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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"I know how it feels." Celorn sighed, as he prepares himself to tell a story.

"See Bel was taken into the Grineer prison, a year after he took out the Rogue Tenno that killed our father. So we searched for him, it lasted month's. Shay was going insane over this, Denger was leaving no stone unturned, and I… well I did some horrible things." Celorn stopped, catching his breathe, to speak more.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Hell even Bel's female assassin searched for him. They have this game they play, its complicated. So anyway Bel was in the prison with only a pair of pants on. He was publicly beaten, he had to kill Tenno who fought him, and he saw Tenno get executed by the Grineer captors. It was horrible for him. His reputation prior to the incarceration was well known, and dozens of Tenno searched for him. He and Arvia who he met there, broke out of their cells, freed the prisoners, and burned the prison down." Celorn explained, tightening his fists. "If you saw alot more Liset's in the sky, they were looking for Bel." He added in.

"He returned to us, bloody and his mind torn. He brought Arvia along, and we nearly cried tears of joy when he entered our Liset. I never felt so happy in my life." Celorn said, clasping his brother's hand.

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"I was trained to be a Serpentes since prior to my awakening...I remember nothing else other than the training we were given. We were exercised and conditioned to be emotionless assassins. With foes at the time, desperate times called for borderline sociopathic snipers, assassins, spies, and so on." A handful of us were originally put into cryopods. They said we were the Serpentes' "fail safe" assigning members to be put into stasis if our situation went too far South, which it did. I'm not even sure if there are any members left, or if they even remember if they were members to begin with..."    

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"When our father awoke from his cryopod, Vor nearly captured him, and the Stalker was his mortal enemy. Once our father died, both Vor and the Stalker aimed at Bel. It seems that everyone wants to kill the youngest son of the late Izalus. He was an Excalibur prime by the way. Bel told me the last time he and Stalker fought, this was hand to hand by the way, that he was taunting him about his father's death. I have no idea how Bel survived a hand to hand fight with the Stalker himself. And at a stalemate." Celorn finished, looking at Belrev warily.

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Belrev starts playing the video.

The video starts from a camera POV in a wrecked Grineer Galleon. It tracks the sounds from the other side of the metal door, loud thuds and roars erupting. The camera suddenly locks onto the visage of Belrev tackling Stalker through the metal door, the two of them tumbling down. They both get up and engage each other. Trading blow after blow, Belrev and the Stalker fight for dominance. Belrev's hits are fast and precise, as he lands blow after blow onto the Stalker's body. Belrev receives a flurry of hard hitting punches and kicks from the Stalker, countering with his own soon after. Cut to an hour later, Belrev crawls on the floor to the Stalker, who is kneeling holding his beaten arm. He disappears into a cloud of black smoke, leaving his usual message after defeat.

"I would show the in between parts, but it is far too bloody." Belrev flatly said.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Tech snaps out of his trance. How long had he just been staring into space? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months (about 1 in real time). It didn't matter.

"You feeling alright?" Asked Ara.

"Even I noticed you locked in a mindless stare Tech." Said Zien.

"I am...fine," came Tech's reply. "Just another...memory"

Things seemed different. There was a Nekros with painted skulls and, whoa that's alot of tenno. He could heard gunshots in the distance. The Valkyr that helped them on their mission was on his rock, meditating. There was a long pause from Tech before he said. "Ya know, I feel like shooting something. And I heard that this dojo has a combat simulator. So who wants to join me in some target practice?"

The others agreed to his proposal.

"Then it's settled. Let's go!"

So the group of 4 headed toward the nearest simulation room.

As they arrived, they select their weapons and mod preferences, and began to hone their aim before daring to attempt anything "cool".

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The repairing of her Spectra didn't take that long as her helmet did. He gave it to Larissa and then said: Anythin' else me should repair?.


Thats true I guess. It can different from tenno to tenno who can understand these mute tennos. Personally I don't know any mute ones, but I wish that someone was mute, because his tricking get on my nerves Fang said passive-aggressive as he indirectly said this tenno that he vaguely mentioned.


