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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Unaccustomed? Do explain."

"You just looked a bit self-conscious when you looked at us...", Yvlo tried to explain, but Zarine cut her off, and said, "Yvlo, she does not know us, and yet you already question her quite bluntly. I know you have been taught to not let your guard down, but we are not at war. Relax a bit more. Nothing wrong is going to come.". 


Yvlo mulled about Zarine's small talk, and nodded in agreement as a conclusion. Then, Zarine turned to the Zephyr, and said, "Sit down, if you like. We are just relaxing here.". 

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"Give in to my influence. Submit to my will. Defy me you shall not, for dire consequences you will face. This treachery will not be tolerated."

An involuntary jolt brought the Loki Prime back into consciousness. For how long had he been senseless, he knows not. His mental clarity still fuzzy from the dream he has experienced, he sat up in a kneeling position to meditate, albeit with some difficulty due to the now receding pain from his abdomen.

Focusing his thoughts, he projected an image of a Janus Key within the sheet of blackness in the depths of his mind. Sticking out his hand, he created a distortion with sheer mental will alone, creating a small mass of Void Energy in a display of a bright golden light shaped like a vortex.

The energy gradually settled and formed itself into the object he has envisioned, before vanishing. In its place lay a bright, gently glowing Janus Key within his hand. "Thank you for helping to treat my wounds, I can take it from here." said he, before he started to focus his clouded mind again, causing the Janus Key to glow brighter in response, and a stream of green energy streamed out of it into his wounds.

His injuries healed rapidly, it seems that the Janus Key has the power to easily regenerate lost tissue through accelerating cell division. A few long moments passed, and he was healed completely by the mysterious powers of the Key he held in his hands. To be able to harness and concentrate a Void Key's power to fulfill a specific role without being corrupted by its influence is a rare sight to behold, and what made this even more astonishing is how he managed to achieve such a feat while being severely fatigued mentally and physically.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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((Out of respect for others I cannot role-play as other people's characters, and anyways the Loki Prime isn't here for any adventure, he had more than enough and is simply in the Dojo for refreshments. No other motives.))

Having finished healing himself, he vaporized the key into particles yet again and absorbed it within himself. He won't be using it again any time soon due to his current state. Looking at his weapons, which are all in various states of damage, with his Dakra blade broken, his Boltor Prime jammed and his Lex Prime cracked, he needed to get them repaired somehow without the Void's power. Well, he had credits to spare, and he is still unfamiliar with this place.

Looking up at his saviour, the Loki Prime stood and approached him. "Name's Azrael. By chance do you have any idea if there are any repair facilities here? My weapons are in bad shape. If I am not wrong, the one in charge of repair is Vladof that adorns a Vauban Warframe?"

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Miranda straightened her back, drew her feet closer together, crossed her arms, and squinted. "I think I'll stand." She turned to the other. "And if I struck you as self-conscious then I issue my apologies - I assure you that it was not the case." Again she turned to the more amiable of the two. "So who exactly are you two?"

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"It is a long story.", Zarine replied to the Zephyr, in which drew a, "Heh.", from Yvlo, as his line was suddenly taken away and used by her. Hearing Yvlo's reaction to it, Zarine turned to him and said, "Sorry.", thinking that she may have accidentally hit his sore spot. 


"Don't be, ", Yvlo chuckled, "it's just that I never heard you taking someone's most spoken line and use it for your own.". After that, he turned to the Zephyr, and mirrored Zarine's answer, "Really long story. If you like to, we could tell it.". 

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"I think you will like it.", Zarine assured the Zephyr as Yvlo started recounting their history, thinking it would be fine to do so, 


"So, about us... we were soldiers that fought during the Old War. The one where the Orokin were fighting against the Sentients, if you haven't known about it, but I think you would have already. Anyways, we two fought in that war, trying our best to keep the Sentients at bay from various places in the Orokin regime while pushing them back and eliminating them. Zarine was one of the best soldiers the Orokin had at their arsenal, and as for me? Let's just say I was a bit of a maverick during that time, and a rather rude one at that.


