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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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((Its ok, take your time. I can wait :3))


I appreciate you kind feedback and you are welcome. I only followed my imagination and it created this master piece of mine. Well....another of my master piece that I personally have created Fang said as he started to remove the items and tables he used to paint the large kubrow skull.


Hitomi takes the skull and holds it up. "...I kinda miss the big goof ball. Almost as much as I miss Mag."


"Mag's going to be back, she's just out on a mission." Annie shrugged.


"Yeah, but it's a rescue mission. She's bad at rescue missions. And they don't take this long."


"No dear, that's you," Annie said, pulling her over into a hug.

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Celorn nodded as Larissa left, taking a seat next to his sleeping brother. Celorn slowly touches his younger brother's hand, gripping it slightly as to not wake him. "You will always be my younger brother Bel." Celorn whispered to himself, smiling. Unknown to him, Belrev did a smile of his own in his sleep.

Ben turns around to try something different. Then he sees to two brothers. he can't help but have a smile on his face and the feeling of missing something. when he was young there wasn't someone there for him. then he aimed his gun behind him. concentrated and shot 3 times, 2 hit the target the 3th one misses. "Almost" he says with a smile on his face.

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"When Bel was imprisoned, I searched for him for months along with our oldest brother Denger, and Bel's girl Shay. When I went missing Bel did the same for me. Although he was a bit more violent in finding me. We are lucky to have each other in conclusion." Celorn finished with a light pat to Belrev's shoulder.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"When Bel was imprisoned, I searched for him for months along with our oldest brother Denger, and Bel's girl Shay. When I went missing Bel did the same for me. Although he was a bit more violent in finding me. We are lucky to have each other in conclusion." Celorn finished with a light pat to Belrev's shoulder.

"I was a warden once, I know how ferocious Tenno can be." Points toward his mechanical leg.

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"I've heard of Tenno wardens before. In Bel's case there were Tenno wardens. Instead of making sure the bad Tenno don't leave the prison, they were the bad ones. They actually assisted the Grineer in taking random Tenno into the prison. Unfortunately my brother was one of those random Tenno." Celorn whispered with his fist tightened. He paused in reflection.

"How could they do that to my brother?"

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"I've heard of Tenno wardens before. In Bel's case there were Tenno wardens. Instead of making sure the bad Tenno don't leave the prison, they were the bad ones. They actually assisted the Grineer in taking random Tenno into the prison. Unfortunately my brother was one of those random Tenno." Celorn whispered with his fist tightened. He paused in reflection.

"How could they do that to my brother?"

"I'm sorry for your bother.' Ben sighs"I wasn't a tenno warden. I fought for the greneer. Until a tenno came in and pushed me to my limit, making me show my tenno powers. I did cost me my leg and an eye."

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Hitomi takes the skull and holds it up. "...I kinda miss the big goof ball. Almost as much as I miss Mag."


"Mag's going to be back, she's just out on a mission." Annie shrugged.


"Yeah, but it's a rescue mission. She's bad at rescue missions. And they don't take this long."


"No dear, that's you," Annie said, pulling her over into a hug.

I find rescue missions easier to do alone. The other tennos just ruin the stealth for me

That's because most of the tenno like to rush through it. It is more fun to do rescue missions with friends. Don't you agree Luna? Erida said and look at Luna.

Y-yeah....It is better with friends Luna said as she smiled behind her helmet.


Larissa enters the workshop, and searches around for the Vauban.


"Hello?" she says.

At first the workshop seemed to be empty and quiet. A moment later a Vauban appeared from top of a crate where he sat as he waited for Vauban. 

He walked towards Larissa and reached his hand toward her for a handshake. Ye most be the lady me friend Arthas was talkin' about. What can I repair for ye? the Vauban said in a very Scottish accent. This was the "special" thing Arthas hinted at.

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At first the workshop seemed to be empty and quiet. A moment later a Vauban appeared from top of a crate where he sat as he waited for Vauban. 

He walked towards Larissa and reached his hand toward her for a handshake. Ye most be the lady me friend Arthas was talkin' about. What can I repair for ye? the Vauban said in a very Scottish accent. This was the "special" thing Arthas hinted at.

