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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Nyrvynai looked somewhat in confusion back at Krelon with an expression that says farewell for the moment to him, before turning back to walk with Elith guiding her along.

*Elith guides Nyr along to the Kennel, where a plethora of puppies and grown Kubrow hang about in the Earth-like room. Shyla seems to be missing, and the pups are playing among themselves until they spot the newcomers and swarm them.*

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*Elith giggles, leaving Nyr for a moment and moves to the incubation room, a sterile steel room where Shyla is at the side of one of the Kubrows, who is panting on it's side.* "Cmon girl* She says* "You can do it" *It's clear to Elith that the Kubrow is trying to lay one of it's eggs. Elith approaches Shyla* "How can I help?" 

*Shyla smiles* "I got it..."

*Elith nods as she leaves and returns to Nyr, and smiles at the sight of the dog pile*

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*Elith giggles* "Shyla is a little busy right now. But...* She grabs a squeeky ball from inside the room she was just in and squeezes it a few times to get the pups attention, even the mature Kubow perk up readily. She hands the ball to Nyr and smiles* "Give it a toss"

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*Shakes her head* "Just...please keep your weapon holstered." *She asked nicely. The waitress comes back after a moment and goes to take their orders. Fae gets her 'usual'*

Felix takes back the gun and reholsters it, somewhat awkwardly.  "Okay, people usually find my gun an interesting conversation starter."  As the waitress comes by, Felix orders a tuna roll.

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Felix takes back the gun and reholsters it, somewhat awkwardly.  "Okay, people usually find my gun an interesting conversation starter."  As the waitress comes by, Felix orders a tuna roll.

"In any other situation I wouldn't mind, but the Security chief has been annoyed rather frequently rather recently. So it's best to not have anything that can be seen as aggressive."

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"In any other situation I wouldn't mind, but the Security chief has been annoyed rather frequently rather recently. So it's best to not have anything that can be seen as aggressive."

"I'll take it some of that annoyance stems from the guy who crashed into me earlier?"

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Rael shrugs at Enderius. "Are we on duty, or...?"


Nyrvynai quickly throws the ball and watches the Kubrow catch it before she sits and watches them play with a wide grin on her face.

*Enderius sighs* "Let's do a sweep first...we'll see what happens after"

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"I'll take it some of that annoyance stems from the guy who crashed into me earlier?"

"Him and others. He's very agitated quickly, but it's best we don't provoke him." *Their food arrives, her's a plate of a variety of sea creatures, fish, octopus, ecetra*

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*Enderius sighs* "Let's do a sweep first...we'll see what happens after"

And with a nod, Rael picks up a loose Castana from the Vauban's back and kicks it off the roof to the wall, it bounces off and lands in the dumpster just across the wall in the alley. "Ready when you are."


(Is it just me, or is most of the staff not very fond of being bothered without the possibility of ripping someone's limbs off?)

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As he went on with his signature swagger, Droben found himself in the kennel. For some reason, the kubrows seemed already to dislike him. He recalled some urban legend that they could tell what someone's personality was like just by looking and smelling. "Oh, my two favorite people!" She shouted, bumping into Elith and Nyrvynai and disturbing the local kubrows with his voice.

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Felix eats some of the food, keeping it in his mouth for a little while to fully experience the taste.  "It tastes good, but, as a Hydroid, I feel a bit bad eating octopus." he says, grinning.

*Fae smirks* "Well old world images show me to be something akin to a cat...and apparently cat like fish"

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As he went on with his signature swagger, Droben found himself in the kennel. For some reason, the kubrows seemed already to dislike him. He recalled some urban legend that they could tell what someone's personality was like just by looking and smelling. "Oh, my two favorite people!" She shouted, bumping into Elith and Nyrvynai and disturbing the local kubrows with his voice.

*Elith pinches her brow for a moment. Some of the kubrow give Droben dirty looks as he enters, the pups grasp at their missing sleeping buddy before waking up, trying to figure out what's going on*

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And with a nod, Rael picks up a loose Castana from the Vauban's back and kicks it off the roof to the wall, it bounces off and lands in the dumpster just across the wall in the alley. "Ready when you are."


(Is it just me, or is most of the staff not very fond of being bothered without the possibility of ripping someone's limbs off?)

(They try to avoid killing their own if possible seeing as how this is supposed to be a safe place for Tenno.))

*Enderius nods as they begin their sweep of the place* "So...about our...'time' spent together"

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Nyrvynai's expression starts to turn to one of fear as she whimpers, hugging the pup closer.

"Wh-what do you want...? G-go away..."

*The pup whimpers as it sense Nyr's fear. The whining gets the attention of the Adults and they certainly don't care for it one bit as they start to make a defensive ring around Nyr and the pups. Kubrow of all shapes and sizes growling their warning*

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Droben released an exasperated sigh, falling back into a sitting position.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and hell, it's not like I'm going to carry you off to my shack in the woods. I've just happened to bump into you, and in an effort to at least get someone who doesn't want to kill me on this station, would like to take you out, get something to eat slash drink, take you back to my- SH*T!" Droben turned to Elith.

"Hey, you're on staff, right? Where would I go about getting a place to sleep in this wonderful establishment?"

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