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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(I've seen it twice, you're fine. X3

If anything, I would put it on your profile page as a link to imgur, like on my profile.)

"Pleasure to meet you, Madame!

Gentleman's my name,

Sleight of hand's -"

With a flick of his hat, his cane that was in his hand prior had popped out as he caught it with his free hand.

"- My game."

He smiled under his helmet and placed the tophat back upon his head.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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(I've seen it twice, you're fine. X3

If anything, I would put it on your profile page as a link to imgur, like on my profile.)

"Pleasure to meet you, Madame!

Gentleman's my name,

Sleight of hand's -"

With a flick of his hat, his cane that was in his hand prior had popped out as he caught it with his free hand.

"- My game."

He smiled under his helmet and placed the tophat back upon his head.


(( Ah ok xD ))


Kuranaii's eyes danced at the trick and, once completed, had brought her palms up from the syandana and clapped briefly,

"That's sweet!" She said in a chirpy tone similiar to a birds.


Her palms retraced back around the syandana and after a few moments of examining Malvo, she stated;

"I've never seen that warframe before, although it looks good on you." She said with a smile behind the Tengu helmet.

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(( Ah ok xD ))


Kuranaii's eyes danced at the trick and, once completed, had brought her palms up from the syandana and clapped briefly,

"That's sweet!" She said in a chirpy tone similiar to a birds.


Her palms retraced back around the syandana and after a few moments of examining Malvo, she stated;

"I've never seen that warframe before, although it looks good on you." She said with a smile behind the Tengu helmet.

"Ah, the Limbo frame is a beauty.

The original made it rather harrowing to obtain, although. Broken proofs and theorems and such. Mathematical equations left unsolved. Although, a bit of thought and the time gave me what I needed to craft such a marvelous thing."

Malvo kneeled once more beside Kuranaii.

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"Ah, the Limbo frame is a beauty.

The original made it rather harrowing to obtain, although. Broken proofs and theorems and such. Mathematical equations left unsolved. Although, a bit of thought and the time gave me what I needed to craft such a marvelous thing."

Malvo kneeled once more beside Kuranaii.


The Zephyr nodded her head and watched him come to a kneel,

"Well, it certainly made you a gentlemen." She stated with a smile and looked ahead, still seeing Halcyon kneeling alone in the dueling circle.

"Hm, where is Krelon?" She asked herself, "I thought he was going to challenge Halcyon to a duel." She motioned to Halcyon while speaking of him.

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Malvo let out a chuckle.

"Why, my dear,

I've always been a Gentleman. That shall never change."


Kuranaii arched her head back at Malvo and nodded softly, "I hope so."

The smile behind the helmet remained as her palms went on stroking her syandana.

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"So, by chance, where is this other duelist?"

Malvo tilted his head to the side quietly, examining Halcyon out of curiosity.


Kuranaii shrugged, "I'm half-tempted to take Krelon's place. Krelon's the guy who /should/ be here." She chirped.

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Kuranaii shrugged, "I'm half-tempted to take Krelon's place. Krelon's the guy who /should/ be here." She chirped.

With a tip of his hat, Malvo stood.


He grinned beneath his helmet and casually walked into the arena, and stood in the challenger's circle, giving a bow to Halcyon.

"Halcyon, I'll assume?"

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With a tip of his hat, Malvo stood.


He grinned beneath his helmet and casually walked into the arena, and stood in the challenger's circle, giving a bow to Halcyon.

"Halcyon, I'll assume?"


Kuranaii watched the Limbo make his way casually into the dueling circle. She plonked her elbows on her knees and planted her palms on her helmet's cheeks and observed the two intriguingly. She once again began to squirm in anticipation.

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Halcyon looked up, having taken in the conversation and filed it away for later review, having been focusing himself, he stood easily, returning the bow,

"I take it you wish to entertain us while we await my opponent?" He asked with a chuckle, gesturing at Kuranaii when he said 'us'.

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Halcyon looked up, having taken in the conversation and filed it away for later review, having been focusing himself, he stood easily, returning the bow,

"I take it you wish to entertain us while we await my opponent?" He asked with a chuckle, gesturing at Kuranaii when he said 'us'.

Malvo chuckled.

"Now now, that's no way to act."

Malvo was unphased by his act, may have thought it rude, yes, but he was uncaring and nevertheless grinned under the helmet.

He removed his hat and reached his hand in, pulling his cane back out as it slowly phases into their plane.

Placing his hat back on, the cane was held - as the Limbo tipped his hat.

"I merely wish to practice is all.

Fair fight and such.

After all, how else should I see what my limits are when I fight?"

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Krelon walked in the room and looked around, he knelt down aswell and breathed in and out before standing up.


