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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(They try to avoid killing their own if possible seeing as how this is supposed to be a safe place for Tenno.))

*Enderius nods as they begin their sweep of the place* "So...about our...'time' spent together"

"Yeah?" Her tone is neutral, her voice professional, she meant it when she said she wouldn't let anything interfere with her profession.

"What of it?"




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*Fae smirks* "Well old world images show me to be something akin to a cat...and apparently cat like fish"

"Well if cat like fish, I guess I'm a cat!"  Felix says, eating more of the food.  "This is delicious!"


(After writing this post, I remembered that Felix the Cat is a thing)

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Droben released an exasperated sigh, falling back into a sitting position.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and hell, it's not like I'm going to carry you off to my shack in the woods. I've just happened to bump into you, and in an effort to at least get someone who doesn't want to kill me on this station, would like to take you out, get something to eat slash drink, take you back to my- SH*T!" Droben turned to Elith.

"Hey, you're on staff, right? Where would I go about getting a place to sleep in this wonderful establishment?"

Nyr looks to Elith quietly, looking onto her for protection. "Make him go away..."

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Droben released an exasperated sigh, falling back into a sitting position.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and hell, it's not like I'm going to carry you off to my shack in the woods. I've just happened to bump into you, and in an effort to at least get someone who doesn't want to kill me on this station, would like to take you out, get something to eat slash drink, take you back to my- SH*T!" Droben turned to Elith.

"Hey, you're on staff, right? Where would I go about getting a place to sleep in this wonderful establishment?"

*Elith sighs* "There's a hotel in the station, you can sleep there for the night. The signs will point you the right way. Also she's a bit under aged for you to be hitting on"

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"Yeah?" Her tone is neutral, her voice professional, she meant it when she said she wouldn't let anything interfere with her profession.

"What of it?"





"Well...I don't know why to say it earlier but...don't you think there might be...ramifications, to our actions...One specific ramifications that winds up incapacitating you for about say nine months"

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"Well if cat like fish, I guess I'm a cat!"  Felix says, eating more of the food.  "This is delicious!"


(After writing this post, I remembered that Felix the Cat is a thing)

*Fae smiles and laughs a little* "I'm glad you like it. I personally love it myself but it's also apparently bad to have every day seeing as how raw fish isn't the healthiest thing to eat if you can believe it." *She eats using her fingers by the way, pinching it in her claws, occasionally dipping her rolls in soy sauce, or adding a little wasabi. Between rolls however she takes a bite of ginger. All together it seems to be a rather ritualistic way of eating*

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"Well...I don't know why to say it earlier but...don't you think there might be...ramifications, to our actions...One specific ramifications that winds up incapacitating you for about say nine months"

I biopsy'd my intire system. I don't think anythink will happen. Trust me on this."

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*Fae smiles and laughs a little* "I'm glad you like it. I personally love it myself but it's also apparently bad to have every day seeing as how raw fish isn't the healthiest thing to eat if you can believe it." *She eats using her fingers by the way, pinching it in her claws, occasionally dipping her rolls in soy sauce, or adding a little wasabi. Between rolls however she takes a bite of ginger. All together it seems to be a rather ritualistic way of eating*

"Changing the topic, do you know where I might be able to find sleeping arrangments?  I could sleep on my ship, but after so long traveling through space I would love a real bed."

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Droben stood up taking an offended stance.

"Well my first point," his voice suddenly changed to a sarcastic calm and polite one,

"is to say thank you for directing me to this hotel." His voice then returned to it's normal tone as he said,

"Second point, don't you think that's a bit shallow? I mean, first off you have no idea how old I am, and then you're putting an age barrier in? I mean, do you really think that what year someone was born in should make a difference?" Droben's voice became a little bit angered as he described his third point.


"And, of course, my third point. I didn't realize the girl was an emotional cripple! Maybe when she grows up - and I do mean emotionally, not physically - I'll try again, but right now I'm not in the mood who gets terrified the moment some dashingly handsome Vauban walks into the room." At this point, flecks of void particles had begun to steam off of Droben. He left the two quickly before stopping to see a Kubrow that seemed to be taunting the others in it's area. He rushed back over to Elith.

"Actually, what would I have to do to get a kubrow?"

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"You'd have to speak to Shyla. But she's busy right now, and she doesn't hand them out quickly. Beside that the girl -is- physically young. And in this dojo we have standards and practices, honestly if it were up to us this girl wouldn't even have her warframe yet. So yes the fact you're trying to hit on a young girl sickens me."

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Droben plopped back down to the ground once again.

"Oh," his voice was tense and incredibly annoyed. "Well in that case we have plenty of time until this Shyla gets back. So she's too physically young. Which means that you've completely disregarded everything I just said. Wonderful. Well just for your information - don't share this with anyone - I wasn't exactly planning on taking her out on any adventures or endeavors that would strain her physically. Everything I said I would do, I would do. I don't lie, I don't cheat. Well..." Droben paused for a moment in contemplation.

"I may lie and I may cheat, but I wouldn't lie and I wouldn't cheat on and with her. I meant what I said. A drink, maybe something to eat, and then head back to just chat and maybe play a game of poker. That's all I'm interested in life. Food, drink, gambling, and a companion or two."

