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What Is This Game About?


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Warframe is a great game, but this is just a very bad moves from DE. I don't know what the DE was thinking, but the legendary core is too much. This game is all about farming resource, collecting mods and weapons. with this prime part now tradeable so you just ruin the game which is all about grinding.


So if previously i have to grind for days to max my heavy caliber, now i could just maxed it with 1 mod, so why bother playing? and its like using a cheat or something. it defeat the purpose of this game.


I understand this game is still in beta. But if there is no wipe out, this game will have no content anymore. People would already have maxed all 

their mods and got all weapons, so there will be nothing to do


Maybe i'll wait a few days until things are stable again.

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You're playing it wrong - the game isn't about that at all. It's about playing Vauban in a PUG ODD and vortexing people off of their perches into the hordes of infested ;) Just see how well that max rank heavy caliber on their Penta serves them when they get pulled into the blast radius....

Edited by xveganrox
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What's the game about?


Well there are these space ninja's called, Tenno who are like ancient peace keepers of the galaxy, they have been in torpor since the old war. The Grineer are rising and spreading throughout and conquering the galaxy in recent times, and they are searching for the, Tenno to aquire their technology to secure their domination. The, Tenno are awakening, presumably at the behest of The Lotus to once again bring balance to the galaxy and halt the Grineer advance.


That's my interpretation anyway. Does that answer your question, AlphaPrince?

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Grinding is not enjoyable, that's why it's referred to as such. If one seeks to lessen it the option should be available. Not all of us have the time to do so, and it's just that. Time spent. There's no skill or interesting mechanics along the way, just time spent grinding. Content ought to be furthered in other aspects.

Edited by TheOmnipotentKiwiStand
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The L.Cores isnt a big deal in long term as these cores are limited and they will be all gone in some day.


What more defeating the game is the prime stuffs trading. Its a two-edged sword.



DE will get more money in short term and some people dont need to spend lots of time to farm what they looking for.



Less people farming the prime stuff = less people playing from time to time

Edited by ExorcistEX
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This whole game is about FUN


Well games that are not about fun are kinda rare... And there are many very bad games that are about fun, very good ones also.


But I agree with OP that now I feel that all the grind we did is now completely pointless, and more than that grinding now is the only thing you got passed the 500 or 600 hours in game, but there is no goal for it...

Or maybe achieving 3 hours survivals using the small tier of scaling frames.

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I thought of 2 angles on the scenario of today's patch


- Maybe : its already planned that releasing the steel charge lvl 10 and then nerfing it afterwards - so impatient rich kids will buy plats to buy the mod that they want, i think its all planned, aswell as making prime parts tradeable so people will buy plats aswell to just buy whatever they want..


- Or: on a different angle maybe DE wanted to make all prime parts tradeable so people who complain over the forums that parts are hard to find will be thankful to the devs.


- Or : im also thinking that the game needs really big amount of profit for them to enable more updates

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What make games fun is to have goals. And when people reach that goal, they have to make another goal to prevent the player from stop

playing. that is why there is achievement. and this game is about collecting every warframe, weapons and mods. if this game is not about

collecting then they would have increase the lvl 30 cap and let people struggle with only 1 or 2 warframe to choose, won't they?

Edited by AlphaPrince
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What make games fun is to have goals. And when people reach that goal, they have to make another goal to prevent the player from stop
playing. that is why there is achievement. and this game is about collecting every warframe, weapons and mods. if this game is not about
collecting then they would have increase the lvl 30 cap and let people struggle with only 1 or 2 warframe to choose, won't they?


^ That. Not to mention now even the collecting factor is pretty much gone since people can just pay for pretty much everything.

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^ That. Not to mention now even the collecting factor is pretty much gone since people can just pay for pretty much everything.

But you don't have to, so it doesn't affect you unless you choose so.


In the real world some people work hard and save up to buy the car of their dreams, while others have rich families and never work a day to have the same things you worked hard for.


Did it matter how it was obtained?  Do the means justify the ends or the ends justify the means?  


I think the real question is : Did you have fun?  Have you enjoyed yourself? 


End of the day these are first world problems.  Before you worry and stress over a videogame's mechanics as it applies to in-game trading, let's consider the fact we should all feel lucky to have a FTP game that is this in-depth and awesome.  


You aren't entitled to anything, and you deserve nothing.  That's the only truth.  Enjoy what you have, and strive to attain what you want.  Everything else is just pillow talk and window dressing.

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