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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*It takes a few seconds for the response* "You are cleared for landing R'chav"

his stealth fighter then slowly decends to a small opening to the dojo that was opening up

soon eneough it docked and when the door bays opened to allow the tenno inside out it was a ash of ancient skin with colours of black and red with his clan symbol on his shoulder

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Zeph shakes his head and gets up, walking up to the nearest medical bay for an examination.


When he arrives he asks "Doctor? Can I get a check up? My heads killing me"

*The trinity wearing Tenno turns to the corpus, is a bit stunned for a second, but gathers herself and nods* "Go ahead and have a seat, a sentinel will give you an examination. What seems to be the problem?"

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Zeph nods to the Trinity and holds his head

*A sentinal scans where his head is, displaying a small fracture and possible neurological damage from being unconscious for so long. The trinity is given this information via projection from the sentinels eye* "Oh dear...Sir you may have to seek a more equip facility than our own."

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*A sentinal scans where his head is, displaying a small fracture and possible neurological damage from being unconscious for so long. The trinity is given this information via projection from the sentinels eye* "Oh dear...Sir you may have to seek a more equip facility than our own."

Zeph raises an eyebrow "Why? What's the damage?"

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Zeph raises an eyebrow "Why? What's the damage?"

*She sighs* "Well from the looks of it you were knocked out for a dangerous amount of time, plus you have a skull fracture so it might be best if you visit a proper medical facility as we only have basic first aid here"

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Zeph groans and nods "Alright, Do excuse me" and The Corpus Commander heads out to get to his Ship's medical center


Ash appears from nowhere like have had been on smoke bomb looks at the scan results. "I am not going to say anything about this. Anyway..." *as shakes a bit head from disgust of having an imagine how it would feel like to have injury like that. Locust helmet then looks on Zeph* "Selfawareness is a magnificent thing... Sorry that I laughed a bit moment or few ago I can not imagine a Tenno tripping over a root. Right now as I have made a look on those scanning results I feel horrible a bit" *looks on Trinity* "Sorry ma'am that I just pop out from nowhere but felt it to be a somewhat of my duty


To make sure college is alright. It is rare that somebody can feel safe anywhere... Like me" *as shrugs* "I feel like that I will have Harvester soon after me, stalker or even Grustag 3... Ah I am being rude... Dannic is my name. *bows deeply* And yes I broke in here. Just for sake of staying good condition" *as looks pathetically to left*

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Ash appears from nowhere like have had been on smoke bomb looks at the scan results. "I am not going to say anything about this. Anyway..." *as shakes a bit head from disgust of having an imagine how it would feel like to have injury like that. Locust helmet then looks on Zeph* "Selfawareness is a magnificent thing... Sorry that I laughed a bit moment or few ago I can not imagine a Tenno tripping over a root. Right now as I have made a look on those scanning results I feel horrible a bit" *looks on Trinity* "Sorry ma'am that I just pop out from nowhere but felt it to be a somewhat of my duty


To make sure college is alright. It is rare that somebody can feel safe anywhere... Like me" *as shrugs* "I feel like that I will have Harvester soon after me, stalker or even Grustag 3... Ah I am being rude... Dannic is my name. *bows deeply* And yes I broke in here. Just for sake of staying good condition" *as looks pathetically to left*

*The trinity jumps a little, but sighs* "We assure you that you are safe here, even against those monsters, but due to....recent events. I'm going to ask that you report to security. You're not in trouble, but we need to make sure you haven't affiliated with someone with ill intent against those who work with the Lotus. You understand right?"

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*The trinity jumps a little, but sighs* "We assure you that you are safe here, even against those monsters, but due to....recent events. I'm going to ask that you report to security. You're not in trouble, but we need to make sure you haven't affiliated with someone with ill intent against those who work with the Lotus. You understand right?"


Dannic: "Well I was totally alone there where I came from even weld a piece to place to block anybody who attempts to come same way. *blows some air from mouth* Everybody says that like me I got in here like piece of cake. I am not working with lotus either with her enemies. Got enough of being bossed around places. I want to live my life. That why Harvester is likely after me. My opinion though I can not be sure *receives a message* Excuse me and my ID mini computer where it was? *digs pockets for a moment then finds it from chest pocket* Ah there it is *reads message*


How nice Alad V is sending his dog to go up against me after that one prank what I pulled on his labs. Not going to say what I did. I will need to leave then. See you later" *as walks towards the exit*

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A small ship drifted silently towards the large dojo the pilot stareing in awe at the grand station, flipping a few switches to search for the dojo's traffic officer, speaking in a quiet shy voice, "Uh... hello this is tenno Van'eel requesting permission to dock." The pilot waited until the officer granted them permission to dock and then manuvered the stealth fighter towards the dojo's bay.

Disembarking from the craft was an odd sight for some a male Zephyr frame, not to tall standing at 5'11" and rather slim looking around he spotted a Frost tenno with a purple sun on their shoulder, jogging over, "Greetings brother may I inquire where your largest meditation room is located and if i may use it." the Zephyr made a few almost twitchy body movements almost as if to shy away from the larger figure, perhaps he had greeted him in the incorrect manner.

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A small ship drifted silently towards the large dojo the pilot stareing in awe at the grand station, flipping a few switches to search for the dojo's traffic officer, speaking in a quiet shy voice, "Uh... hello this is tenno Van'eel requesting permission to dock." The pilot waited until the officer granted them permission to dock and then manuvered the stealth fighter towards the dojo's bay.