"Oh, hello! Yes, Arthas sent me here." she pointed at various damaged parts of her suit, and pulled out the damaged helmet from her backpack.


"My equipment is badly damaged, and I'm in urgent need of repairs. I can't see without my helmet or my Sonar, and currently I can't use any abilities. I'm using this low quality backup helmet until my helmet is fixed. My Spectra is also having problems firing."

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I find rescue missions easier to do alone. The other tennos just ruin the stealth for me

That's because most of the tenno like to rush through it. It is more fun to do rescue missions with friends. Don't you agree Luna? Erida said and look at Luna.

Y-yeah....It is better with friends Luna said as she smiled behind her helmet.



"Yeah, doing rescues with random Tenno just get the target killed," Annie said. "I don't know how you can do those sorts of missions with people you don't know the movements of."

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A darkly colored Liset moves to land in the hangar of the Dojo. Once landed, a lone Excalibur would step out of the Liset. The Liset would look normal for the most part, other than a decal of a serpent wrapping itself around a blade, completely normal. The Tenno took in his surroundings in a very bored manner, taking in the stiff artificial air of the hangar bay. He fixes the ATTICA, which hung over his shoulder rifle-style as he closes the hatch of his Liset. He then proceeds to pull up a small console on his arm. He crosses off a few major Grineer and Corpus heads then watches the credits flow into one of his many accounts. He never trusted the Corpus with money, but he always gave them a -very- good reason to be careful with -his- money. 

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"Oh, hello! Yes, Arthas sent me here." she pointed at various damaged parts of her suit, and pulled out the damaged helmet from her backpack.


"My equipment is badly damaged, and I'm in urgent need of repairs. I can't see without my helmet or my Sonar, and currently I can't use any abilities. I'm using this low quality backup helmet until my helmet is fixed. My Spectra is also having problems firing."

The Scottish Vauban took a good look at her broken equipment and inspected them, one after one.

So ya see with ye sonar? That's pretty interstin' way of seein' things. The way ye tried to "fix" ye helmet was pretty ok, but hardly any good solution. Me will start with the helmet of ya and then the other thin's, so ya can see again. Wait in here while me fix ye helmet first madam he said as he helped her to a seat for her to sit down on. Before he actually started to fix her helmet, he knew that he forgot to tell her something important to her. So he went back to her and said: Sorry for not intreducin' me; I'm Jack, the Scottish Vauban. After he said that he returned to the work area and started immediately to fix her broken helmet.


"Yeah, doing rescues with random Tenno just get the target killed," Annie said. "I don't know how you can do those sorts of missions with people you don't know the movements of."

You could always guess by their behavior how they would probably do it. Although you don't get that much time to guess the tennos behavior.

Arthas then entered the garden, Luna and Erida waving to him.

Did you find the source of the sound?

I did actually. It was a cry for help by a silver and purple colored Banshee

So that what it was. I rarely see Banshee's in missions. Only in certain missions I can spot them

Same here...Its a real shame when you think about it. Since the Banshee warframe is good at control a great amount of enemies. Similar task that I as a Nyx gets in a group

Plus, they are really good at creating parties *chuckled* At least our Banshee friend likes to do that

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A darkly colored Liset moves to land in the hangar of the Dojo. Once landed, a lone Excalibur would step out of the Liset. The Liset would look normal for the most part, other than a decal of a serpent wrapping itself around a blade, completely normal. The Tenno took in his surroundings in a very bored manner, taking in the stiff artificial air of the hangar bay. He fixes the ATTICA, which hung over his shoulder rifle-style as he closes the hatch of his Liset. He then proceeds to pull up a small console on his arm. He crosses off a few major Grineer and Corpus heads then watches the credits flow into one of his many accounts. He never trusted the Corpus with money, but he always gave them a -very- good reason to be careful with -his- money.

Belrev slowly wakes up from his slumber, and notices his brother next to him. "Well well look who rose from the dead." Celorn joked, as he fist bumped his younger brother. "Yes I am back Cel. Obviously." The 23 year old replied, with a chuckle. The twins look at each other for a second.

"Let's spar brother." The twins said, as they got up from the bench. "We will be in the Dueling room Ben." They said to the Frost, as they left.

