seems like he's saying they're too high, in which case, he's wrong



yah I think we all agree the mistake DE made was to announce this before the patch to let people make a ton.  Also this is kinda just turning into a legendary core discussion which all ready has a mega thread...

absolutely.they should've made the announcement shortly before the patch, or not mentioned the specifics of the compensation, but DE gave people a few hours to gather up steel charges, and so obviously some people made out like bandits, especially when they announced that it was 2 cores per steel charge

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Alright, so here's how it is: People who had a rank 6 steel charge got about a 3000% compensation for the nerf.

We should apply this logic to all nerfs, to be fair. Since Frost recently had his usefulness cut in half, all Frost owners should receive 3000% of his value - give them all 11250 Platinum as compensation.



If that sounds ridiculous, well, it's exactly what happened with the Legendary cores.

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Alright, so here's how it is: People who had a rank 6 steel charge got about a 3000% compensation for the nerf.

We should apply this logic to all nerfs, to be fair. Since Frost recently had his usefulness cut in half, all Frost owners should receive 3000% of his value - give them all 11250 Platinum as compensation.



If that sounds ridiculous, well, it's exactly what happened with the Legendary cores.

Its like saying my neighbor ordered pizza when there was a special deal since he got that special sell instead of 2 pizzas he got 4, and i try to order a day later and i only get 2 and now im mad that i didnt get that special deal or wasn't around at the time to order that deal.

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Whoa, this thread is huge.


I don't mind the aura getting changed back, although I do wonder why they gave advance warning with the compensation. Normally I'd say it's a good thing to get communication before a change, but in this instance it seems..I dunno..strange? Questionable? It was like a neon sign saying "Exploit this while you can!" I just don't quite understand the logic there.

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Its like saying my neighbor ordered pizza when there was a special deal since he got that special sell instead of 2 pizzas he got 4, and i try to order a day later and i only get 2 and now im mad that i didnt get that special deal or wasn't around at the time to order that deal.


Sales of things are generally advertised and give everyone a fair opportunity to participate. Weren't around for a particular window of time yesterday? Whoops you don't get to skip ~350 hours of grinding. Again with the math, your neighbour got about 60 pizzas for the price of 2. Or maybe he really went out of his way to exploit the deal and now he's got enough pizza to never have to buy food again.

Although the pizza will go stale and this is a terrible metaphor.

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I find it hilarious the only argument against a rollback is "you're just jealous"


No, it's not jealousy. It's having the sense to realize that this was a big mistake on part of DE. Even a maxed Steel Charge would still get you an immense gain as far as the compensation goes. That might have been fine if they just did it without telling anyone, but instead they told people.


And now we have people with 50 free maxed mods.


I really doubt DE ever meant to give out so many legendary cores, and it should be rolled back. That or once beta is over just have a wipe.


Edit: Also, if your comeback to this is "no you're just jealous". I did get cores, and I'm not glad I did. Now I have nothing to max.


A wipe is unrealistic and improbable considering the money people have poured into this game. A "rollback" is more likely but also won't happen.

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absolutely.they should've made the announcement shortly before the patch, or not mentioned the specifics of the compensation, but DE gave people a few hours to gather up steel charges, and so obviously some people made out like bandits, especially when they announced that it was 2 cores per steel charge


I don't think it was as easy as that.  Any company that runs a game like this should strive to be transparent in order to build trust with their community.  If they have a fuzzy line where they choose to inform us in some cases, and other times not, then it doesn't encourage a healthy relationship.  If we don't trust DE to maintain a stable game, then it devalues everything aspect of the game.  Value of our mods, weapons, and mechanics would erode the more unpredictable DE becomes.  Revealing their intentions as much as possible is in both our interests and allows the community to react and provide feedback when necessary.  This has been their modus operandi for some time now.


Hoarding charges/legendary mods isn't really a problem. It's a one-time event(in theory) and thus won't have a permanent impact on the economy.  There are always new players and new mods coming out that will need to be maxed, but no continuous source of legendary mods to match.  There will probably be a very short-term dip in prices of maxed mods as people unload excess, but long-term it will revert to the norm.


What people profited from was the information.  If someone bought 20 steel charges after the reveal, then why is it their fault?  What about the 20 people who sold them to him/her?  Each party had to consent to the transaction, so each thought they were getting a fair deal.  The buyers assumed limited risk, but there was still risk as some things were still unknown(like the 1 million tax).  


The seller was responsible for knowing about the change, and indeed should have gone in with eyes open as there was clearly a lot of buzz in both the forums and in the game.  You'd only have your own ignorance to blame if you ignored all the chatter.


