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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*The woman nods* "Yes of course" *She motions to a cabinet where his frame is standing tall, shiny and like new*

With a slight ooh Van made his way over to the cabinet, "They work quickly and very cleanly, I'll have to come here again." He started to don the frame right there, having put his combat skin on under the robe earlier he didn't wish to waste time running back to the room carrying the entire thing.


With the hiss and click of his helmet the HUD flickered to life running through a diagnostic of the systems showing everything green. Then came the multitude of messages from jobs that had apparently lined up, Van waved his hand as if scrolling through an invisible pile and finally came to one that caught his eye. Looking up to the receptionist, "Thank you again for your hospitality, I'm very sad to have to leave it so soon rest assured I'll be back to sample your other services on this dojo, but for now there's a nasty patch of infestation that needs burned off of the universe." he spun quickly on the talon-like heel and started at a brisk jog towards the docking bay and then up into his ship.

Prodding the Djinn that slept on the pilot chair, "Hey Phargest we've got a job lined up for us." The Djinn clicked and let out a short squeak before floating to Van's shoulder allowing him to take the helm, plotting a course to E.Prime the ship reared to life before taking off into the dark of the void.


{Off to the Hounds and Rats Bar thread}

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lone, black figure finds itself at what  could be considered the main lobby in this dojo. Wearing a black Ash warframe with some dark blue in some areas, he eyes around the area, curiosity flowing through his mind. His clan's dojo is still a few more weeks of travel time, so stopping here would be the best decision.


Moving forward, he wonders if anyone nearby could show him around the place. His usual approach would be very unwise and would more than likely to upset the residents.


[Ok this is a first for me... ish]

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  • 1 month later...

A hooded figure walked in, feminine in bodyshape. She seemed to have come here before as her movements and behaviour suggested so. Approaching the security checkpoint, she stood at the waiting area, observing her surroundings. "It was only a few months ago that I was here. This place doesn't seem to have changed much... but it looks so different now. Maybe it's because I'm a different person now." she mused as security waved her through. Having no idea where to start her journey of self-discovery, Anastasia chose to come back to where she first met Galus... the Grand Dojo. Going back into her room at the Dojo, she looked over her things, trying to find answers. Ultimately finding nothing that was useful, she walked around the Dojo, taking in the sights.

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A hooded figure walked in, feminine in bodyshape. She seemed to have come here before as her movements and behaviour suggested so. Approaching the security checkpoint, she stood at the waiting area, observing her surroundings. "It was only a few months ago that I was here. This place doesn't seem to have changed much... but it looks so different now. Maybe it's because I'm a different person now." she mused as security waved her through. Having no idea where to start her journey of self-discovery, Anastasia chose to come back to where she first met Galus... the Grand Dojo. Going back into her room at the Dojo, she looked over her things, trying to find answers. Ultimately finding nothing that was useful, she walked around the Dojo, taking in the sights.

*Au contrare, the Dojo has had several improvements since her last arrival, it's certainly gotten larger with the addition of several new rooms. Along with that there seems to have been an interesting addition, a sort of museum of old world culture and artifacts ranging from recovered technology to images of strange monuments. The centerpiece of this museum is a series of oriental weapons, heavily rusted, but an recreated image of how they looked is projected beside it for comparison. To a history buff this is surely a sight to behold*

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*Au contrare, the Dojo has had several improvements since her last arrival, it's certainly gotten larger with the addition of several new rooms. Along with that there seems to have been an interesting addition, a sort of museum of old world culture and artifacts ranging from recovered technology to images of strange monuments. The centerpiece of this museum is a series of oriental weapons, heavily rusted, but an recreated image of how they looked is projected beside it for comparison. To a history buff this is surely a sight to behold*

"Well this... this is certainly new." Thought Anastasia, walking through the museum. "Look at all that history... all that knowledge."

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A black and grey Ash stepped out of his ship and through the hangar.  He was clearly injured, having a light step and clutching his right side, yet not all the blood on him was his own.  Most of it had a black hue, and reeked of oil and crude machinery, a clear indicator that he had paid a visit to the Grineer on Ceres.  The only indication of colour on his warframe was the red energy it carried.  Before anyone had a chance to spot him (he hoped), he deactivated his clan symbol on his right shoulder.  "I shall remain forgotten, even to those such as these 'allies'..." He thought to himself.

