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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(This is an open rp, so I would say go ahead and join in, as for the rp that was going on in the bar to fix it up after the explosion, it is still possible to continue that after the massive derailment.  But for those involved with that rp as it was playing out, it might be hard to determine where to pick it back up at.  I hate to see this thread die again after only recently being picked back up.)

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((I could add some rp to help psychicandroid a bit :P))


As the Nekros Fang finished the third skull in a row, he got bored and decided to pack away his skulls, the table on his right, the table in front of him, the painting kit on his left and finally, the portable chair that he sat on. After he removed all of his stuff, he went to a soft spot in the garden and started to meditate. He felt that he needed to cleanse his mind after the previous mission he was on with his friends.

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(Thank you ^^. Didn't want to just jump in.)


As soon as she exited her liset in the hanger, the Nova proceeded to trip over her own feet and fall. She wasn't fazed by this, and stood right back up to dust her pink warframe off. She was followed by a kubrow that was chunky and nearly as big as she was, the brown and black creature sitting down until she collected herself. Armed with a soma, a pair of vastos, and a tipedo to match, the Nova scratched the kubrow behind the ears, and headed out of the hanger.


Her first instinct was to head toward lodging, but the trip had been long enough she knew that if she got a room now she was going to sleep and neglect everything else. After a few moments of staring at the signage, she went to the gardens to get a little bit of quiet. The thought of enjoying the foliage was ended almost immediately upon entering the gardens when the kubrow spotted the streams and rushed towards one without regard of what was in the way. Upon arriving it splashed into one, and barked, ears perked as it stared down into the water for the fish it had just scared off.

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As soon as she exited her liset in the hanger, the Nova proceeded to trip over her own feet and fall. She wasn't fazed by this, and stood right back up to dust her pink warframe off. She was followed by a kubrow that was chunky and nearly as big as she was, the brown and black creature sitting down until she collected herself. Armed with a soma, a pair of vastos, and a tipedo to match, the Nova scratched the kubrow behind the ears, and headed out of the hanger.


Her first instinct was to head toward lodging, but the trip had been long enough she knew that if she got a room now she was going to sleep and neglect everything else. After a few moments of staring at the signage, she went to the gardens to get a little bit of quiet. The thought of enjoying the foliage was ended almost immediately upon entering the gardens when the kubrow spotted the streams and rushed towards one without regard of what was in the way. Upon arriving it splashed into one, and barked, ears perked as it stared down into the water for the fish it had just scared off.

Fang's meditation was rudely interrupted by the kubrow and worse of all, kubrows could sometime be very loud for a long time. So he ended his short lived meditation session and stood up. He then spotted a Nova, he guessed that she was the "lucky" owner of the kubrow. He walked toward her, concealing his annoyance he had toward the kubrow and then said to the Nova: I guess that this is your kubrow?, he pointed at the kubrow and then resumed to talk: I was trying to have a little piece and quiet, but I guess that won't happen for a while. My name is Fang if you wonder he said.

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Fang's meditation was rudely interrupted by the kubrow and worse of all, kubrows could sometime be very loud for a long time. So he ended his short lived meditation session and stood up. He then spotted a Nova, he guessed that she was the "lucky" owner of the kubrow. He walked toward her, concealing his annoyance he had toward the kubrow and then said to the Nova: I guess that this is your kubrow?, he pointed at the kubrow and then resumed to talk: I was trying to have a little piece and quiet, but I guess that won't happen for a while. My name is Fang if you wonder he said.


Said Nova was busy face palming. She looked to Fang as he approached. Oh great, she was already bothering other people. Usually it took tripping too many things and babbling to do it.  "I'm so sorry! He's with me, yes, but actually belongs to one of my clanmates. Usually he's so well behaved."


"It's nice to meet you, I just wish that it hadn't been when I interrupted your quiet time." She looked to the kubrow again. "Lucifon! Get out of that stream!"


The lotus patterned Kubrow's ears flicked toward them, but he proceeded to circle and flop down into the stream on his belly, eyes still intent on the water. The Nova face palmed once more.


"I have no idea how she controls him sometimes..." She sighed and offered her hand to Fang. "I'm Hitomi. Again, I'm so sorry!"

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((Sorry for not posting, lots of stuff happened. Anyway...))


*Odin finishes up cleaning up most of the rubble, says he will be back and walks to his Liset to retrieve his brand new weapon. He then walks over to the Nekros and Nova and decides to chat with them.


"Hello, sorry if I am interrupting your conversation, just wanna have a friendly conversation with someone. Heh heh. Anyway, the names Odin nice to meet you two."


*He puts out his hand for a friendly handshake. 

Edited by Lonewolf115
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Said Nova was busy face palming. She looked to Fang as he approached. Oh great, she was already bothering other people. Usually it took tripping too many things and babbling to do it.  "I'm so sorry! He's with me, yes, but actually belongs to one of my clanmates. Usually he's so well behaved."


"It's nice to meet you, I just wish that it hadn't been when I interrupted your quiet time." She looked to the kubrow again. "Lucifon! Get out of that stream!"