Assuming both parties were fully aware of what they were doing, then there was nothing really lost for either.  


Sure, some people see it as an "exploit."  But really, it wasn't by any stretch.  Some people probably wished they could have sold their steel charges before the change for whatever wildly volatile price they could have gotten.  Others maybe wished they'd bought more from other people to capitalize on obtaining the new cores.  This is all after the fact though.


I think the only way they could have dealt with it better was to have a LONGER lead time, like a 1-2 day notice so Steel Charges could get shuffled around to whomever wanted them.  Everyone who wanted to sell, could have, and everyone who wanted to buy, could have also.


Restricting to one account only might make sense on the surface, but you'd be screwing over people who had multiple leveled steel charges.  It's altogether possible, I myself retain serrations and a few other mods at multiple levels.  In this case, DE decided to be more than generous to mitigate both the loss of credits, loss of cores, and dramatic alteration of game mechanics due to the loss of energy that some people had begun to rely on.  This seems more than fair.  Again, as a one-time event they aren't permanently impacting the game in any way.


They simply tried to be benevolent because they had led people astray, and wanted to make amends in the best way possible.  


Full Disclosure: While online during the chaos, I didn't buy or sell any cores.  I took advantage only by leveling my spare charge to 6, and left it at that.  Would I regret not doing that if I wasn't around?  Sure.  Would it have permanently affected me in any way?  I don't see how.

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250 plat for any mod you wish at max rank?




I'm waiting 3 to 4 months before I even think of selling mine then.

Those prices are:


1. Extremely low.

2. Driving down every other mods price eventually.


Good for buyers, bad for sellers.

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Restricting to one account only might make sense on the surface, but you'd be screwing over people who had multiple leveled steel charges.  It's altogether possible, I myself retain serrations and a few other mods at multiple levels.

I agree with most of your post, but this comparison is incorrect. There is a reason to have serration at multiple levels: lower level serration has a lower cost. There is no similar reason to have multiple leveled Steel Charge mods, because there is no benefit - ever - in using a lower level Steel Charge mod.

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It's all numbers. Your mods have a fusion number associated with it. For sake of maths, lets say it's 10,000 fusion power from rank 5 to rank 6 and that a rare 5 core gives 1,000 so I'll need 10 to rank up. If my steel charge was 8,000/10,000 I'd get 8 rare 5 cores. If yours was 6,000/10,000 you'd get 6 rare 5 cores. It doesn't matter than you used well of life or vitality or a common 1 core etc etc to achieve that fusion value, you just get the same value back in cores.


Don't you see that this is much better way to operate? It stops people abusing the system. It compensates people with rank 10 more than rank 6 as they spent more. Is it completely precise? No it isn't. Is it leaps and bounds better than what they did? Yes. It's fairer and you're getting more flexible compensation (cores) compared to whatever junk you actually used to level in the first place.


I appreciate the credits side is slightly more difficult.

I'm not sure this would work out well. With just fusion cores, sure, but not everyone uses fusion cores alone. With that, DE would have to include non-fusion cores that would need to equal the same value that's left over after subtracting whatever cores of whatever rarity and level. It definitely would not just be rare 5s being passed out if we go with the assumption that DE passes out only cores in this hypothetical situation.

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For the auras, 2 per account (and possibly 3 for those with rank 9-10) would have made more sense than 2 per aura.  At the very least, they could have capped the amount at something like 4 or 6.  And, yes, notification should either have happened sufficiently ahead of time (at least 2-3 days) or else not at all.


On the other side, the core idea is using Legendary Cores as compensation is a good one.  Hopefully we'll see it used a bit better when they finally get around to nerfing Hornet Strike and Serration, possibly with some tweaks to them (like no trade for either it or mods maxed with it).

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I agree with most of your post, but this comparison is incorrect. There is a reason to have serration at multiple levels: lower level serration has a lower cost. There is no similar reason to have multiple leveled Steel Charge mods, because there is no benefit - ever - in using a lower level Steel Charge mod.

Yup, though conceivably someone could be leveling a second one to sell, gift, or whatever.  But that does mean the compensation could have been capped at a reasonable level per account, something like 6.


Of course, then you would still have to deal with people shuffling them across multiple accounts, which means you'd need to not only make the LCores no trade, but also whatever you maxed with them.

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I have no idea how to properly comprehend this. You speak as though the Warframe community is some kind of hivemind with all the same thoughts, the same ideas, the same opinions, the same mind.

People have opinions and they are not always the same as everyone else. Ever heard "you can't make everyone happy"? Pretty sure it has been said a number of times on the forums.

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