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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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((Well if you wanted to socialize with him why provoke and assault every staff member?! I understand being in character but there's a point that if someone is legitimately sane would say "Maybe I should stop doing what I'm doing". Plus I get staying true to a characters personality, but -you- decide that personality and weather or not he'd stop acting like an &#! for two seconds and cooperate. because at this point it's more like trolling everyone rather than playing a character))

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((Can we continue?)))

"Sounds like a fantastic idea." Miranda took Crimson's hand and gently pulled him in the direction of the hotel.



Droben grunted, not being a fan of submission but taking a moment to think about how there really was no better alternative.



((I wish there was a way to communicate a singing voice via internet, but you'll just have to imagine it. Schizophrenia! A magical land where everything is wackf*ck confusing and you don't always make the most informed decisions! P.S. Unless he get's deported back to Space Mexico immediately, Droben (having been convinced that he is outnumbered, outgunned, and outsmarted) is almost certainly done doing anything that could possibly cause him to interact with Enderius))

Edited by Alad_VI
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She nervously rubbed her arm, Nyrvynai responds. "Yeah, I think so..."


Rael growls closer to his ear. "One of two choices pal, we shove you out an airlock now, or you calm your *ss down and we can release you with that second chance we mentioned."

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Miranda paused for a moment, glaring at Crimson with a flat face. Without saying anything, she kept walking. It was a few seconds afterwards that she confessed, "You know, right now I'm faced with the really hard decision of whether to punch you in the face or sleep with you."




After a moment of silence, Droben said in a mocking, childish voice, "I'll be good, I promise, I won't do bad things no more."

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*Enderius sighed, that'd have to be good enough.* "Stand down." *He says calmly putting his boltor away. His beast of a kubrow standing back to a neutral state letting out a short bark of affirmation. Shyla helps Elith keep her balance, it's clear she's not very independent. Elith asks Shyla to take her up to the Nyx from a moment ago* "Are you okay?" *She asks with a motherly tone*

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Miranda nodded as she continually walked. "True... whatever floats your boat I guess."




Droben chuckled. "Wow. That was by far the easiest escape I've ever had. Frankly I'm amazed you lot got this job to begin with. But why am I complaining, the prison girls tend not to look too good." He hopped down the building to land on the ground, but forgot about the dumpster and deflected off of the lid, slipping to the ground where het let out an annoyed groan before getting to his feet. He tipped an invisible hat to Nyrvynai.

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Nyrvynai shudders and curls up inside herself, close to Elith once more.

*Elith smiles as she rubs Nyrvynai's back* "Let's go to a garden, away from all of this" *She says peacefully, leading the Nyx away from Droben.*

*Enderius sighs and turns towards Rael* "Let's get back to work then shall we."

*Shyla calls the dogs together, but seems to have issue with controlling Fenrir. Until Enderius shouts* "Fenrir!" *The Kubrow suddenly stands at attention and follows Shyla's orders suddenly*

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With a nod, Nyrvynai sends a message to Krelon mentioning how she got caught up with Elith and how she'll meet with him later in the night.

(Gah, sorry. XD)

A quiet nod coming from Nyr as she happily follows the Trinity.


Rael meanwhile watches in interest at the large Kubrow.

"Some pet ya got."

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Pilot meanwhile curses in his mind as had just in time used smell neutralizer. (That was too close) Pilot thought as went towards the reception of hotel.

*on his way he bumped into the Nova which fell on the floor* "owww cant you look where you are go....ohhh....its you"

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With a nod, Nyrvynai sends a message to Krelon mentioning how she got caught up with Elith and how she'll meet with him later in the night.

(Gah, sorry. XD)

A quiet nod coming from Nyr as she happily follows the Trinity.


Rael meanwhile watches in interest at the large Kubrow.

"Some pet ya got."

*Elith looks back* "Oh did you wish to be with your other friend? Don't let me stop you"

*Enderius nods* "Yup...named him after some ancient deity, "The wolf who would eat the sun". As it was described...first as a joke, but as he got bigger...the name became more and more appropriate. But he's always been a bit stubborn around anyone other than me."

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Droben looked towards Enderius, the natural smile marking on his helmet mocking the Frost. "So, 'm I free to go then?"




Miranda bumped Crimson in the arm as they entered the hotel. "Don't get your hopes up, I still might just punch you in the face."

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*Enderius sighed turning to the annoying Vauban* "For now...but we'll have an eye on you, remember that." he says before turning back to Rael. "Shyla thinks that's why he only listens to me. He thinks I'm the alpha, but as a result he tends to lord his status as my pet over the other Kubrow, hence why most of them are afraid because he see's himself as their alpha*

*Elith smiled* "Well if you want you're more than welcome to come with me to meditate for a while"

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Pilot meanwhile curses in his mind as had just in time used smell neutralizer. (That was too close) Pilot thought as went towards the reception of hotel.

*The receptionist smiles* "Hello, how may I help you?" *It seems a majority of the staff are humans rather than Tenno, many of whom wear a dark blue uniform with the star symbol pinned to the torso. Suits for the men, and blouses for the women*

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"Sorry... Just had a close call with one thing" Pilot said as helped the Nova back on her feet "I had one contract with Corpus what came available about maybe two hours from when you went to get some sleep. I denied but we are going to give a surprise that even if they are going for freeing Tenno from Grineer. I have bad feeling about that it is not their true reason why they would free the Tenno from Grineer" Pilot said but turned to receptionist "Just came to check out one thing and I found it already" Pilot said to receptionist.


And started walking towards the hangar. "The corpus will attack on Earth soon. In one of the sectors occupied the Grineer. Place where they holds some Tenno to be transported somewhere and rest you do can guess" Pilot continued "I have already asked few friends of mine to assist us on this" Pilot finished (I hope that Nyx hasn't learned how to read minds yet. Or I am in seriously big trouble) Pilot thought.

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