The lotus patterned Kubrow's ears flicked toward them, but he proceeded to circle and flop down into the stream on his belly, eyes still intent on the water. The Nova face palmed once more.


"I have no idea how she controls him sometimes..." She sighed and offered her hand to Fang. "I'm Hitomi. Again, I'm so sorry!"

Fang put a calming hand on Hitomi's shoulder and said: Don't worry about it. Even though the kubrow rudely interrupted me, I'm kinda used to it. Thats why there is such a thing as your own room. Fang shaked Hitomi's hand gently and then look at the kubrow, approached it and stroke it gently its fur. Then he stood up and then look back at Hitomi.

Pretty unique name you got....I guess that it means something he asked Hitomi.


((Sorry for not posting, lots of stuff happened. Anyway...))


*Odin finishes up cleaning up most of the rubble, says he will be back and walks to his Liset to retrieve his brand new weapon. He then walks over to the Nekros and Nova and decides to chat with them.


"Hello, sorry if I am interrupting your conversation, just wanna have a friendly conversation with someone. Heh heh. Anyway, the names Odin nice to meet you two."


*He puts out his hand for a friendly handshake. 

Fang shaked Odin's hand, nodded and then said: I'm Fang, the mender of the living and the dead. I heard something from the room nearby of the garden. I personally didn't bother with it, but I would like to know what happened.

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After most of the ruble within the steakhouse was organized, Tech decided it was a good time to relax for a while. So, he headed out of said steakhouse and returned to his usual place in the gardens. Zien was swinging his Hate around as if a group of Grineer were upon him, and Ara was creating a small tornado with a few pieces of loose grass, and dust. It was great to see that they were alright.

While walking toward the rock where he usually meditated, he noticed a group of Tenno having a conversation. There was a Nekros, a pink Nova and a Rhino (I think, just too lazy to go back a few pages and loose all my progress on this). He wanted to greet them, as he enjoyed socializing, however, he would rather spend the time with his friends. Speaking of friends, where was the Valkyr that was with them on the mission?

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Fang put a calming hand on Hitomi's shoulder and said: Don't worry about it. Even though the kubrow rudely interrupted me, I'm kinda used to it. Thats why there is such a thing as your own room. Fang shaked Hitomi's hand gently and then look at the kubrow, approached it and stroke it gently its fur. Then he stood up and then look back at Hitomi.

Pretty unique name you got....I guess that it means something he asked Hitomi.


Fang shaked Odin's hand, nodded and then said: I'm Fang, the mender of the living and the dead. I heard something from the room nearby of the garden. I personally didn't bother with it, but I would like to know what happened.

"Nice to meet me Fang. As for the Steakhouse... All I remeber is talking to a group of people before flying across the room and hitting my head on something..."


*He quickly but carefully touches the back of his head, a quick sting of pain hits him


"Well anyway, I got knocked out, didn't see what happened."


*Odin notices one the skulls that Fang drew.


"Nice... drew on them yourself? I am a fan of skulls."

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((Sorry for not posting, lots of stuff happened. Anyway...))


*Odin finishes up cleaning up most of the rubble, says he will be back and walks to his Liset to retrieve his brand new weapon. He then walks over to the Nekros and Nova and decides to chat with them.


"Hello, sorry if I am interrupting your conversation, just wanna have a friendly conversation with someone. Heh heh. Anyway, the names Odin nice to meet you two."


*He puts out his hand for a friendly handshake. 



Fang put a calming hand on Hitomi's shoulder and said: Don't worry about it. Even though the kubrow rudely interrupted me, I'm kinda used to it. Thats why there is such a thing as your own room. Fang shaked Hitomi's hand gently and then look at the kubrow, approached it and stroke it gently its fur. Then he stood up and then look back at Hitomi.

Pretty unique name you got....I guess that it means something he asked Hitomi.


Fang shaked Odin's hand, nodded and then said: I'm Fang, the mender of the living and the dead. I heard something from the room nearby of the garden. I personally didn't bother with it, but I would like to know what happened.



"Nice to meet me Fang. As for the Steakhouse... All I remeber is talking to a group of people before flying across the room and hitting my head on something..."


*He quickly but carefully touches the back of his head, a quick sting of pain hits him


"Well anyway, I got knocked out, didn't see what happened."


*Odin notices one the skulls that Fang drew.


"Nice... drew on them yourself? I am a fan of skulls."


She looks to the Nekros as he put his hand on her shoulder, then follows with her eyes as he moves to Lucifon. The kubrow looks at him a moment, then seems to be rather pleased that he is getting attention, rolling onto his side with a splash in the water to ask for belly rubs. "Well, I kind of do worry about it. He's a Sunika so I worry that sometimes he'll take offense to someone then take their leg as a chew toy."


She made her way towards the kubrow once more to oblige with the belly rubs. "My name? Umm... I don't actually know what it means. My full name is Himura Hitomi. My sisters and I all had names that started with H. I think that my parents might have been bored when we were named."


Hitomi looks to Odin as he approaches. When offered, she shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Hitomi."


(...I feel like this is out of order somehow...)

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"Nice to meet me Fang. As for the Steakhouse... All I remeber is talking to a group of people before flying across the room and hitting my head on something..."