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After walking through the museum and ultimately finding nothing that could help her in her journey of self discovery, Anastasia hopped onto her shuttle with the belongings that she left behind in her room after returning her key. "Time to head elsewhere..." she thought as the Grand Dojo faded from view.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out stood an Excalibur on Phobos, searching for any other Tenno, "I must call others for help, maybe I could contact my dojo...no, I'll be called a coward..I must wait for others to arrive." He spoke to himself.

((What on earth are you talking about Gal?))

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((Scouting Mars, waiting for someone to come))

((Why are you posting that on a forum where this Dojo is meant to be a sort of holiday resort for Tenno and everyone else?! And also where Mars would probably miles away! More than miles!))

Edited by Drakeardian
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((Why are you posting that on a forum where this Dojo is meant to be a sort of holiday resort for Tenno and everyone else?! And also where Mars would probably miles away! More than miles!))

((Mostly tenno, but yeah it's a basically a giant meditation...place...resort thing....))

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Meanwhile a Valkyr was walking around in the hangar,her Warframe was seriously damaged and her venka's didnt retract anymore but this all didnt seem to matter to her. She wandered around acting like confused or lost

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Meanwhile a Valkyr was walking around in the hangar,her Warframe was seriously damaged and her venka's didnt retract anymore but this all didnt seem to matter to her. She wandered around acting like confused or lost

*Another Valkyr clad tenno approaches her* "Greetings sister, you seem a tad lost. Do you need help?"

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*Another Valkyr clad tenno approaches her* "Greetings sister, you seem a tad lost. Do you need help?"

the valkyr turned her head to her fellow tenno then she tilted it. she lifted a hand and brought the Venka to her damaged frame.  all she managed to get out were gurgling noises which didnt sound healthy at all

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*A feeling of concern washes over the Valkyr. She calls over another staff member* "You're safe here friend...* she says calmly* "Let us help you" *She slowly reaches a hand out towards the disgruntled individual*

in a blink the valkyr grabbed her arm and yanked it behind her back raising the Venka to the other valkyrs throat. panting heavily she held the other valkyr in place shaking like a scared animal that felt threatened. she seemed to have problems to differentiate between now and a real battle situation


(following this rp for a while decided to try my rp skills out ps: im very bad at it D: )

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*The other security guard raises his weapon at the hostage taking valkyr, mean while the one being held hostage, Fae, remains calm. In the best soothing voice she could muster for the scenario she begins trying to talk down her semi-rabid semi-sibling* "Listen...I know what you're feeling right now, your mind is clouded from fear and you can't let that take hold of you. We're not your enemies...we are your friends"

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*The other security guard raises his weapon at the hostage taking valkyr, mean while the one being held hostage, Fae, remains calm. In the best soothing voice she could muster for the scenario she begins trying to talk down her semi-rabid semi-sibling* "Listen...I know what you're feeling right now, your mind is clouded from fear and you can't let that take hold of you. We're not your enemies...we are your friends"

The valkyr grunted she was searching for a way out of this, but Fae's words seemed to have an effect on her slowly her grip got weaker and weaker

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*Fae nodded to the other guard who slowly lowered his weapon, but still kept his grip on it. Fae just as carefully moved herself from her would-be assailants grasp. This time slowly taking her hand* "Let's get you fixed up..." she says politely*

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*Fae nodded to the other guard who slowly lowered his weapon, but still kept his grip on it. Fae just as carefully moved herself from her would-be assailants grasp. This time slowly taking her hand* "Let's get you fixed up..." she says politely*

The other valkyr let out an earpiecing warcry falling to her knees where she beat the ground with her fists eventually going from screams of rage to sobs and cry noises

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The other valkyr let out an earpiecing warcry falling to her knees where she beat the ground with her fists eventually going from screams of rage to sobs and cry noises

*It was at this moment the other security guard finally left, fully realizing the situation and leaving this enraged stranger in the hands of Fae. Fae bends over and tries her best to coo the enraged valkyr back to a more calmer state, telling her "It's okay...it's okay, you're safe" in an almost motherly tone as she vents her frustrations*

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