Making their way down the halls, Belrev pulls his brother into the hangar corridor. "What I forgot something." The younger Excalibur flatly said, as he walks forward. "C'mon hurry up Bel." Celorn groaned as he sped up to Belrev's side. As they walk they notice a fellow Excalibur user.

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The display in his helmet alerted him of people approaching and he turns to meet them. As the Tenno approach, he closes the console on his arm. His Excalibur looked old, Proto model no doubt. Over the symbol of the upside-down Lotus symbol, there is the same decal of a serpent wrapping itself around a blade. The Excalibur looked to the two Tenno as they got closer. 

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The Scottish Vauban took a good look at her broken equipment and inspected them, one after one.

So ya see with ye sonar? That's pretty interstin' way of seein' things. The way ye tried to "fix" ye helmet was pretty ok, but hardly any good solution. Me will start with the helmet of ya and then the other thin's, so ya can see again. Wait in here while me fix ye helmet first madam he said as he helped her to a seat for her to sit down on. Before he actually started to fix her helmet, he knew that he forgot to tell her something important to her. So he went back to her and said: Sorry for not intreducin' me; I'm Jack, the Scottish Vauban. After he said that he returned to the work area and started immediately to fix her broken helmet.

Larissa patiently waits for her equipment to be repaired.


Still wearing her backup helmet while Jack fixes the other, she messages Celorn letting him know that she got to the workshop alright, and to tell Belrev the same.


"Nice to meet you, Jack. Nice workshop you've got here." she says.

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The display in his helmet alerted him of people approaching and he turns to meet them. As the Tenno approach, he closes the console on his arm. His Excalibur looked old, Proto model no doubt. Over the symbol of the upside-down Lotus symbol, there is the same decal of a serpent wrapping itself around a blade. The Excalibur looked to the two Tenno as they got closer.

As the twins walk to a black and red Liset, Celorn does a polite wave as he passes the Excalibur. Meanwhile the younger brother Belrev, quickly studied the Excalibur and his current weapons as he walked. Celorn noticing a flash on his wrist, opened up a message from Larissa.

"Hey Bel, Larissa said she got to the workshop!" Celorn loudly called out to his younger brother, as Belrev himself entered the Liset. He calls back with a thumbs up, before disappearing into the Liset.

As Celorn waits for his brother to retrieve his items, he turns to the proto Excalibur. "Hello there stranger! I am Celorn." Celorn greeted, extending his hand for a shake.

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The Tenno looks over the Excalibur and bows his head slightly. "Greetings." His voice was low and had a heavy accent of the old British kind. There was a slight beep from the console on his arm but he ignores it as that would be rude whilest in the middle of a conversation. He takes the Excalibur's hand and shakes it firmly. "A pleasure."

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The Scottish Vauban took a good look at her broken equipment and inspected them, one after one.

So ya see with ye sonar? That's pretty interstin' way of seein' things. The way ye tried to "fix" ye helmet was pretty ok, but hardly any good solution. Me will start with the helmet of ya and then the other thin's, so ya can see again. Wait in here while me fix ye helmet first madam he said as he helped her to a seat for her to sit down on. Before he actually started to fix her helmet, he knew that he forgot to tell her something important to her. So he went back to her and said: Sorry for not intreducin' me; I'm Jack, the Scottish Vauban. After he said that he returned to the work area and started immediately to fix her broken helmet.


You could always guess by their behavior how they would probably do it. Although you don't get that much time to guess the tennos behavior.

Arthas then entered the garden, Luna and Erida waving to him.

Did you find the source of the sound?

I did actually. It was a cry for help by a silver and purple colored Banshee

So that what it was. I rarely see Banshee's in missions. Only in certain missions I can spot them

Same here...Its a real shame when you think about it. Since the Banshee warframe is good at control a great amount of enemies. Similar task that I as a Nyx gets in a group

Plus, they are really good at creating parties *chuckled* At least our Banshee friend likes to do that


Hitomi waved to Arthas as he returned. Annie sighed.


"Yeah, well, I like to know what they're doing before they get into my line of sight. Sometimes communication between Tenno in a mission does not go well."

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