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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Again, why should they be banned for "exploiting"? What made it an exploit? I really don't understand this. What I understand is that they put in the time to rank up other Steel Charge mods. That's not exploiting. Again, the 2 legendary cores (even if it is a bit much IMO), is a reward for the time put into grinding to rank them up. Regardless of when they ranked up their mods, whether before or during this period, they put in the time to do so. Stop complaining just because you didn't do that.

The fact they announced before hand that people with more than one steel charge above 5 would get 2 for everyone 

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Now you're being unfair. Noone exploited.


DE gave people a window in which they could take legitimate actions to gain a higher benefit from an upcoming change than was intended. It was naughty, immoral and abusive but it was not exploiting in the traditional sense of breaking game mechanics.


I think a selective rollback would be too difficult. If it could be done then you're punishing those players (as you seem to feel the need to) by costing them their account progress in all areas since the cores were distributed.


'Exploit: make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.'

DE had no intention of handing 38 legendary cores to one account (which has happened). The community exploited DE's announcement and for that they should be punished by having their specific accounts rolled back. Which can be easily done.

I've had my account rolled back by two weeks in the past and I didn't kick up a fuss.

They should be gratefully they're not banned.

Edited by Blowfist
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And to refund credits? What if some people bought cores with plats from the store in the mod core packs, should they get the plats they spent back in doing that, since they may not have wanted to spend that way for another mod? Doesn't account for that.


However, done is done. It's over. Cores are out there. Can't change what is already done. So the argument over how to initially do the compensation is a moot point and not really worth discussing further IMO.


What problem do you have with the solution AFTER THE FACT that I offered?


They would have to refund enough credits to use the cores given with a rare mod so that you didn't have to pay to use your compensation cores. Either that or make these a new, free core but that involves making alot more stuff.


You mean if they spent plat to get the cores to level steel charge? Well what they paid for was the cores and the cores have been refunded so they still have what they paid for imo. You're arguing that they may not now want to spend plat to level a different mod with these cores but I think that's going to be an extreme rarity.


Your solution of making them non-tradable and the mods leveled with them none tradable isn't workable. Some people will be happy as it won't have the market impact. Some people with cores will claim they now have no use for them as they have no mods to level so they've still lost out (until the next rank 10 rare is released anyway). For me, it's less about the trade impact and more that people got to put in a couple of hours work and were rewarded the equivalent of 100 times that. Unfortunately your solution does not alter that but I don't think any solution does.


What I want to happen is for DE to acknowledge they screwed up and that this will not happen again. They have to be made to see how unbalanced this was.

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'Exploit: make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.'

DE had no intention of handing 38 legendary cores to one account (which has happened). The community exploited DE's announcement and for that they should be punished by having their specific accounts rolled back. Which can be easily done.

I've had my account rolled back by two weeks in the past and I didn't kick up a fuss.

They should be gratefully they're not banned.


I thought they were supposed to get 2 legendary cores per mod. It was supposed to be 2 per account?



The fact they announced before hand that people with more than one steel charge above 5 would get 2 for everyone 


So they were supposed to get 2 per mod? Then that's not an exploit.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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In a graph, for people who don't get how severe this is.




In 570 hours of gameplay, ALL the Fusion Cores (common, uncommon, rare) that I've EVER found are, together as powerful as... 1.52 Legendaries.


I know a guy with 40 Legendary Cores. I would have to play for 15,000 hours by comparison.

Edited by HvcTerr
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'Exploit: make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.'

DE had no intention of handing 38 legendary cores to one account (which has happened). The community exploited DE's announcement and for that they should be punished by having their specific accounts rolled back. Which can be easily done.

I've had my account rolled back by two weeks in the past and I didn't kick up a fuss.

They should be gratefully they're not banned.


That definition is fine but I'm saying it isn't typically used that way in games in my experience. They saw an opening that DE should not have left and used normal game mechanics to benefit. If DE said that they'd give everyone 10 plat for each ammo drum they had in their inventory next Christmas Day, would farming ammo drum be an exploit?


DE weren't clear in their communication and timed it poorly. That isn't the players fault.

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I thought they were supposed to get 2 legendary cores per mod. It was supposed to be 2 per account?


There is only two reasons for a player to have two Steel Charge aura mods. They intend to sell their spare or they intend to give it a clan mate or friend. Do you think there was any point in DE's release of this colossal F up that they discussed how great it would be if they could give 38 legendary mods to one person?


That definition is fine but I'm saying it isn't typically used that way in games in my experience. They saw an opening that DE should not have left and used normal game mechanics to benefit. If DE said that they'd give everyone 10 plat for each ammo drum they had in their inventory next Christmas Day, would farming ammo drum be an exploit?


DE weren't clear in their communication and timed it poorly. That isn't the players fault.


Yet that's a massive time frame and window of opportunity for DE to correct their mistake. This was a seven hour window. It was clearly a f**k up and people exploited that f**k up.

Edited by Blowfist
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There is only two reasons for a player to have two Steel Charge aura mods. They intend to sell their spare or they intend to give it a clan mate or friend. Do you think there was any point in DE's release of this colossal F up that they discussed how great it would be if they could give 38 legendary mods to one person?



Yet that's a massive time frame and window of opportunity for DE to correct their mistake. This was a seven hour window. It was clearly a f**k up and people exploited that f**k up.


No, I don't, but that blame falls on DE and their questionably poor choice of a reward for players with Steel Charge. But the players didn't exploit ANYTHING. They did NOTHING wrong, nothing deserving of a ban.

