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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"If you insist." Halcyon relented, crouching slightly and shifting his weight, forward, halting for a second, momentum transferring through him, after a second of complete stillness, he launches forward towards Malvo, the Dual Zorens glinting in the light as he approached.

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Krelon breathed in heavily and then saw Kuranaii about to give a roundhouse kick, he then went to the left and dodged her.


Kuranaii landed on one foot and kept up her abnormal stability. She had swiftly used the momentum from her previous kick to swing her body around again, spinning on a single foot to deliver a spinning-kick on his spine to counter his dodge.

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Halcyon chuckled, looking around for a moment before slamming the ground with his fist. He'd been relatively sure this would happen, and inferred that even warframes wouldn't be able to house the energy to do a major void shift. As he punched the ground, ice exploded around him straight up in the form of cylinders. He being in a different dimension didn't means his abilities were, and unless the Limbo had the foresight to see that coming, one of the ice cylinders would smash into him.

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Krelon yelled in pain and then turned to face Kuranaii, he punched and headbutted Kuranaii as hard as he could.


(( Things are getting Mortal Kombat-y here. ))


Kuranaii sighed in brief triumph as she spun around to look at the yelling Krelon.

She hastily stuck up her forearms infront of her face and allowed them to take the headbutt and punches that Krelon offered in rage, still grunting and gasping in pain at each blow, but with the incredible stability still existant; she held fast. Once Krelon had exhausted those attacks, her calves bent and soon sprung to flip over Krelon.

Kuranaii flipped overhead and her hands, channelling all their strength into this manuver, went to grasp Krelon's head on the way, bringing him down forwards and pretty much going to slam-dunk him onto the ground like a ragdoll.


(( Sorry if that was a bit too OP ))

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((Forced her down so the top of her head would smash onto the ground?))


(( Kuranaii is basically flipping over your head and on the way she's grabbing your head and spinning around once more or so to smash you on the ground. Idk how you force someone down like that. ))

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((Mortal Kombat is the best.))


Krelon held onto Kuranaii's arms and then got smashed onto the ground, feeling a rib smash. "AGH!!! F**K!!!"


Kuranaii shook her arms free of Krelon's and took a few steps back, standing on tip-toes with feet against one another.

She peered over at the pained Krelon, her own stomach and forearms aching from his blows, and between pants asked,

".. You okay?"

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Malvo found himself surprised to see the waves of ice rush towards him,

In a quick movement, he reacted by removin his hat to cast an ability-

- But he hadn't been ready.

Malvo had been knocked up to the air hard,

Orienting himself, he quickly grabbed his hat and pushed himself into a motion that allowed him to land on his feet.

"You're clever, I like you."

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Krelon breathed in through his teeth and grunted in pain. "N... Not really..." He said and yelled in pain again.


At that moment Kuranaii trotted over to Krelon's side and knelt down slowly, glancing at Krel's chest and grimacing behind her helmet. "Well," She spoke softly, "I suppose I won."



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Ice coated Halcyon as he shrugged,

"You learn a few tricks as you go along, and I've been along for a while." He chuckled, sprinting towards the Limbo, the ice reforming around him as he ran.

"As long as you keep me in hear, I can always attack with my ice, and I don't think that's something you'll like." He said, attempting to punch Malvo, unable to use his Zorens to attack now.

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Krelon chuckled and then yelped in pain. "I guess you did... I'll buy you a drink." He said smiling under his helmet, despite the broken rib he has.


Kuranaii slowly smiled back through the Tengu helmet and rose to a stand, her aching forearms going to cradle her stomach.

"Do you want me to call a Trinity?" She inquired to Krelon.

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Krelon got up slowly and got a med pack from his inventory. "No not at all sweetheart..." He said as it slowly started to heal. "Did I hurt you too much? I was just trying not to kill you."


Kuranaii's head shook and her left hand cradled her right forearm,

"O-Oh, no. I'm-.. all fine." She lied, still a tad dizzy from her many flips and spins and still throbbing pains from Krelon's powerful blows.

"Let's-.. Let's go back to the other room, I should think Hal and Malvo have already started." She chirped.

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Krelon put his arm over her shoulders to support her but he was still moving slow and then they went into the duel room.


Kuranaii was most likely supporting Krelon by the time they got inside the other dueling room with Halcyon and Malvo fighting away in it.

She paused in her tracks and saw Malvo trying to smack the hilt of a nikana into the stomach of Halcyon; but then she moved on to the sidelines and sat Krelon down on a bench.

Soon she sat herself down aswell and glanced at the battle commencing, her arms folding over one another.

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Krelon took off his helmet and his face had some blood on it. "Hm... Silence still..." He muttered to himself as his eyes went darker.


Kuranaii casually rose her palms and wavered them slowly. Shortly after this gesture, wind flowed from her forearms and palms and soon the area before them was protected from subtle rifts of wind, which stayed put after her palms relaxed.

"Just incase any 'projectiles' come our way." She said quietly, hoping Krelon heard.

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Halcyon grunted as the Kitana hit him,

"Mercy, I like that," He chuckled, taking at few steps back, taking note of the Kitana's size and shape, quickly formulating a plan before going forward at a slightly slower pace, bringing his hands up near his head as he inched forward, once he got close enough he struck out with a fist, aiming for the Limbo's head.

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Krelon shook his head and his eye went back to a pale blue. "Sorry... I think when I lost my right eye it done something to me." He said.


Kuranaii hadn't responded, the world around her falling apart as her attention was focused on the intriguing duel between Halcyon and Malvo.

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Halcyon grunted as the Kitana hit him,

"Mercy, I like that," He chuckled, taking at few steps back, taking note of the Kitana's size and shape, quickly formulating a plan before going forward at a slightly slower pace, bringing his hands up near his head as he inched forward, once he got close enough he struck out with a fist, aiming for the Limbo's head.

Malvo had the hand with the Catana (Cane-tana. Get it?) behind his back as he pulled his hat and held it afront of him.


Halcyon's hand went into the black abyss of his top-hat's opening, his hand turning phased as it went through, and his hand merely went through Malvo's head.

(He is /now.../ Sorta. Lasts about a few seconds is all.)

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Given the Limbo suit's guise of the void for defensive armor, the practical armor isn't there in bulk to really soften the blow.

Malvo's body got uplifted with the punch as he wheezed with his air being knocked out of him.

That wheeze turned to a breathless laugh.

"Oh how I've underestimated you, now, you, you really /are/ clever. I'll make sure I don't underestimate you again, sir."

With a quick motion, Malvo back-stepped and revealed the Catana as he was now in a more balanced fighting stance, as he placed his top-hat back on his helm.

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