*He quickly but carefully touches the back of his head, a quick sting of pain hits him


"Well anyway, I got knocked out, didn't see what happened."


*Odin notices one the skulls that Fang drew.


"Nice... drew on them yourself? I am a fan of skulls."

Fang brought out the grineer sized skull that he recently painted on and said: Oh this? Its a hobby of mine; To keep the heads of my enemies, to then clean and then paint their skull. Might be morbid for most tenno's, but I find it relaxing. I might also add that I can see the ghost of this skull, if I want to that is He said as he holded the skull in his right hand.


She looks to the Nekros as he put his hand on her shoulder, then follows with her eyes as he moves to Lucifon. The kubrow looks at him a moment, then seems to be rather pleased that he is getting attention, rolling onto his side with a splash in the water to ask for belly rubs. "Well, I kind of do worry about it. He's a Sunika so I worry that sometimes he'll take offense to someone then take their leg as a chew toy."


She made her way towards the kubrow once more to oblige with the belly rubs. "My name? Umm... I don't actually know what it means. My full name is Himura Hitomi. My sisters and I all had names that started with H. I think that my parents might have been bored when we were named."


Hitomi looks to Odin as he approaches. When offered, she shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Hitomi."


(...I feel like this is out of order somehow...)

I see...Here I though it has some secret meaning, but I guess that isn't always the case. If you wonder, I didn't come here alone. I traveled with my friends; An Excalibur, a Nyx and a Valkyr. They are currently in the liset that we arrived in. I could call them over to this room, so you could meet them properly he said, quickly checking out his HUD for a short moment and then closed it. He then once again approached the playful Kubrow and belly rubbed it.

Even I can't resist to rub kubrows and that comes from the tenno who is usually grim He said and chuckled slightly.

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Fang brought out the grineer sized skull that he recently painted on and said: Oh this? Its a hobby of mine; To keep the heads of my enemies, to then clean and then paint their skull. Might be morbid for most tenno's, but I find it relaxing. I might also add that I can see the ghost of this skull, if I want to that is He said as he holded the skull in his right hand.


I see...Here I though it has some secret meaning, but I guess that isn't always the case. If you wonder, I didn't come here alone. I traveled with my friends; An Excalibur, a Nyx and a Valkyr. They are currently in the liset that we arrived in. I could call them over to this room, so you could meet them properly he said, quickly checking out his HUD for a short moment and then closed it. He then once again approached the playful Kubrow and belly rubbed it.

Even I can't resist to rub kubrows and that comes from the tenno who is usually grim He said and chuckled slightly.


"Those skulls really are beautiful." Hitomi tilted her head to the side. "Oh? I'd love to meet them!"


Lucifon was more than happy to be belly rubbed, grumbling contentedly as his belly was rubbed. "His owner does raise friendly kubrows. Well, friendly to friendlies that is."


artorias: *stumbles upon the nova and fang* oh hi


Hitomi turned her head toward the new comer. "Hello there!"

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"Those skulls are really eye candy."


*Odin looks at the skulls a little longer before looking at the Kubrow.


"Awesome Kubrow! Mind if I pet 'em?"


"Go ahead! He loves attention," Hitomi replied. "He's really laid back outside of of a mission."


Said kubrow is also laying in the water and sopping wet, but he seems like he's happy enough.


artorias: im bored


She looked to Artorias. "I'm sorry to hear that. What has you so bored?"

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*Odin pets the Kubrow, noticing how the Kubrow is just loving all of the attention.


"What's his name? And what breed is he?"


*He stops petting the Kubrow, and stretches.


"He's a sunika. His owner named him Lucifon, but I have no idea where she got the name from." The kubrow whines slightly at the sudden withdrawal of the petting from Odin.


artorias: just am


"Hmm, You could try taking a nap if you're that bored? Sometimes you're just tired and not really bored?" she asked, trying to be helpful.

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artorias: *stumbles upon the nova and fang* oh hi

Oh...I didn't know you were here. Hi I guess...


"Those skulls really are beautiful." Hitomi tilted her head to the side. "Oh? I'd love to meet them!"


Lucifon was more than happy to be belly rubbed, grumbling contentedly as his belly was rubbed. "His owner does raise friendly kubrows. Well, friendly to friendlies that is."



Hitomi turned her head toward the new comer. "Hello there!"

Huh....most tenno I met didn't like skulls I showed them, they felt morbid by my skulls and then walked away. At least there is some tenno who appreciate art of painting skulls He paused for a moment, catching his breath and then continued to speak: Just so you know; both the Valkyr and the Nyx really like kubrows. The valkyr even works at a kubrow kennel for lost and abounded kubrows. I will call over them, they shouldn't take too long to come to this room Fang said and put his left hand towards his left ear, calling his friends with his helmet.


"Those skulls are really eye candy."


*Odin looks at the skulls a little longer before looking at the Kubrow.


"Awesome Kubrow! Mind if I pet 'em?"

You really think that? Huh....I'm surprised that you didn't feel morbid by the skull. Most tenno would feel that anyway he said to Odin and resumed to chat with his friends with his helmet.

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