Nice to meet you two. My name is Erida.


Now her friends started to get curious on who Erida was speaking with, so they all decided to walk toward her.

So you must be the tenno Erida was speaking of. My name is Arthas. The Nekros is Fang and the Nyx is Luna Arthas said as he looked at Belrev and then the other ones.

Whats up



"Maybe you could find a way to give him layrengitus?" Hitomi asked, shrugging slightly.


Annie walked over about that time. "We gotta go, Tomi. Kiesh's found a lead."


"Really? Do we know where she is?"


"No clue, but it's something." Annie nodded her head to the others. "It was nice meeting you all."


Hitomi bowed once more. "Good bye! It was fun. Thank you again for painting the skull, Fang!"


With that the Mesa and Nova walked off, both Kubrows in tow.

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Remus quickly closes the console on his arm as the other Tenno approached. He gave a simple bow of the head to Erida. "Lithron, Remus of the Sanguinem Serpentes. A pleasure." 

Erida, just Erida. I guess that you are a friend to Belrev or am I making that up?



"Nice to meet you Arthas. You too Fang." Belrev said in a calm tone. "Luna. Hello there." Belrev smiled softly, looking at the three Tenno.

"Erida spoke of me?" Belrev asked curiously.

Indeed she has. She has even talked about your two kubrows that you have and how they both are cute, but she says that to every kubrow she sees Arthas said and chuckled.



"Maybe you could find a way to give him layrengitus?" Hitomi asked, shrugging slightly.


Annie walked over about that time. "We gotta go, Tomi. Kiesh's found a lead."


"Really? Do we know where she is?"


"No clue, but it's something." Annie nodded her head to the others. "It was nice meeting you all."


Hitomi bowed once more. "Good bye! It was fun. Thank you again for painting the skull, Fang!"


With that the Mesa and Nova walked off, both Kubrows in tow.

Fang bowed and said: Once again; You are welcome.

Erida, Luna and Arthas waved goodbye to Hitomi and Annie


She thanks him for fixing the Spectra.


"My Warframe itself currently can't store energy, thanks to an overload. I need it repaired, if you wouldn't mind." she says, taking the Spectra.

Me see...Have heard that reason before Jack said and approached her, slowly inspecting her warframe.

Me will do the repair while ye wear ye warframe, it its easier for me. Me sorry in advance if me touch you in sensitive places he said as he grabbed his repair tool and started to repair the broken energy system on her back, being gently as possible so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

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Me see...Have heard that reason before Jack said and approached her, slowly inspecting her warframe.

Me will do the repair while ye wear ye warframe, it its easier for me. Me sorry in advance if me touch you in sensitive places he said as he grabbed his repair tool and started to repair the broken energy system on her back, being gently as possible so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, you're fine." she assures him.

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"Don't worry, you're fine." she assures him.

Thank for the clarification. Judgin' by the damage on ye warframe, it shouldn't take that lon' to repair Jack said as his steady hand holding the repair tool, slowly but surely repairing the broken energy system on her warframe. Sparks could occasionally be seen from his repair tool when he repaired.


Remus shrugs to Erida. "I suppose you could say that, yes."

I see....Well it doesn't matter to me. As long as you are being friendly to me Erida said as she was fine with the half-friendship relation.


"They are indeed cute." Belrev said to Arthas,then did a nod.

"So now that we all met, want to adventure around the dojo later?" Celorn asked to everyone present.

Fang rolled his head in a half circle, then he look at Celorn and said: Why not, I'm deadly bored anyway.

Here I though you didn't like to include puns in your meanings? Arthas said in a smug way.

Only this time I felt like to that. Don't judge me Fang said passive-aggressive to Arthas.


Luna and Erida giggled at how funny Arthas and Fang behaved, but that was no surprise for them since they both almost saw every mini-conflict between Arthas and Fang each day. Sometime though those mini-conflicts would grow into a normal conflict, but it was nothing too serious, mostly of the time. 

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