Disembarking from the craft was an odd sight for some a male Zephyr frame, not to tall standing at 5'11" and rather slim looking around he spotted a Frost tenno with a purple sun on their shoulder, jogging over, "Greetings brother may I inquire where your largest meditation room is located and if i may use it." the Zephyr made a few almost twitchy body movements almost as if to shy away from the larger figure, perhaps he had greeted him in the incorrect manner.

*The frost nods his head* "Down this hall will lead you to a park. From there you can follow the signs to meditation rooms, but I don't think any one is particularly larger than the other."

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Nodded walking away quickly from the frost, it's not that he didn't like people, but more that the meditation rooms sounded lovely right now however a park normally meant more room which worked just as if not even better then meditation rooms. Passing an ash frame as he entered the hall to the park, spotting a Valkyr and a volt conversing Van kept his distance from the two, knowing Valkyr had notoriously short tempers, 'odd that they she is talking without her helmet on' he thought as he found a tall pile of rocks on which to climb.

Up to the top he went quickly, before looking around not the highest ceiling he had seen but the room would leave plenty of room for a small flight later, for now he stood perfectly still arms folded forming a sphere with his hands as he spoke, "Refreshing to the body and mind." A small gust blew through the park.

Stretching his arms outward the gust intensified ever so slightly, "Calm and Gentle." the slow paced movements seemed to flow with the wind around him, picking up so that it produced a faint whistle not loud or annoying but calm and serene much like a gale over a wide field, "Musical to all that care to listen."

Van would continue through his motions forgetting about the battles he had been through, the people around him, or the cares that sat on his shoulders all while atop the pinnacle of the small rock mountain.

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Nodded walking away quickly from the frost, it's not that he didn't like people, but more that the meditation rooms sounded lovely right now however a park normally meant more room which worked just as if not even better then meditation rooms. Passing an ash frame as he entered the hall to the park, spotting a Valkyr and a volt conversing Van kept his distance from the two, knowing Valkyr had notoriously short tempers, 'odd that they she is talking without her helmet on' he thought as he found a tall pile of rocks on which to climb.

Up to the top he went quickly, before looking around not the highest ceiling he had seen but the room would leave plenty of room for a small flight later, for now he stood perfectly still arms folded forming a sphere with his hands as he spoke, "Refreshing to the body and mind." A small gust blew through the park.

Stretching his arms outward the gust intensified ever so slightly, "Calm and Gentle." the slow paced movements seemed to flow with the wind around him, picking up so that it produced a faint whistle not loud or annoying but calm and serene much like a gale over a wide field, "Musical to all that care to listen."

Van would continue through his motions forgetting about the battles he had been through, the people around him, or the cares that sat on his shoulders all while atop the pinnacle of the small rock mountain.

*Fae finishes her conversation with the Volt. She perks up a little when she feels the gentle breeze waft by and she turns her attention towards the Zephyr in the tree, her hearing able to pick up his quiet chanting*

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The winds just around Van picked up and slowly lifted his frame off of the rocks, he ended the motions with his arms stretched upward towards the ceiling, 'I hate how small these places are but they are much safer then the planets' he thought to himself for a moment before swinging his arms down sending himself into the air only those within a five meter radius would hear the gale that sped him along as he seemed to float gently through the air around the park performing neat little manuvers.


He was completely in bliss as he propelled himself through the air flapping slowly like a bird, though it was true he didn't need to flap at all but just focus and the frame would do the rest, he still liked to imagine that he was doing the work. Spying the Valkyr and Volt still though it looked like they had stopped talking. Van soared for a few minutes before the frames warning indicators flared red in the 'HUD' with a disgruntled sigh he descended not nearly as gracefully landing nearly tripping on his own feet as he landed atop the rock pile but with a few flailing motions he managed to regain his balance before climbing down. "Wonder if there are any shops on this station?"

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((SoundwavePrime, I don't think you realized that you ignored a post or two of mine where Alexander was talking to Fae. I've gone backwards through the pages and haven't seen Fae answer him in any of your posts in the last two pages.))


Alexander got up from where he had been sitting and left the gardens before heading back to his ship to leave the Dojo in its entirety. How rude. One minute we're talking then a Crewman comes in and trips and next thing I know, she won't give me the time of day.

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Dannic arrives to reception pretty much all the way covered on blood of Grustag 3, Harvester and Stalker. Aligns the personal identification mini computer what he received upon murdering somebody from Corpus ID Center. After he was through the reception he entered to hospital wing after going through the gardens while being full of shooting, slashing wounds and few hammer impact places. At the garden he looked on other Tenno having no trouble about what has happened at somewhere else at galaxy he just silently accepted his frustration how careless they are.

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Van shrunk back a little, not having noticed the Valkyr he raised his hands, "Please don't hit me...." opening his eye he saw the woman without her helmet, "Oh... s-sorry, I'm uh looking for the stores for repairs and possibly some upgrades if your dojo h-has such services." he pulled his arms down into performing a slight bow from the waist, "I-I'm Van'eel by the way, it's n-nice to meet you s-sister. I hope i d-didn't interrupt your conversation with the volt over there with my p-practicing." He looked very nervous as he stood straight again.

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((SoundwavePrime, I don't think you realized that you ignored a post or two of mine where Alexander was talking to Fae. I've gone backwards through the pages and haven't seen Fae answer him in any of your posts in the last two pages.))


Alexander got up from where he had been sitting and left the gardens before heading back to his ship to leave the Dojo in its entirety. How rude. One minute we're talking then a Crewman comes in and trips and next thing I know, she won't give me the time of day.

(I read you ended it off with something kinda hard to respond to, sorry didn't mean to seem rude)

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