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Teronia, your request of "Hey we messed up with an over kill solution, our bad. We will consider our solutions for changes like this much more in the future." could be said not to be unreasonable.


Others, however, are not so.

Ban everyone, or take away everything they got and tell them they should feel lucky not to be banned?

Roll back and undo a lot of potential playtime and effort to get rid of the so called "mistake"?

Give everyone cores?

Give even more cores to those that had ranked it all the way to 10?

All seem unreasonable to me.


Regardless of any fix they do or do not put in, the game will go on, and impact will be minimal over the course of time.
The value of the mods I have hasn't decreased. The "effort" (which I consider to have been fun) I put in and the accomplishment of said effort to make the mods I have ranked up, has not decreased. And in the fact of how games work, again like someone else said earlier, some will always have more than me, and some will always have less. I'm good with that since what matters to me is what I have and what I've earned, and my feelings towards that are not affected by what others may, or may not, have.

Edited by Norry.
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No, I don't, but that blame falls on DE and their questionably poor choice of a reward for players with Steel Charge. But the players didn't exploit ANYTHING. They did NOTHING wrong, nothing deserving of a ban.



You're confusing "deserves a personal ban as punishment" vs "got an insane amount of stuff that they don't deserve and which DE needs to fix".

Edited by HvcTerr
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No, I don't, but that blame falls on DE and their questionably poor choice of a reward for players with Steel Charge. But the players didn't exploit ANYTHING. They did NOTHING wrong, nothing deserving of a ban.


They exploited a DE announcement in a seven hour window. They purposely leveled up spare steel charge mods and plenty of them even bought Steel Charge in trading. The result was that some players had 19 steel charge aura mods waiting to be converted into legendary cores.

They took DE's action of sharing with the community and being open and exploited the living c**p out of it. They took something that was supposed to be a token of good will and the community wiped their a**e with it.

Roll them back.

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This is a BS move on DE's part.


Ya, I was doing RL stuff when they decided to announce this change prior to the patch and missed out on getting 2+ legendary cores for slapping in 6 cheap ranks into multiple steel charges like most players.


Not happy man.


I have spent quite a bit money here and now will think twice about spending more because it seems this game is all about: being lucky to be on at the right time and exploiting. The latter gets rewarded with awsome loot: DE has given sploiters 250 (or more) free plat per 5 rank SC. And they gave them 2 PER! Wow.


That is far far far more compenstation than it's really worth and a literal slap to face to anyone who didn't happen to exploit this.

Edited by fizbit
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There will always be people with "more stuff" and others with "less stuff", in this you are either right where you were before, or have more. So... where is that different than before? Before this there was people with more stuff, and other people with less stuff?


How about this since we are going for overkill solutions, FULL WIPE. Wipe everything everyone has, no refunds on anything. Will that be fair? Then everyone has exactly the same. We will need to limit play time, 1 min per day should do it, so that no one can advance very far beyond anyone else. Oh and remove all these varied warframes. Only need 1, no skills, no mods. Same with weapons. 1 weapon, no mods. And force the game to run as though it's, on the lowest spec computer that will run it on the lowest connection that won't disconnect it. Sound "fair" enough? Because that's about the only way it will ever be totally "fair" across the board. Otherwise focus on what you have, and not what others have that you don't. In games, in life, in everything, someone will always have something you don't and very likely you will have something that someone else doesn't have. In the end, so what?

Edited by Norry.
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There will always be people with "more stuff" and others with "less stuff", in this you are either right where you were before, or have more. So... where is that different than before? Before this there was people with more stuff, and other people with less stuff?


How about this since we are going for overkill solutions, FULL WIPE. Wipe everything everyone has, no refunds on anything. Will that be fair? Then everyone has exactly the same. We will need to limit play time, 1 min per day should do it, so that no one can advance very far beyond anyone else. Oh and remove all these varied warframes. Only need 1, no skills, no mods. Same with weapons. 1 weapon, no mods. And force the game to run as though it's, on the lowest spec computer that will run it on the lowest connection that won't disconnect it. Sound "fair" enough? Because that's about the only way it will ever be totally "fair" across the board. Otherwise focus on what you have, and not what others have that you don't. In games, in life, in everything, someone will always have something you don't and very likely you will have something that someone else doesn't have. In the end, so what?

I could have not said this any better myself

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DE responds to our concerns by making sure everybody got their exploited legendary cores.


The reason you didn't receive your proper Legendary Cores is because you had one in your Inventory at the time of the second script (due to trading) so the script skipped your account.


We have made a note of all similar accounts affected and are investigating. Hang tight as we figure it out, thanks!

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Please explain how refunding the exact cost to rank steel charge from 5 to 6 or 5 to 7 etc etc would have been a let down or unfair to anyone?

please explain how the legendary cores are unfair to the people with steel charges. in any case, it would be unfair to DE, because they gave even more than they needed to.

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Another question, where you having fun with the game before all of this? With what you had? Regardless of who had more than you or who had less?


If so, then why, all of a sudden, because someone has something, or even a lot of something, more than you does it change your enjoyment of the game? Especially when there was always someone that had more, even before this.


If not, then why were you even playing? I know I don't play games I don't have fun with and enjoy.

Edited by Norry.
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As detailed here:


" Will I get 2 Legendary Cores per Steel Charge rank 6 and above? 
Yes, you will get 2 Cores per Steel Charge. "
So you should have only received 2. If you had 2 rank 6 Steel Charges then you would have received 4 Legendary cores.




And if you had 19 steel charges you would of received 38 legendary fusion cores. Which obviously set off no warning bells.


I'm quite amazed at some of these responses from Megan.

Edited by Blowfist
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