Kuranaii glanced at the late Krelon from the sidelines of the dueling arena, cupping her palms around her mouth as she called out to him; "You're late, Krel!"

She then pointed to the Limbo warframe ((Mr. Euphoria much)) already in the challenger circle and relaxed her arms after that, her hands guiding back down to the syandana and stroking casually.

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Malvo chuckled.

"Now now, that's no way to act."

Malvo was unphased by his act, may have thought it rude, yes, but he was uncaring and nevertheless grinned under the helmet.

He removed his hat and reached his hand in, pulling his cane back out as it slowly phases into their plane.

Placing his hat back on, the cane was held - as the Limbo tipped his hat.

"I merely wish to practice is all.

Fair fight and such.

After all, how else should I see what my limits are when I fight?"

"Hmm?" Halcyon asked before realizing how superior his tone had been moments before. "Oh, I in no way meant to... I simply meant that a duel would be refreshing as we wait for Krelon, whether I win or lose, it should be a good way to limber up." He explained, "So shall we begin?" He asked, drawing his Dual Zorens.

Krelon walked in the room and looked around, he knelt down aswell and breathed in and out before standing up.

Without taking his eyes off of the Limbo, he called to Krelon,

"Yer late, and this guy got here first, you'll have to wait your turn, and if necessary, wait for me to recover."

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"Hmm?" Halcyon asked before realizing how superior his tone had been moments before. "Oh, I in no way meant to... I simply meant that a duel would be refreshing as we wait for Krelon, whether I win or lose, it should be a good way to limber up." He explained, "So shall we begin?" He asked, drawing his Dual Zorens.

Without taking his eyes off of the Limbo, he called to Krelon,

"Yer late, and this guy got here first, you'll have to wait your turn, and if necessary, wait for me to recover."


Kuranaii got up and took strides towards Krelon. As soon as she was close enough to speak in a normal volume, she spoke;

"Or... how about we duel in another room? Hand-to-hand combat and no abilities. What do you say?"

She stared at Krelon and planted her palms onto her hips, awaiting a verdict.

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Krelon smirked and nodded. "Yes miss Kuranaii, let us go." He said walking to the next duel room.


"Alright then!" She chirped. Glancing over at Malvo and Halcyon, Kuranaii waved at them briefly before strutting off to another dueling room.

Eventually, she and Krelon made it.

It was a smaller room than the other one, but it would of sufficed for their type of combat. Before stepping unto the challenger's circle, she stretched out all limbs, bent them and crooned them.

Finally, she got onto her calves and leant down, rolling her neck around. "Ready."

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Krelon done the same and smirked. "Ready." He got up and cracked his knuckles.


By the time Krelon stood up, Kuranaii had sprinted head-on towards Krel, her arms outstretching and ready to grasp onto Krelon like a pair of eagle claws, her syandana and other features flapping radically after her.

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Malvo grinned.

"It's quite alright sir. I understand. Let's make this an enjoyable fight, hm?"

The Limbo cleared his throat and stood in position, cane in front of him as he leaned on it.

"Whenever you're ready, old sport. I'm not going anywhere."

It was clear he had no intention of first move either.

(Curse me and my love for The Great Gatsby.)

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Krelon slid to the side and dodged her arm by going under it and pushed her to the ground with his foot. "Try again." 


Kuranaii used the trip as an excuse to roll forward. She grasped the ground and her head arched over her left shoulder at him.

Quickly she handsprung backwards twice and landed swiftly on her feet in the center of the arena. On her tip toes, she kicked her right leg up in the air and outstretched her arms forwards and backwards, attaining an offensive stance. Her forward-most hand flattened out and soon beckoned him over. 

Come and get me, it probably meant.

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Krelon chuckled and walked slowly towards her, unexpectedly he suddenly moved forward and then slid to the left to punch her in the face unexpectedly.


Kuranaii tippy-toed backwards slightly untill the moment he would of attacked. Her eyes danced and narrowed in a split second and she arched under the punch to what would of been her face. Both palms grasped onto his punching forearm like a hawk grasping it's prey inbetween claws and she heaved all her strength to throw Krelon over her shoulder and slam him unto the ground.

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Krelon landed on his back and then turned to Kuranaii, crossing his legs between hers and turning them making her fall before getting up and punching her full force in the stomach.


Kuranaii hadn't suspected this, so she fell on her backside and got a blow into her stomach.

She cringed and yelped a little, then perhaps went full-Valkyr, her left hand gripping onto the Frost's horn and her right giving him three good fisting jabs in the neck to restrict airflow.

She then quickly rolled backwards, sprung to her feet and attempted to send a swift, mid-air roundhouse kick onto the Frost while he attempted to regain airflow, perhaps even knocking him over if he was /that/ unstable.

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