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*Elith looks back* "We'll discuss that later." *She turns back to the Vauban, her voice barely above her normal speaking voice, but certainly stern* "And quite frankly I find it a bit rude that we took you in from near death, did our best to fix you up and the first words out of your mouth are to insult one of your own people, A fellow Tenno who died in the line of duty. You then worsen the situation by assaulting and demeaning out staff and act like they're the ones at fault for your own actions. But even though you broke the few rules we have on this station we still offer you a place to stay, for free mind you, until you are capable of leaving on your own accord, and yet you act as if we're against you in all of this. I understand Enderius is quick to judge and even quicker to condemn, but the rest of us have been doing our best to simply get through today without yet another incident plaguing what should be a place of peaceful contemplation. So -sir- you should highly reconsider your attitude towards us, because although I swore to never raise a weapon against another creature I have no issue in letting my comrades take care of someone who willingly and wittingly causes trouble to those who have done nothing but try to help."

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In the background, Nyrvynai couldn't help but let out a giggle at the Vauban being told off, seeing that the threat has passed, she rested back with the Kubrow again, holding the pup once more, and quietly watching the two argue.


(So, I just thought that my Sahasa Kubrow was slightly greenish in bits of fur because he was sick. Now he's up to 100%, and he's still that hideous color. Blech...)

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The Vauban huffed up. "Aren't you the noble one, opening a door and all. Yeah, thanks, I appreciate that you didn't leave me to die in space. Good job on that. But in case you didn't notice - which I'm pretty sure you didn't - I was done after that. I didn't want to be in your hair because I knew that I wouldn't want you in mine." Droben stood up and began pacing, underneath his helmet were eyes sharp and focused, and a pair of lips curling into a grin.


"I didn't want your help. I made that apparent. But, moving on. The dead lady, what's-her-face, there's kind of an important detail about her. She was dead. Dead folk can't hear you much. If I talk about my dead grandparents, or my parents who are probably decomposing somewhere, or being built into the next Zanuka and say, 'Oh, well daddy did always smell like cheap cologne, and mama did love her spinach. Damn shame it always got stuck in her teeth,' so what? They can't hear me! And don't give me none of that, 'well what's-his-face and that other feller were still mourning'. Boo hoo. We were designed as soldiers. It's our purpose to go around shooting stuff and end up getting shot at ourselves. It's also our job to deal with the fact that that's our job."


Droben continued his pacing, gesticulations as vivid as ever. "And the hotel room? Yeah, thanks. I really appreciate that you had to follow the rules that your ol' buddy Enderius was gonna violate 'n throw me outta the God Damn Dojo about. First off, you aren't the one housing me. I will be especially grateful to the receptionist and whoever thought up your silly rules. And that leads into the other thing I have to say. I treat you all as the individuals that you are. You treat me one way, I'ma treat you in turn. Now 'course, I'ma always be me. A'int no way I'm denying that. But, if I'ma be treating you a certain way, it's because that's how I feel you deserve to be treated." Droben paused. 

"Or of course if it tickles my fancy."

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Nyrvynai finally speaks up in a shy tone of voice - "Well, maybe everyone would be nicer if they weren't so stressed out, and you respected them more... I mean, they did save you after all...

Would it... Would it hurt just to be a little bit more respectful to them...?"

"You want to get to know me - but don't think exactly about how I feel..."

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Droben stutters for a moment before finally saying, "Look. I'm bad at words. And I just got thrown out of space. And I lost my meds. And everything is just a wee-" he held his forefinger and thumb very close together in a "small" gesture, "bit crazy right about now. Also my dog was on that ship!" Droben kicked a nearby storage crate. "God damn Corpus... It's not like it was high-stakes or anything, hundred credits in the pool max I tell ya..."

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*Looks back to Droben* "Well whatever the case may be arguing shall not get us any further, nor shall placing blame. For now we will contact a shuttle for you to take you where you need to go, to do what you need to do. So for now, I simply ask that you just focus yourself and relax until such a time as you can depart."

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Though one could not see his face, it was almost as if one could feel Droben's eyebrow raising. "Depart?"

"As in leave the station...we'll be arranging a ship for you to be able to leave, because it seems rather clear you don't wish to stay here"

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Droben shook his head, forgetting Nyr for a moment. "Someone may not wish to live in a ghetto, but should they have no other place of refuge they will stay. I've no better place to be than here, and I've already made some friends. Nyr," he gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder, "you can just tell how close we are. And then there's you and I," he said again to Elith, "I don't see this dying any time soon. And then there's Enderius, oh my God, we're like, besties." He said in a tone mocking a teenage girl.


"However in all actuality, you'd just be wasting fuel. I've no problem being here, it's a quite nice dojo, with some pretty fantastic people running around, it's not like there's a better place for me to be. I'd been living on that Corpus vessel for the past year, and before that I was asleep."

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Droben shook his head, forgetting Nyr for a moment. "Someone may not wish to live in a ghetto, but should they have no other place of refuge they will stay. I've no better place to be than here, and I've already made some friends. Nyr," he gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder, "you can just tell how close we are. And then there's you and I," he said again to Elith, "I don't see this dying any time soon. And then there's Enderius, oh my God, we're like, besties." He said in a tone mocking a teenage girl.


"However in all actuality, you'd just be wasting fuel. I've no problem being here, it's a quite nice dojo, with some pretty fantastic people running around, it's not like there's a better place for me to be. I'd been living on that Corpus vessel for the past year, and before that I was asleep."

"You don't want revenge for getting shot out into space, nor do you wish to get your money back?

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