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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Droben came running out of the kitchen with a plate of something in his hands. He threw it onto an empty table, the steaming, bubbly mess of what-the-f*ck-is-that morphing. He then worked fervently to cool off his hands. Oddly enough, the mass of meat on the plate began to take shape as the bubbly liquid began to dissipate. He looked up to the group, and in a classic manner, smiled widely.




Miranda was about ready to murder someone at this point, but remained silent.

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Halcyon frowned, sad that his spectacle had so quickly come to an end, not only that, he seemed to be so good at blending into the environment that they hadn't even noticed him. He followed behind that technical, and probable winner, glad to see that near these people, the spectacle would never end, his wishes completely forgotten, the coldness he felt pushed away by these, interesting, beings.

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Eduardo hit the broken surface of Phobos, the power suit around him glowing orange from the sheer energy being forced through the systems. A group of resistance fighters attacked him, their bullets simply pinging uselessly off the armor. He walked over, completely silent except for the whirring of servos. As they continued to fire he approached one, unleashed his chainsaw venkas, and sliced the man through his throat, the spinning mono-filament blades spewing blood everywhere. As a few began to run he picked up another fighter by his head, and watched the man scream for his life as Eduardo crushed his head, sending the rest of the fighters running. "Someone is gathering them." He mused, before calling for the rest of his team of mechsuits to drop onto the moon. 

Edited by nooshroomerplus
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"Cowards... hiding behind metal and technology, murdering those unable to fight back... Send explosives their way!" He commanded a demolition expert.

His anger cooled, but his determination no less fierce, the Warbeast's energy became bright and blue as the sky, contrasting with the orange of the attackers.

"I shall Renew!"He proclaimed, cleaving the Galatine into the ground, waves of energy flowing to his allies.

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Agatha and Ariel hid inside an abandoned apartment building. Ariel shooting at defense forces and Rebellion troops at the same time. They saw a pillar of light rise form near the city square. "Holy sh!t, what is that?" Agatha said, reloading her Dread. "I don't know," Ariel replied," but let's go check it out."


Eduardo twisted as an Ogris rocket flew past him, hitting another suit in the face, dropping it's reflector shields. "hmm," he pondered as his electrical vision revealed the hiding resistance, and shot a "hot spear" through the chest of one behind a wall, impaling him through the wall. To his surprise the man stood up with the large protruding object and fired along with several more fighters. Eduardo quickly pressed the detonator, obliterating the impaled man and decimating a few others around him as well as the barrier, allowing Ed's Myrmidon Guards to advance further into the battle-scarred settlement.

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Droben waved at Miranda, which merited a scowl from the woman. He turned to Felix. "So... Felix was it? Eh, don't really care, but to answer your question I was in the kitchen because that's where I work. Herr derr. And this?" Droben pointed to his smoking masterpiece, a now semi-finely cut slice of fish with several adornments of varying natures. "This is fish-with-assorted-plant-sh!t, my personal favourite homemade dish. Cooked in only the finest of volatile acids." He smiled with pride.

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"You f*cking genius!" Kate squealed, giving him a kiss. "Now you take a bite."

"Stay. I must face him... alone."

The Warbeast leapt over the battlefield, landing in a crouch and cracking the earth beneath him. Standing, he raised the double handed sword.

"Who do you believe yourself to be? A god?" He stared at the armoured traitor, the fallen conqueror. "There is no need... for gods that only TAKE!"

He swung his blade, knocking another of the suited fighters away.

"For gods... OF DEATH!" With an inhuman howl, he leapt at the monster of metal before him, the rage of the Warbeast fueling his desire...

For vengeance.

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Eduardo cackled at the demonic Oberon before him, before launching a group of missles at his enemy.


"I do not think myself a god! I only seek vengence! Vengence against the regime that slaughtered my FAMILY!"


he shot into a building before leaping into the hole, allowing his missiles to reload.


"For those who were lost in the Purge of Charon, and those from the Prometheus Project, I will destroy the council, even if it means my DEATH!"


He cried as he unleashed a full salvo of tracking missiles from every part of his body at Warbeast, before the energy in his suit overloaded and created a set of 20 energy tentacles emanating from his back. 


"Feel my anger, you mutt of the Lotus!" 

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Deflecting most of the missles and bearing the brunt of the others, the Warbeast snarled. "Fool! You follow your wrath, blindly obeying your impulses! You are not human anymore..."

The Warbeast cleaved the building (empty of civilians) in half, revealing Eduardo within.

"You are a dog I must put down!"









Edited by Achaix
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"Inhuman would be right, my friend, after what the council did to me. They took my body, changed it, warped my mind. I HATE THEM! EVEN NOW I CAN HEAR THEIR VOICES! KILL! KILL! KILL THE ENEMY OF THE TENNO! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"


He unleashed the hidden power, shattering the powersuit and sending the parts flying towards The Warbeast. The sudden burst of energy made Eduardo collapse, the words "Death to the Lotus" escaping his lips as he fell unconscious onto the ground.

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Beautiful wings of light, six in total, shielded the Ascended Oberon. Unfurling them, stretching them to their maximum reach, he gently raised a hand...

And cut Eduardo cleanly in two.

"In another life, I would have saved you from that suffering." The Seraph felt tears run down his cheeks. "But it cannot be."





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Abra felt a smooth hand, both fatherly and like a mother, touch his face.

"Not yet." Sophia said, pushing away the hand. "He is not yours to take, Azrael."




"No. You will only end him." She turned to Abra. "Go back. You are not finished yet."

"Will I see you again?"

His old love smiled. "In time."

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Abra gasped, feeling pure pain wracking his nervous system.

He saw the bloodshed around him, the suit wearing cowards kneeling in prayer, praying for death.

He saw the mournful but triumphant resistance grin and wave, one of them holding Ruth.

He was home.

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While a scornful Miranda observed silently, Droben eagerly picked up the slice of pink meat and bit off a piece of the end. In between mouthfuls, he explained, "I've been making this for a couple years now. You see, the acids are strong enough that they kill off any bacterial whatnot try'na kill ya, and it gives that extra little kick in the face when you first bite in. Here, try some, made it for you." He handed the plate of the now calm - and quite appetizing - meat slivers over to Kate.

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((Well, I was really expecting a longer boss fight. I liked the symbolism; two men, marred by war, each augmented in their own way.

Eduardo represents the Corruption caused by technology, but Abra - the Warbeast persona, at least - represents the Chaos caused by the Void, the "spirit world", so to speak.)

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Agatha and Ariel climbed down the upturned alleyway, reaching where most of the resistance gathered and cheered. "What the heck happened," Agatha said, sheathing her bow, and her eyes laid upon Abra, wreathed in six pairs of wings like an archangel, standing over several power suited Rebellion, each of them holding out their weapons as a sign of surrender. "It's over." Ariel whispered, "The Rebellion is over." 

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((Hmmm. Yo dawg, I heard you like power suits, so I made a power suit for your power suit!))

Abra looked at the newcomers.

"Not yet. They are still above." He pointed skyward, to the dark ships with deadly cargo. "The time of victory will come, but not now."

Oaker's ships shooting down the attackers, he smiled, blood dripping from his beard. "Now... it is done."

"Tro Abra? Wact gibn noe?"

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"Argentos is down! Shields failing! Abandon SHIP! AGGGHHH!!" Oaker heard the dying cries as one of his corpus ships exploded, falling towards the settlement. Although he had a Fomorian with him, The 4th Freedom Fleet was still outnumbered 4-1 by Ed's remaining ships. He had sent out a call for help to nearby mercenary and Council ships. All he could do now was wait.

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