Anyways, so we fought for years on end in that war, seeing old allies fall, new allies rise up, territories taken, re-captured, and taken again... all in all, a very chaotic and bloody battle. And we needed our teams to stick together in order to survive. Well, maybe except for me at the time, since I never really cared for my team. Don't know why though. Might be because I thought the team I was assigned to was rather incompetent. That led to a rather small fight between me and the team, and so I decided to take an unannounced leave of absence from the team, thinking I may need some time off. And that is when I met Zarine, and she was very good at spotting the emotional problems I had with my team, and actually taught me how to repair the rift. The thing is, despite both of us not knowing each other all too well, her teachings actually worked out, and the team was back together again. And soon, we started a relationship with each other. 


But it wasn't all fun and dances after that. She was sent with her team to defend an area against a sea of Sentient soldiers, keeping them at bay while the people in the area could have time to evacuate to safety. As her team sustained more and more injuries, she decided to leave herself behind, and forced her team to get to the evacuation ship, leaving herself behind to complete the now suicidal task. She succeeded, but her wounds took its toll on her and made her fall, and her body was taken away by the Neural Sentry. Her memories were locked away from her, and the Neural Sentry made her a guardian of the Neural Sentry. I tried finding her soon after the task, but my relentless searchings did not bear any fruit. Anyways, I had to abandon my efforts, as the war wasn't over yet. And we won the war, but most of my team was killed in that war, leaving me with barely anyone I know with me. And so I decided to take an early break in the cryopod, until the Lotus needed us again. 


And so, when the Lotus did call us awake again, I woke, and found that I was the lucky few that had all my memories intact, or so it seemed. Never really bothered to check. I did quite a lot things during that time, including training a Zephyr, but I let my fervent searches of Zarine down, since I told myself that it would do more harm than good to cling on to the past. That is, until a whirlwind of events involving the Void, the Neural Sentry and a want for going to the outside world allowed us to meet each other again. And in good spirits. Am I right, Zarine?". 


"Apart from the fact you gave up on searching for me, ", Zarine playfully pouted, trying to have Yvlo close to him again, "yes.". 


"I'm not falling for it this time, ", Yvlo replied, then looking at Zarine's face, said, "Oh, never mind.", and held her close so that her head could rest on his left shoulder. 


"And so that is our story.", Yvlo concluded to the Zephyr. 

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Droben made an oscillating, "WoooOOOOOoooo..." sound before spinning around.

"Wait..." His eyes became slimmer in a moment of deep focus. When he opened his mouth, it was as if some deep, psycho-philosophical speech was about to emerge, as evidence by his concentrated face.


"Is there a sky in space?"




MIranda's lips neither raised nor fell, her eyes neither widened nor shut. She was utterly, completely, and in every possible sense and interpretation of the word, unimpressed.

"Good for you. You found your girlfriend. And as for the rest of your story, excellent there to, really, stunning. You fought in the Old War. I mean that's just... my God. Only every single Tenno was a soldier in that. Impressive." She rotated about 20 degrees and raised a finger.

"I do believe that I said something about not wasting my time?"

Edited by Alad_VI
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Droben cringed at the sudden contact, his pupils still dilated as he looked up. What he saw would probably have confused him if his cerebrum was actually doing its job. A house, wooden, like some sort of house that one would see outside of a farm. Everybody was still who they were, just... at a house. The surrounding buildings were still in the style of the Dojo, except... just a house. He giggled.


((Based off of what I pictured this as once upon a I-Was-Super-Tired-And-On-The-Forums.


Also, in my Music Writing course today I made some Drobestep.))

Edited by Alad_VI
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MIranda's lips neither raised nor fell, her eyes neither widened nor shut. She was utterly, completely, and in every possible sense and interpretation of the word, unimpressed.

"Good for you. You found your girlfriend. And as for the rest of your story, excellent there to, really, stunning. You fought in the Old War. I mean that's just... my God. Only every single Tenno was a soldier in that. Impressive." She rotated about 20 degrees and raised a finger.

"I do believe that I said something about not wasting my time?"

"Was that sarcasm I detect in you?", Yvlo replied, his tone rather flat and unwavering, "And besides, five minutes is not much in the grand scheme of things. When you start to waste a few years or so doing a fool's errand, then come back and talk to me about wasting your time.". 

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